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Posts posted by 1874tilpresent

  1. From what I could tell, there was more than ten police on the Morton side of the station, whereas there was only one I could see on the Glasgow destination, despite the platform being eight deep with Jags fans and the queue way out the gate.


    The polis expecting the local neddery to turn up for shenanigans makes so much sense now. But we're all soft souls in red and yellow.


    Travelling back up to Dundee on the other hand, the bus was stuck in Broxden for half an hour whilst the police were called to eject two abusive Celtic fans. Classy!


    FTOF - Lol.


    Seem to come out the woodwork in this town more than any other. It's horrible.

  2. It's an interesting question. I'll shout myself hoarse calling players and referees names, and still remember getting a look of shock from Fat Sally McCoist when I yelled at him to eff off. So that's alright to me.


    But I know if I was in a crowd that started racist abuse I would leave immediately, and reconsider returning. And I'd do the same if it was homophobic.


    It's that fine line between what is acceptable and what isn't. This is an adult sport for adults to attend and the crowds reflect that. Old Firm fans are disparaged for being '90-minute bigots'. Chanting 'Greenock's a *****hole' is OK. There's a line of acceptability that everyone must choose.


    You pretty much said what I was pathetically attempting to say.


    Football is a different sport in terms of 'banter' to other sports. Half the things spouted at football would cause an uproar in, Hockey, for example. It's way more aggressive and things are said by fans which they'de probably never say outside a football ground in their normal lives.


    Right or wrong? I'm not in a power to decide, but does it take away an atmospheric edge in football? Probably.


    As you said, it's a fine line between banter and prejudism/stereotyping et al.

  3. It was well noted by Jags fans. We all joked that half the *****'s that were at the station had come down from their hash farms for a bit of a break that is the monotony of being a Greenock resident with no job or any future !


    We refer to them as the 'Old Firm' brigade. Always come out if we do well, to appear at the station and join in. St Mirren fans ripped them a new one the last time and it escalated pretty badly.


    Glad no-one was hurt this time around.

  4. Neon orange and neon lime. He knew he'd made a mistake as soon as he ventured down to the platform, and quickly hid himself :D


    Why didn't Hardie start? Just because of fitness? I think maybe the outcome would have been different if he had played the whole game. Thank feck for us he didn't!


    Good lord. Lol.


    Nope, he was dying to play but we won 4-0 away to Airdrie and Moore didn't want to change the team. Thistle are a different animal from Airdrie and although I love his loyalty, at times, he needs to do the right thing. Hardie should never be dropped in games like this.

  5. As I said attention seeking !

    You'll probably get slated for your comment but I actually agree.


    It's not right to be slated for it but SURELY he knows what football crowds are like....if I was in a position where I was different I'd turn it into an advantage and probably wind people up. Football players need to be thick-skinned no matter their situation. It's a different world in football.

  6. I meant to add.


    That doesn't mean it's right - I'm just saying it's how football crowds seem to go about business. Unfortunately, slagging a gay player wouldn't bring arrests as such as would slagging an Asian or black player for beliefs or race or religion.

  7. If a gay footballer played against us, he would get completely victimised.


    Absolutely nothing to do with sexuality though, just hoping it put him off. Any honest football fan would probably admit their team would also do this.


    If any Morton player came out saying they were gay, I'd be absolutely disgusted if any fans or colleagues had a problem with this. It's 2013 ffs.

  8. Not much good to anyone at today's game m8.


    We have been shafted financially beyond belief tryng to meet the SPL criteria in the past.


    It beggars belief that Morton could possibly play in the SPL next season.


    This is something St Mirren, Thistle and many other clubs should sue there arses over should the Ton reach the SPL !


    I hold no personel grudge against Morton in any way.


    Nah, I know mate.


    Our away facilities are awful. Especially if raining.


    But like I said above, we are in a position where we don't require loans and agreements with financial aid if we go up. Most of it through luck and generosity but who would complain?

  9. Fair enough but you'll still need three other stands. I got numb feet being wedged into those seats, and the old yin sitting behind me had his seat collapse just as the penalty was given (and no, not because he was overly portly).


    It would have been a fine place, a hundred years ago.


    I've sat in the stand once, felt like I had arthritis the next day.


    The WDE is a great place to watch football, once the stand has been put in place, no worries there. You're the only club I think to even have the WDE open this season. Ton-Thistle games make it worthwhile.


    Our stadium will be upto scratch easily if we win the league. Our main worry is our 'bowling green' of a pitch. Mark Farrell is easily the best groundsman in this entire country, albeit former groundsman of the Loch Lomond Golf course so he obviously knows what he's doing - but we have to dig that up for undersoil heating and the pitch may then become a worry as it's taken a while to get to the condition it's in, which is why Scotland regularly request to train on it.


    People have to also remember, Douglas Rae has a serious amount of wealth behind him. Since farming 'Millions' to America and god knows how many other sweets he sells, he very well off.


    The Easdales, who were at the game today again and are paying for McMenamin, own all the taxi companies in Invercylde and own McGills bus company and just bought Arriva for 15mil.


    The Largs lottery winners who are forever in attendance, won 161mil and would easily help out, according to reports.

  10. Agreed. Went to school with Norris and he's a H*n but thought he was ok apart from the no booking decision against welsh. Need to see the handball yet however.


    Murray, get to ****, if you can't control yourself when ur 30 odd then ur done. Goodnight.


    I copied a video on one of the topics, it's really easy to spot it in fairness and the 2 players behind him drop their heads in reaction.


    The foul on Welsh must be the O'Brien lunge I referred to. Welsh kinda put his hand up to say it wasn't as bad as it looked, mega fair play to him and O'Brien didn't get booked.


    Another massive compliment to Welsh....I'm sure it was him again - where a kid near the front threw a coin at him and he walked over and gave it to another kid at the front, or sent the ref over. Didn't see it correctly but how many players go down screaming to the heavens pretending it was a bullet that was aimed at them. Fair play to the dude on all levels.

    • Like 1
  11. Yes you're right, the lack of protest by our players says it all I suppose.


    Just look at the difference between Murray and Hardie - I and many others were giving the ex-Jag pelters and it didn't affect him - or if it did pushed him to play better, not lose it and try to stick the heid on someone. I shuddered when I saw him come on at half time, I expected him to score again.


    I didn't quite get the Hardie fascination when he played against us.


    God do I get it now. Without him, we'd be nowhere. The influence he has on Fred and Tidser is beyond belief and the goals he scores from midfield are vital to us. Was disappointed he didn't start.

  12. Will not dispute any of your observations.

    Banter between the fans 1st class. Cartsdyke station will long live in my memory. The guy in the opal fruit trackie was class lol ! Watching him hide behind his mates was class.

    Good advert for 1st division football.

    I avoid the station at all costs. The locals nearby decide to venture down, half of them couldn't even tell you who play for Morton. Kinda wish I seen this fashion statement people are referring too. Sounds hilarious.


    I guess with your lot it'd have been more banter than the crap with St Mirren - constant bricks, bottle, darts et al flying about.

  13. Fox really should have done better with the first goal, to be honest. And his kicking was Kenny Arthur-esque all day.


    Still can't tell if that was a penalty or not. I didn't see it at the time. Still, we'd have been screaming for it at the other end, I suppose.


    Was Murray such an easily riled idiot when he was with St Mirren? No wonder you lay into him.


    Edited to add - Maybe with his back turned, the referee didn't see the Morton player violently throw the ball at him, but that also managed to elude BOTH linesmen? And that's not a sending off offence anymore?


    He wasn't, but he wasn't the most abused target. God, I wish we knew how easy he was to rile up.


    If you check the youtube video, the handball is clear as day. Fox and the defender kinda just shook their heads and put their hands on their hips.


    Yeah, Tidser was VERY silly. Easily his best game he's played against Thistle, could have been booked or sent off had that throw went anywhere near the ref.

  14. and how crap was he at the 1st goal as well? Having said that we had every man back for the free kick & McDonald got a free hit with nobody blocking him. Lesson should have been learned from the 1st half free kick that hit the bar. Poor defending by all

    I noticed this on 4 free kicks. We squared it and everytime it went flying towards goal.


    I've never in my life of supporting Morton seen this as successful as it was today.


    Who was charging it down?

    • Like 1
  15. I think the officials have been poor in all encounters and have not been consistent enough. I genuinely believe the decisions haven't affected the outcome of any match with the obvious exception - the Firhill game.


    Craig's 'foul' on our keeper was a huge turning point. Although I believe Forbes deserved to be sent off as he had 7/8 fouls before being sent off. Cannot argue with that.


    At Cappielow, if Thistle played with anyone bar Murray, this whole season may have panned out different. His contribution to our success against you has been ridiculous.

  16. Looks like P and B has been down since the game finished so maybe explains why we are getting a few on here!

    I mentioned instantly that I wasn't here to wind anyone up. Nothing to do with p&b and I stand by what I said.


    If we do not go up, I'd be pissed off if it wasn't Thistle. The crowd, the football, the games between both teams - we've not had that with the Pars, they're boring and lacking in support.

  17. 1) Then comes the handball- haven't seen it but lack of protests suggest that he put his hands up & was a penalty.



    2) Then the foul/incident in which he saw red. He's practically assaulted by the Morton player. It should have been a yellow card for him but the ref takes no action. He then chose, wrongly to take it himself.


    3) All 3 missed Tidser throwing the ball at the ref, that sums up today's officiating for me.



    1. Blatant handball. Check the video.


    2. McDonald barged him off the ball, Murray said something to him and McDonald laughed. Murray motioned a headbutt but only got booked as did McDonald. Murray had lost it by this point. No excuses.


    3. Totally agree.


    The other one you missed was O'Brien's challenge on Welsh? Bad lunge and could have really hurt him. One of them ones, totally accidental, daft forwards challenge, miscontrols and tries to win it back and lunges.....I couldn't believe he wasn't booked.

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  18. Said a few months back that if Hardie kept fit he could be the difference at the end of the season. If we had signed him I reckon the league would be over by now!

    He's won us far too many games to even think about how far we'd be behind without him.


    His most important role is his influence on Tidser. He's been like a new signing this season with his new-found ability to attack.

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