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Everything posted by Dragon

  1. Really? So people losing their jobs and losing their homes and other things they worked hard for years for is tiny then!
  2. No. The fault was with the ConDems, but, seems some people will just not accept this.
  3. I worked in the private sector. Edit: and so did the 15,000+ others that went.
  4. I'd be happy to be on "15-18K a year while busting a gut", but, hey, I ain't becuase of the wonderful people in charge, but, let's not talk about that just the lies Labour spun us all.
  5. I spent some six months in the former Yugoslavia on a tour of duty and have seen exactly how "humanity" works so excuse me if I don't have any "faith" in it.
  6. Really? So how would Public services like the Police/Ambulance service be funded then? A quick check on your Credit Rating/Bank Account I suppose!
  7. So I guess your preference is for me not paying Income Tax and National Insurance then? If it ain't then your mob ain't doing any better!
  8. I haven't asked half the nation to give up anything! I've been pointing out that your "happy clappy" mob are not as clean cut as you obviously think.
  9. I'm just lovin' this "dream world scenario"!
  10. Who? The ConDems and their supporters. Sounds good to me!!
  11. "i wonder if you would ?? labour for all there screaming and shouting would have had to make such cuts...what ever they say." This wasn't anything to do with the cuts. This was, primarily, the Tories seeing a Labour implementation they didn't like and wanted it removed. Strange that the person who wants to implement the new policy for the ConDems also runs a business with services directly related to how the new policy will run and there are virtually no other competitors as of yet. "as i said before those libs in the cabinet found out those "promises" were not sustainable and HAD to change." Heard this "excuse" before and sounds more like a Tory party one-liner. Just like the scrapping of the Mansion Tax. Who would have been affected by this? Well, only those with Mansions and we know who most of them are. Anyway, we all have our points of views and mine is that all politicians are corrupt just by taking a wage. Do it for reasonable expenses and then I might believe. Unfortunately the 16 years work experience I have counts for absolutely nothing without a Degree. Wonder how many people from my background might be put off now.
  12. It was actually the Tory Party who promised a 100 day consultation period to the Company I worked for, and hundreds of others down South, then when the Coalition Government came to power they scrapped the consultation period virtually on the day they came to power. Our orders went from 1500 to 50 overnight and most of the orders from the previous week were scrapped. 75% of our workforce were made redundant, with at least 15,000 others going. Loads of small businesses and self-employed gone virtually overnight. If given the 100 days our Company, and many others, would have been able to change focus and would have had the workforce in place to press on. But, my betting is you will still blame Labour even although it's a fact I would still be employed if Labour were in power . Taken straight from their website: "Liberal Democrats believe university education should be free and everyone who has the ability should be able to go to university and not be put off by the cost." So there you go. A couple of lies and more to come I would imagine, but, some of us are alright, Jack! Just as a footnote I do actually believe that in some way you should pay for your own education, I am at the moment, and I am not exactly a lover of the Labour party from the last 13 years, but, it's evident that British, and World, politics needs a major shake-up and I reckon what the "students" are doing just now is what is needed to start getting people to see they are being taken for a ride by all politicians. Would be interesting to see how many would still be up for the job if there wasn't a huge salary involved!
  13. Go on you know you want to! Ok, so which Government were in power when I was given redundancy as a nice wee present? To make it easy it happened in June 2010.
  14. It's all Labour's fault. Wondered how long it would take for that lol. So, how is it not a lie then? Go on enlighten me!
  15. Just another lie from the ConDem Government.
  16. Cheers for the reply. Got my CV with virtually every agency known to man lol but still no joy. Mind you according to some there are jobs out there - just a pity it's apparently easier to spot a gritter when it's snowing than to find all these jobs.
  17. Anybody know of any good websites/other places for finding jobs? Been using S1jobs and the cr@p job centre one and posted CV on jobsite and others. Mainly looking for Admin or IT. Also, anybody ever had a CV appraisal done or got a professional CV company do write one? If so, details on who done it, how good and if it was worth it, i.e. job gained. Any help would be much appreciated. Need to be out working and nothing seems to be working. Cheers.
  18. The Tories don't know the meaning of being fair, consistent and proper. Myself, 75% of my former work colleagues, and at least 15,000 others have been made redundant because of Tory lies and deception. Ask yourself this. How much is being paid out in various benefits, like JSA/housing benefit/council tax rebate, to these 15,000 people each month. Then ask yourself what they paid into the country, ie in the shape of rent or mortgage/council tax/income tax/buying goods, etc. Then ask the real question of which one has a positive outcome for the economy of the UK. I know what I would rather be doing and it ain't signing on. Altough the usual Tory comeback will be you shouldn't be getting "free hand outs", "it's your choice being unemployed" (yeah right), and the good old "I'm all right Jack" attitude. Altough in a sense it's good to know a tax paying Tory is happy the Tories are calling the shots. They have still to realise that these same people they are so chuffed about are, in a roundabout sort of way, making them pay to keep me.
  19. Myself and 26 others felt the fury and lies of the ConDems at first hand and I know that myself and at least 12 others have been unemployed for the last 9 weeks. Will be interesting when the real effects are felt across the board. Oh, and I wasn't in any kind of debt before the ConDems got in and now I am. Strange how their whole objective is supposedly to try and reduce debt! But "we are all in this together" so maybe those who voted will spare a dime each to help me pay off the debt I now have.
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