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About BowenBoys

  • Birthday 07/12/1955

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  1. I'm sure that we would all agree that everyone, regardless of ability, should have freedom to access Firhill. If someone requires assistance then they can bring a carer. It seems logical to me that both tickets are linked to the disabled person's account. It means that they are in control of their freedom of movement. In some cases the carer might not always be the same person. In some cases, of course, specialist care may be required which only one particular carer can provide. I don't know what your personal circumstances are @Lenziejag and nor is it any of my business to know. It seems that your particular issues i.e. incompatible phone operating systems; inability to find a photo on your phone; inconvenience of sharing a phone at the turnstile, could possibly be eased by contacting the club's Disability Officer. There may be a workaround within the new system that they can help with.
  2. I have a monthly subscription with PTFC TV which I use whenever I'm away in Vpnland. I continued to pay my subscription through the summer. Have just got home from work and logged in to my account to find that I'm expected to pay £12 to watch this afternoon's game. No thanks.
  3. Thanks AJ. That holiday seems a long time ago. Time for another. Cambodia next weekend and home just in time to head to Munich. Gotta make hay at my age 🙂
  4. Final standings Congratulations again Very Bitter Jag. Thanks to all for playing. See y'all in the autumn.
  5. But Barrow are a poor team in a town miles from anywhere decent. Oh... wait a minute...
  6. Got a couple of these printed. Going to order some more on Monday for folk at work. If you want one, PM me over the weekend.
  7. All remaining contenders made exactly the same predictions. So, without a ball being kicked in the finals, we have a winner. Congratulations Very Bitter Jag. A great debut. Thanks to all for taking part. Final standings will be posted on Sunday.
  8. One set of predictions by PM: [dramatic pause] BILL.H - HH
  9. 3 hours to the deadline. Keeping me in suspense, @Very Bitter Jag ?
  10. I'm afraid that wanting them both to lose is not unique. Welcome to the decent football supporter's club.
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