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Posts posted by jagfaelivi

  1. Quite a hard night! I heard the Airdrie fill in manager interviewed before the game on the radio and I got a wee inkling that it might be quite hard for us. They played football and were organised and we looked a wee bit disjointed.


    Thought Welsh was good and Wilson covered a lot of ground but I wish at times he would slow it a bit - why does he try to do everything at 100 mph?


    Our goalie was confident; the full backs were decent with Ziggy doing okay considering he was just in the door.


    Thought Lindsay was the better of the central defenders.


    Lawless was quieter than he has been in pre season and Erskine wasn't given a lot of space. Dools too was well policed but took his goal well after the mix up in their defence. McDaid got a pass mark.


    Azeez was brill when he came on and will cause the opposition some bother this year with his pace and strength.



    No real failures and a hard workout. Onward and upwards and I hope the injuries clear soon.

  2. 100+ ? Well if you look it up he started 250 games for them and played 264 times. And held the record of 171 consecutively. No' a bad career even if he left in haste!


    Isn't it amazing how modest was the life thereafter for footballers of that era compared with the pampered millionaires at that level today?


    Don't think the Rooneys of this world know they are living. Sky has a lot to answer for.

  3. What a star he was in the period from 1963 for five years until he moved to Newcastle United to become a Toon Army legend.


    He was a stalwart in their last trophy win, the Fairs Cup/ UEFA Cup in 1969 and still holds records there for consecutive matches played. Legend status at St James' Park!


    He came to us from West Lothian where he still resides and I see him regularly. What a modest guy, likeable and he would have run through a brick wall for us.


    What are you older guys memories of him?

  4. Lindau, I've seen three matches but would agree with you totally. A big fast brute at the back is badly needed, a leader type. And if you and me know that you can bet your boots that Mr Archibald is on the case. It is a month yet till that first league game and I am confident things will happen.


    In fairness to Archie he DID say after yesterday's match that "we have not worked on shape yet (except Friday) because it's not been worthwhile" presumably because we don't yet have the players.


    I am quietly confident that Archie has things in hand and suddenly there will be a signing that pleases us all, right out of the blue. He DOES keep things close to his chest.

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  5. Loved the way the goalie made a noise! Have we had quite a lot of quiet keepers?


    Agree with what weebaw said..The difference between Tuesday and today in Erskine was unbelievable. Liked Azeez, strong as well as like lightning and David Amoo was superb until his argument with the post.


    If we had kept the same team we would at least have doubled the score.


    Wilson is improving and I thought young McDaid came on to a game too. McCarthy didn't get long but to me looks confident which is great in somebody so promising.


    Worry about Devine; rhat's three times I've seen him and he certainly is prone to getting caught out.


    Over the years we have never sorted out this bit of coping when people run at us. Big centre half with pace and heading ability, please, Archie.

  6. Yup? 1-0 to the Luxembourg part-timers. Just WHERE is Scottish football going? We keep kidding ourselves that we are okay and every result seems to tell us the opposite.


    Why have Iceland, Wales, Denmark and even Luxembourg improved dramatically in my lifetime and we have gone backwards? There must be some reason for it.


    Dire stuff!

  7. Would agree with what the massive bottom has just noted. I saw the Dunfermline match and tonight and the footage from the weekend and you could get double decker buses through our defence. If Raith had had a finisher it could have been the same result as Saturday.


    The goalie looked tiny but did okay. Devine is fine but needs a big hard man beside him...


    Thought it was strange near the end when with all the subs we seemed to have only two defenders left.


    Thought that Azeez might do something for us this season - lots of stopovers and looks as if on his day he will cause some damage.


    Not struck by the other centre half trialist- did okay but we have no presence at the back at all as it stands at the moment..


    Was it young McCarthy(?) who came on late on. Now that laddie could be a player. Confident on the ball and some good passes in contrast with many of his more experienced team mates who gave the ball away all night.


    Doolan, Erskine and to a lesser extent Lawless did very little.


    Maybe we should not be criticising a team made up of laddies and trialists (at least half of it) Long way to go and most of our team is out injured.

  8. We did indeed. Didn't see Gary tonight but saw him at the Dunfermline game. He's still injured I believe. And Liam was there tonight but he too has picked up a knock I believe. Thought that Sean got a dull one tonight and maybe even one for Abdul too. Turn up early at Cappielow and you might get a game!!

  9. Interesting match. Devine looked classy with maybe just too much football for a central defender if I was being critical.


    Big Liam looked good and young Syme at right back was very solid for the hour he was on.


    Pogs was Pogs and I wouldn't back him to trap a bag of cement. Wee Stevie was a box of tricks; in good form. Thought Davy Wilson did okay and was better than I have seen him.


    The ex -Fulham laddie was on in the second half and did nothing to make me sit up and take notice.


    Great to see Squiddy back though he needs a few games understandably though there were a few wonderful moments. Dools looked good in the second half and took his goal well.


    Scully, who played the whole game, still does not fill me with confidence. He just never comes for anything?


    Loads of youngsters and numbers 17 and 21 impressed me.


    But no Osman, Welsh, Fraser, Azeez.


    As for the game , none of the defending was hugely impressive.


    Early days.

  10. Replying to Armand2 I was, in my previous thread, intimating frustration that nothing was happening. NOT that we were not receiving a running commentary. We have lost players in Archie's time because ' the cat got out of the bag' and preferred the kit-e-kat at another "household".

  11. Love the way Archie keeps his cards close to his chest until the ink is dry on the contract. This is a good signing because he has done much more than Lyle Taylor had done at age 22. England don't toss out under 19 caps to duds!

  12. Think you are right LIB. Priced it from every angle and it's huge amounts of cash. I go up and down to London from Waverley regularly and can get really good prices but as soon as you go off the central lines it costs a fortune. Add to that I get a mental picture of friendly second halves where everybody and his granny get on the pitch.


    My first appearance will be the evening of 5th July in deepest Fife. And memories of that dire pre season encounter at the Falkirk Stadium last year are haunting me already!!!!


    We must be daft!

  13. Maxi obviously is aware of the disquiet in our ranks, the supporters I mean, and his response in the paper addresses all the hand wringing going on. It is amazing how I find myself reacting when a competitor makes a signing. Just like everybody else on here.


    We have to remember that Archie has learned a few lessons in recent seasons about the competitiveness of the market and how a sniff of what you are trying to do alerts other sides and suddenly we lose out on our target.


    Cliche but in Archie we trust...... and there is still a while to go before we swing into competitive action!

  14. I think I was talking about the lack of athleticism first, when I started this thread. But there was a lack of basic skills or technical skills as seems fashionable to say and that's probably what Gordon Strachan has been on about this week.


    You see it demonstrated week in week out in our league. An old pal used to say that "he couldn't trap a bag of cement" when being disparaging. We seem to take that extra touch or don't pass to somebody who is being marked reasonably closely for fear of losing the ball.


    It's even apparent down south at the top level. Players like da Silva, Pedro and even Sanchez have deteriorated since they've had to "ply their trade" in the Premier League. And don't give me the old story.that "they just can't cope in the greatest league in the world".


    Piffle and The Champions League and the Europa results prove beyond all shadow of doubt that La Liga is the top league.


    But how do we improve our basic standards? It's good to see Gerry B talking this week about the encouragement being given to kids in his charge to improve their basics. The only way to get better is to practice, and for hours on end. In our league there are loads of professionals who can't even kick the ball properly. How often do we see weak, scuffed shots? And as for at least hitting the target and making the goalie work....... don't get me started!!

  15. Did anybody watch that?? Scotland totally outclassed and this time it was the distaff side.


    BUT please tell me how a country with the population of Edinburgh and little grass do so well at football? The men are in the European finals and the women were in a different League from ours. The women looked like athletes, they could play football and their speed and technical skills were fantastic compared with our lot


    Why are we getting no better?

  16. The wee man has penned a new two year deal. Great news and it proves the Jags are moving on as a club.


    Congratulations Stevie and I hope you have a season to remember at a place you are really appreciated.

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