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About lady-isobel-barnett

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  1. That's surely the other ten players? Not the sole job of the defenders but all players around the penalty area.
  2. Agree. Only point I'm making is that tho' Bannigan has been performing well in recent months, other players haven't been taking advantage of this. Put another way Stuart is doing his job as a link up midfielder but the players who are receiving the ball are doing hee haw with it. Hardly Bannigan's fault. As for receiving a new contract we've got to redress the age of squad. And tho' there's a strong case for retaining an auld heid or two he didn't exactly do his case much good yesterday. Tho' I guess the same can be said about his captain the week before.
  3. Bannigan has been our most consistent player over recent months. A subjective opinion but one widely held. That just highlights the problem. When he was at his best Stuart was rarely MotM. More often than not second or third best player, less noticeably helping others win that accolade. Recently he's just been a regular MotM as nobody else has stood out. For all his decent play nobody else has really benefitted from it.
  4. This is something that shouldn't happen but does, and will continue to do so here and at other similar sized clubs. A manager needs a striker. Has a straight choice between a seasoned player with a reasonable goal scoring record and a younger as yet unproven lad with all the potential to score at a considerably higher rate. We all know the manager will sign the former. He needs an instant return to keep himself in a job. Similar with other positions. Building a better squad for subsequent seasons would be a noble cause, but he'd likely be doing all that for his successor. It's ironic then that as often as not a club will appoint a manager purely on the grounds of perceived potential. A complete novice to management. With Britton/Whyte, McNamara, Archibald & Doolan we're no stranger to that policy. You can argue (probably correctly) that Doolan has had enough time to get things right. He's no longer a novice. But you can also argue along the lines that if take a worker off the shop floor and stick him with no training straight into management then his chances of success are remote. I'm not sure what the answer is. There's certainly not many experienced managers (available) doing the rounds with a successful track record. I'm sure Brian Graham would get the squad fired up and maybe in the short term get results. That'll be good enough to get him the gig full time. After that, who knows. Just the way it seems to go.
  5. Raith were first to just about every free ball. Bad enough but we then didn't even compete for the second ball, which is inexcusable. I can understand how this game could come too early for the new left back. So mystifying tho' he's suddenly OK to play in the second half but not the first. Don't know if Martin getting booked at the end of the first half was why he was subbed but Crawford replaces him and lasts 9 mins till he's on a yellow. Could argue with 1876's post in that I think the Dick Campbell team that finished 4th in the third tier was worse than the present shower. Wouldn't feel so comfortable arguing that we currently have a team with more fight than back in the Bunnet era.
  6. A lot depends on Adeloye's state of fitness. At face value a good signing for Morton but he may not be up to speed for a time.
  7. RIP, Bobby. A sad loss. by coincidence I'm awaiting delivery of Bobby's autobiography "The Scout: The Bobby Dinnie Story". I'm sure it'll be a very good read
  8. So he's injured but thankfully not with frostbite.
  9. https://ptfc.co.uk/ptfc-news/josh-reid-joins-on-loan-from-ross-county/
  10. https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/unacceptablecollection.png
  11. Fine down at Stranraer but torrential rain heading up to Ayr. Sure it was that game.
  12. Said in jest, I know, but the players wages will indeed be determined by an individual basic wage plus win bonus, appearance money. In addition our final league place could also trigger a further bonus. There's also signing on fees, occasionally relocation expenses and sometimes automatic contract extensions (games played threshold). Every club will operate under different criteria Basically what I'm saying is it's extremely difficult to know who is on what and just as hard to compare wages from club to club.
  13. Think that's 5-0 game at Stranraer and definitely Aiden Fitzpatrick. Dreadful conditions driving home that night.
  14. Seen MacKay often enough to know he is a good player. But even a good wide player can struggle to make an impact if a team lacks decent link up play. So there's every chance Dan may not have made a considerable difference. On balance tho' with Fitzpatrick & Chalmers having too many off days plus Wee Stevie not back to pre injury standard, I rather feel that MacKay has been a significant loss. Btw I kinda side with you in so much as I don't think our below par performances have been down to woeful individual displays as much as to plain poor teamwork in general. So I tend to stay away from scapegoating players. Even when the likes of Logan and Aiden have been ineffective the general play of the team as a whole has been poorer. So even tho' I'm not wanting Doolan to be sacked or believe he should be I still feel the lion's share of blame should be laid at his door.
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