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  1. Young Robert really enjoyed going to concerts and thankfully he managed to get to quite a lot. In 2009 with the help of a charity that was started by ex goalie Bob Wilson and his wife, we got to a Coldplay concert at Hampden. The charity sent us tickets and also arranged for us to meet Coldplay before the concert. They spent about 15 minutes chatting and getting photos with us and also signing Robert's concert programme. I have nothing but praise for them to take the time to meet a fan and his parents just before they went on stage at a sell out concert. Below is one of the many photos we took that day, that shows us with the band. It was a very enjoyable concert and a great memory.
    9 points
  2. Norge has been the power behind so much of our merch-based fundraising. A great example of what you can do as a “Nomad” far from Firhill to support the wider Thistle community. But the success of this initiative is also a shared success of TJF working with the Club and its core commercial partners. There was, after all, a time when certain former custodians of the Club told us they didn’t need or want fan fundraising through our members organisation. To make this work, we needed the Club to make the representations to the football governing bodies to get special dispensation to be able to register the kit. They got on with it and got that done. Simply wouldn’t have happened 2 years ago. We needed the Club and Women’s Committee to make sure the kit sponsors were happy to forego their prominence for one game. They got it done. They got on board. The sponsors all “understood the assignment”. Our informal target was to sell 400 tops. I suspected that was a little ambitious. I have a track record for pessimism (as one of your Fan Reps on the Club Board, Allan McGraw will testify on TJF membership numbers). But the whole TJF board and the Club’s media teams really pushed promotion on this and it paid off. I don’t know how many Thistle kits Greaves sells a season, but I reckon 530 for a one-off design is pretty good going for a fanbase our size, mid-season. Most heartening of all? All the new members for whom this was the final wee nudge to get signed up. TJF is now an 1800 member organisation with over 100 new members in the last month. Lots of new TJF wristbands out in the post to our junior members this week too, which is great to see. TJF members now make up about 7 in 10 beneficiaries of the PTFC Trust, which shows you how broad a reach we now have into the wider fanbase. Let’s keep going up to 2000 and beyond! Monthly “pledged” income now up several hundred pounds on the summer, making our increased pledges from the summer a realistic and repeatable reality. This will also help us to put on more events for members and the wider fanbase, making being a Jags fan fun even when the product on the pitch isn’t (yet) where it needs to be. I want to thank all our members for your support. And I know tops and pins aren’t for everyone. But we’ve got ideas for future fundraising merch well into the new year. So keep tabs on the socials!
    8 points
  3. Absolute scenes at Peasy as Partick Thistle eliminate the Scottish Cup holders! What. A. Result. Our top level youth class of '24 mark the 75th Scottish Cup match with the club's best-ever result in the competition, knocking out the holders for the first-time ever! Last knocked out Rangers in 1991 and ran to the semi finals… Partick Thistle in the Scottish Youth Cup →
    7 points
  4. What a fantastic support today these young boys and girls carried this team over the line it's a treat to hear them sing
    6 points
  5. Agree with this, with the cautionary note that one must be careful of the impact on impressionable young minds. My 3 year old granddaughter’s report from nursery was something like: ”Friendly personality. Relates well to staff and other children. Conversation developing. Doesn’t like Airdrie.”
    6 points
  6. the ref took care of that by sending off one of that lot
    6 points
  7. As this topic approaches it's 10th anniversary, the 235 pages are a constant delight. Fantastic foaties, marvellous memories, amusing anecdotes; so my thanks again to Jaggernaut for kicking things off. Dipping into any page at random is a reminder of just why we are all Jags' fans...
    5 points
  8. Johnny was my very first football hero. When he turned 80 in 2005 I penned a short article in the Telegraph celebrating his birthday and making mention of the puskas comment. His daughter subsequently wrote to me saying my jottings had reached Johnny in tiree and that he was 'pleased as punch..' maybe the jags' finest ever player? That's another argument...
    5 points
  9. OK, here's mine, along with my collection (going back a few years) of other Thistle pins. The reason the Duffy pin looks different is because I had to print out a portrait shape backing card for it to fit and the ink is fading.
    5 points
  10. My fear is if we leave it too late we end up missing out on a decent manager like Ian Murray or Rhys McCabe which gives the board an easy excuse to appoint Brian Graham. I have no problem with someone like Murray or McCabe appointing Graham as their assistant manager which would be their sole choice- no problem if they chose not to do so. But Graham shoehorned in as manager which I can forsee happening is completely unacceptable as far as I am concerned and shows we have learned nothing
    5 points
  11. Great to see the Hansen brothers on the pitch.
    4 points
  12. If that comes to pass, Graham will probably get fired after one or two seasons; that's the kind of action that some "supporters" seem to want these days. It seems to me that for some supporters it's okay to shout for denial of income for people (and their families) who are trying to do their best to get good results for the team. club, and supporters. How would they feel about being in the same situation? Must we believe that these people are perfect in their jobs (if they have one) and never go through a period when things are going less well than planned? We're not doing well right now; but for Ch*****'s sake let's show some patience, and support. If things gets truly dire (not one game or even a handful, but a long series), then let's look again.
    4 points
  13. Beautifully written tribute on the club website embedded into our two Peter Cormack pages... Peter Cormack (player) → Peter Cormack (manager) → Couple of our tweets from today...
    4 points
  14. A huge thank you to all the members who purchased a top. 530 sold which is way above our expectations, we will get orders finalized with O’Neills tomorrow and get these in our members hands before Xmas Thank you again
    4 points
  15. The players and their families have been happy with them so far G. The club is also delighted with the 5 figure sum it’s put in the coffers of the club.
    4 points
  16. It doesn't look like the suggestion that JJ starts a new thread where he can argue his points will be taken up. Can I suggest the next time a thread is high-jacked someone start a new thread and copy the first wayward post in to it. Then the discussion with JJ can carry on there. I thought about doing it this time but missed the opportunity for a timely intervention and the thread has just wandered since.
    4 points
  17. 4 points
  18. 4 of these guys may be called Coldplay, but the other 3 are the coolest dudes in the room!
    4 points
  19. I’d give Dools until Christmas to see if he can turn things round. He’s done well for us up till now, I’m not in favour of knee-jerk managerial changes after 7 games of the league season. Our squad has potential, we just need to find the best formation.
    4 points
  20. https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/news/uefa-pro-licence-spotlight-kris-doolan/?rid=13929
    4 points
  21. Thistle only team from Glasgow to win this weekend. Draws for Celtic, Queen's Park and Rangers, Clyde and St Mirren all lost. What a team!
    3 points
  22. 😀😀 How's the cargo going down Bobby?
    3 points
  23. You may well be right. Only given our form a home draw against the league leaders could be seen as a creditable performance. Probably indicate improvement over recent results. However, no matter if improvement or not, not scoring goals and creating few chances could well signal managerial consequences. Put another way another goalless draw could well be seen in a worse light than a high scoring defeat.
    3 points
  24. Roberts Megwa O'Reilly Ashcroft Milne Turner McBeth Chalmers Robinson Fitzpatrixk Graham
    3 points
  25. We have a lot to thank Ian McCall for, but unfortunately his time came to an end and very few can argue that Doolan got better results with the same squad. All the best to McCall, unless he comes up against Thistle and he does a 'Clyde' on us again.
    3 points
  26. Whereever you stand on whether Doolan should be given more time, or not, - I suspect that no one actually disagrees that the manager and team are underperforming.
    3 points
  27. I thought there was improvement from our last home game despite losing out on a couple of points. Livi look a better outfit than the Pars. However we continue to make very few scoring chances. Problems by and large are all of an attacking nature. In contrast I thought McBeth broke up play well protecting the back four, who in turn looked comfortable defensively. We just seem no further forward in the advanced areas. No penetration thru midfield and little co-ordination in attack. As a generalisation it's often the case the manager gets over criticised whilst the players get off lightly. But our problems are very much down to the management. We've got midfielders and forwards with proven ability. I think today's goalie, back four and defensive mid look fine. It's up to Doolan to select five further up the field to compete in a far more effective manner. Time is fast running out.
    3 points
  28. Here is mine with a different solution to the Duffy header challenge. Lots more space to fill! I hope this works. I am also trying to attach a photo of the signed Stevie Lawless shirt from the WeAreThistle sponsorship last year. Thank you again to all who contributed to this. I must say that I like having this on the wall. The name “Lawless” gives the impression that I am a sort of nihilistic threat to the established order.
    3 points
  29. Finally got the board up on the wall with all the pin badges on it. Looks brilliant, with plenty of extra space still to fill. I have quite a few work meetings on Zoom and having the pin badges on the wall behind me invites questions and gives me an excuse to talk about Thistle (if any excuse were needed)!
    3 points
  30. That's all well and good, but what's the strategy to maximize income and make a profit, without relying on one individual's benevolence, and why isn't McCall still in charge, and what are the current board going to actually do instead of having their cosy wee meetings to decide on who'll be the next manager from within, and why were losses hidden, and why is the club going to the dogs, and why........ Oops, Sorry, wrong thread!
    3 points
  31. You could always try quoting the full sentence and the one immediately after that. "If this claim were true, we would expect to see a Director of Football at the Club, actually responsible for the recruitment of both the men’s and women’s teams. No such Director of Football exists or has ever existed." Your claim was false. Yet again, a massive piece of overinterpretation, misrepresentation and augmentation of a statement. Full context of what Levi said: This was a generic remark made against the backdrop of ensuring better co-ordination between different facets of the Club. It is literally about "'off-field' operations" not the recruitment strategies or footballing personnel of the men's and women's teams. It's about ensuring that the disparate groups under the brand "Partick Thistle" work productively together, and better align their respective activities so they are complementary rather than in competition. There is absolutely no suggestion of the football recruitment activities of the two teams being merged. None whatsoever. There is absolutely no suggestion of "the integration of the women's team" being prioritised over the men's team. Literally none. You've made it up. Like you always do.
    3 points
  32. Why not start a seperate thread? Then all your points can be made and answered if people wish to engage. When you hi-jack a thread you force people who are wishing to engage on that subject to read your point of view which often quickly veers away from whatever is being discussed. Or maybe that is your intention?
    3 points
  33. The way I see it is either we have a squad of good players and the manager isn’t getting the best out of them, or we have a squad of diddies who the manager has assembled. Either way, it’s down to the manager. We can’t risk waiting till the end of the first quarter. Does anyone really see anything changing for the better in the next few weeks? Now is the time for change.
    3 points
  34. Standings after Men's First Round lady-isobel-barnett, (24 correct predictions), leads Very Bitter Jag (23) particktheunderdog in third (12/12 seeding points) Men's Second Round draw tomorrow evening. Women's First Round matches next weekend.
    3 points
  35. Hope you don’t mean first 40mins as in 3pm til 3.40pm? 😋
    2 points
  36. Funny how people love to moan about Bannigan when yet again he's our best midfielder.
    2 points
  37. And so to the 170th (!) instance of Thistle & Scotland playing on the same day; check out the full lists via the link below. Always remember, the Thistle IS the flower of Scotland, we hope and pray for another one of these fine winning doubles... Thistle & Scotland on the same day →
    2 points
  38. Why would he get sacked after that? It was rubbish. I think he has the next three games. Based on what I'm watching I'd not be upset if he left. I am over the Rubicon on that one. He's a great guy but i can't watch that shite for much longer.
    2 points
  39. What I was suggesting was this. That if people blocked certain posters, those posters would become frustrated at receiving no responses, and would stop posting. Hope this helps.
    2 points
  40. Who had “Blame it on Women’s team” on their JJ bingo card? Having a women’s team encourages our biggest untapped fan market to get involved in football and our club, females. It is not on an equal standing as the men’s team. - Men’s team are full time and paid handsomely for it. - Women’s team train part time and are not paid a salary, they get basic expenses and all have “real jobs” - Women’s team fund themselves, find their own sponsorship The women’s game is rightly on the up, not just in Scotland but across Europe, as a fan base we should be embracing this. Not only is it another branch of the club to support it’s a gateway for families to get involved in the club, as well as females of all ages. I know fans that started coming to Firhill because they’d previously went to the Women’s games, so it works. Because the club wants to involve females, charities and the broader community is the correct thing to do, and ultimately being part of the community grows the club.
    2 points
  41. Brian Graham will score goals if chances are made. Our problem is we make almost no chances currently. From what I have seen this season there is only one game where we have created chances that I would have expected Graham to score and that was against an exceptionally poor Queens Park. His involvement with the Women's team is so unlikely to be a factor that I find it crazy to think its being mentioned. That being said if Ablade was fit I wouldn't be adverse to giving him a go as sole striker just to provide Graham a rest. Diack isn't ready to start and putting Diack in means we persevere with the same style of play. whereas Ablade means we need to change.
    2 points
  42. From what I have seen (just the home games) it has been bursts of individualism rather than 11 guys working in a co-ordinated fashion.
    2 points
  43. The performance last week was poor, no improvement this week and now scoring less than 1 goal a game. We had a great chance today to close the gap at the top with Falkirk losing. the formation isn’t right, the midfield has never been right and creativity has gone. It’s not clear Dolan knows what’s wrong never mind what knowing how to fix it. the peg is very loose
    2 points
  44. Pity Levi Gill didn’t say so in his notes, but good news nevertheless
    2 points
  45. Right, you ba5tards, I've got a tail gunner now. So you'd better join up or you're getting it! Hope I've pitched that about right. Thanks ptd 😊
    2 points
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