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Third Lanark

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  1. Apparently Dunachie can play as a defender and a striker. Maybe we should sign him given we are looking for both - a kind of 2 for 1. Would think we could easily pay higher wages than Clyde for a start
  2. Out of likes but very good points you make
  3. I’ve noticed a few are saying that we need time for new players to gel. Must remember we are not the only team that has signed a load of new players though. Clyde for instance have brought in a number of new players and so has most if not every team
  4. That’s several times you have done this with your in the know patter. Either reveal who they are or if you don’t want to name them say nothing. Either way give your in the know but won’t say anything a rest please
  5. You said you were happy with the opposition manager winning which meant us losing. You should never be happy with us losing
  6. Happy that we have potentially lost a good payday? Happy that a club that hates our guys is having a laugh at our expense tonight. Have a word with yourself
  7. I have concerns about Williams as well. The guy is a gent, coolness personified- but if he is not good enough at defending which he is paid to do then what’s the point?
  8. We need money to bring in players and we have just likely lost that
  9. Agreed appalling from Ashcroft (he was also at fault for goal 2) but even more appalling at the first from Mitchell. Why do we always have such error prone goalkeepers
  10. That was the league. But we also scored an own goal vie a pass back against them in the league cup as well. absolutely shocking given they have not had a shot on goal and now it injuries our keeper - jury put on mccready. Such a stupid and unnecessary goal to lose has potential to lose us a decent amount of cash from progressing through the league cup
  11. Does anyone know where Clyde are getting the money from? I can’t believe a team who finished second bottom of league 2, who have no home stadium and are allegedly part time have been able to assemble the players they have
  12. Where on earth are they getting the money from? They have signed Robson from Queens Park, Connell from Killie. Are they full time? Must have far more money than any any other league 2 club but don’t know how they have managed to do so
  13. Have they been that slow? 3 or 4 years ago our total season tickets would have been about 1900. Im sure we are a bit over 2000 now
  14. When Archie was in charge we allegedly offered £150,000 to Ayr for shankkand when we were in the championship. I think footballing wise £100,000 is probably a steal for Port Vale- would have loved us to have been able to have offered that
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