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Posts posted by Junior

  1. The way I look on onethislte is that its still in its startup period where you work out all the issues between it and the club before opening it up to everyone to help out. Give them some time to get the groundrules sorted then I would expect those who can offer assistance will be offered a chance to help .


    FWIW I sent Jim a PM a while back offering to help, once he sorts out something I can do I will try help them out.

  2. Interesting reading in the comments on rangerstaxcase.com. It would appear that the document was last saved by Neil Doncaster before being sent out.


    Also Aberdeen and St.Johnston have said it is nothing to do with them and they had no knowledge of it before it was sent out.


    Thats a great blog site , they should really create a proper forum as keeping up with the comments is murder , if you miss it for a day you can never read everything :( Some really good knowledgeable people on a lot of fan sites at the moment. Great to see fans trying to take the game back, hope it leads to the change we all want to see though

  3. Getting more into the opinion of raze teh game to the ground and start everything all over again.


    The people who are supposed to oversee our game are corrupt liars who have zero interest in anything outwith the ex-Old Firm clubs and protecting their "brand" of bigotry and sectarianism.


    This is very much a watershed moment for many if not most fans of Scottish football, any change has to be done properly so that all clubs can grow. As I said before the enemy isnt Zombie Rangers its the SFA, SPL and SFL that are leading this charge into moral bankruptcy.


    Maybe its the cup half full side of me but Im still 100% convinced that we will issues a NO response after the meeting on Tuesday, and that will be good enough for me. At least we can say we heard all their full arguments before telling them to GTFO. Some I know will still not be happy and I think we shouldve done it before but I can understand wanting to hear them out before telling them that its a bag of shite

  4. I really hope all Jim is doing here is playing devil's advocate.


    Rarely, if ever, since those dark days of STJ, have I seen the Thistle support so united behind a cause. I really hope that if any good can come of this situation, this unity can be used for the betterment of the club (assuming the BoD take the strength of feeling on board and do the right thing)


    Ive been thinking that since I saw Jim's first post.


    Spark a debate by putting the position that no one wants to happen out there and see what people say. What its done is unite everyone under one banner , so then that can be used to ask people what they will do to assist the club once this decision is made.


    Whats should be more of a concern for the club is if the figure of 300 is accurate , can they afford for ecen 1/3 of those fans to walk away ? As much as attracting new fans should be paramount for the club retaining existing fans should be equally important

  5. Until the last few weeks the relationship between board and fans was the best it had been for years.Wasnt perfect but was decent enough that fans were starting to trust them with the direction they were taking the club in. This episode has given that cordiality a swift kick in the balls.


    Only way out of this current situation is for the club to come out right after the SFL meeting and say that they have listened to the detailed proposal and its a bag of shite and we will be voting against it.

  6. You can bet your house on it that after tuesdays meeting we get a "we listend to all the arguments and are voting no" message.


    I can sort of understand their position with respect to not being in receipt of the full facts , but the initial leak of the proposal shows it to be a bag of shite and contains a tone of threats and could be veiwed as an attempt at bulying.


    Will hold off releasing the dogs on them until I see what happens on Tuesday , if we are seen to be voting no then I can accept the fence sitting for now, if it leaks we have argues for acceptance of that shite then well its gonna be a difficult call for a lot of us

  7. Lets be realistic Rangers or SEVCO Fans can huff and puff but they are a busted flush - a future joke Club ,most Rangers fans would prefer SFL 3 - only Sky and Mr Green want SFL 1.


    Your arguement on comparision on the scale of cheating is accepted but we cheated suppliers out of cash ,big cheat ,wee cheat it doesnt give us the moral higher ground.


    We go into the meeting declaring a No vote upfront we get zero ,by the same token we declare our hand in the press that we are for it we get very little - so you need to know what it is you want from a negotiation.


    You make peace with your enemies ,not your friends.


    Do we want to be the only club that isnt speaking out against this though ? Thats the big question for me.That IMO will harm us more than keeping quiet.


    We have to speak out and speak out soon, there are other clubs similar in stature to us who have done this, some of them arguably bigger than us who understand the fans concerns that this is one almighty stitch up with the SFL being left to carry out the mercy killing on behalf of the SPL who have proven they do not have the balls to do it.


    Who is the enemy though ? IMO the enemy is not Zombie Rangers its the SPL and those others that control our game who seek to manipulate/create the rules when it suits them and their current plans are not to the benefit of any clubs. They have managed the impossible and united all 41 clubs and Zombie Rangers as one against them.


    Leagues should be left as they are this year , newco applies to SFL3 and then we look to do a proper reasoned reconstruction at the end of next season.

  8. If it was any other club they would be dead by now. The Sky TV deal should never have been negotiated to have any kind of guaranteed OF game clause in it. Thats just shitty business practice, what wouldve happened if Zombie Rangers had magically survived but got relegated ?


    The game in Scotland is nearly dead due to 2 large clubs dominating the game and taking 90% of the cash out of it. This has been made worse by the creation of th SPL where it is set up to ensure they get all the cash that comes into the game.


    We have to find a way to share the income out but we need to retain our principles. I dont buy the they are only different coz they never got a CVA line , they cheated the game for 10+ years via illegal use of EBTs allowing them to buy players they would otherwise be unable to afford - could be argued that they cost Thistle a Scottish Cup final place. The scenarios of both clubs financial issues are so far apart as to be not fit to compare IMO.


    If we were being forced by the SFA to allow them into SFL1 then


    - 16 team SPL from 2013/14

    - 2nd tier of 16 teams as well

    - Regionalisation below this

    - Fairer dispersion of central income to all clubs , including any lower leagues

    - Dongcaster gets kicked out on his arse for being a completely useless administrator

    - Central funding from SFA to cover all clubs youth setups


    The current proposal does nothing to address any long term concerns that fans have for the game, all it does is guarantee fans are pissed off due to the lack of punishment towards Zombie Rangers for a decade long abuse of the system.

  9. No civil war at Firhill ... yet.


    Continues silence from those in charge is not good. They should be speaking out and joining the other teams in saying no to newco.


    I know of at least 8 people that are holding off on buying season tickets , thats over £2k to the club right away if they would just get off the bloody fence and realise they have to side with the fans regardless of any perceived financial benefit from Zombie Rangers playing in SFL1. If they **** off the fans too much then the loss from many fans walking away will not be measured just in cash , the soul of the club will be gone.


    What was it Beattie said , they are just the current custodians , well listen to your customer base and make the NO TO NEWCO statement

  10. Where you reading that DD ? Ive heard from a few people that this will be kicked striaght out and passed off as ramblings of a madman and blamed on Longmuir.


    All of them (longmuir, Regan and Dongcaster) need to be told to GTFO and give the reigns of Scottish football to Jim Spence , Stuart Cosgrove and Turnbull Hutton from Raith. They are some of the few people who managed to grasp what fans want to happen and spoken vociferously about it.

  11. its not about revenge its about making sure the sme rules are applied to Zombie Rangers that would be applied to us if we were in the same situation.


    The blatant lies and bribery from the SPL show that the fans have them fighting for theri survival, the more pressure we put on our clubs the better the outcome for all clubs IMO.

  12. We have to come out with a statement saying we refuse to accept these proposals.


    What would be even better if the statement was signed by loads of clubs at once instead of invdividual clubs making their own statement , say us Falikrk Raith and Morton put out a statement sayign we wont deal with an organisation that resorting to bribery corruption and bullying to get its way it would have a lot more effect IMO.


    Cmon Thistle do the right thing and you will get every one of us backing you 100% no matter what happens eventually but we have to take a stand now.

  13. This is nothing but bribery and corruption at the highest levels of the SFA , SFL and SPL.


    UEFA need to become involved this time as the game will die if this proposal is allowed to happen. There are too many fans who are absolutely raging at the moment.

  14. http://sport.stv.tv/football/clubs/rangers/108457-spl-threaten-breakaway-league-if-sfl-clubs-do-not-agree-to-rangers-plans/


    Thats it , games dead if this goes through. That smug ******* areshole Dongcaster will successfully kill all the lower league clubs which I think he has wanted to do all along.


    The SPL chairmen have shown they cannot be trusted to run a piss up in a brewery, talking all the big "no to newco" chat while back door dealing to set this kind of shite up that willl end football as a sport.


    Completely and utterly dismayed and disgusted :(

  15. I'm convinced if it comes to a vote Beattie or whoever has the say on our behalf will vote no.


    My concern is that is any plans of a play-off gone forever as well as a fairer distribution of revenue. Its ******* bribery.


    I think you are right. To lose so many Thistle fans over this would kill the club within 2 seasons and too many of us are willing to walk away. I know of at least 10 that I regularly go to games with that will never be back, most are season ticket holders and most pay into the centenary fund every month.


    Put simply the club cant afford to not listen to the fans

  16. They meet the criteria for application to SFL3 , well they should by the time the application is due to go in. The 3 years accounts rule can be waived at the discretion of the SFL so you can be sure that one is waived, after that its a majority vote for the clubs that choose to apply.


    Would like nothing more than for them to apply and not get voted in but it wont happen :(

  17. IMO we need something more from the club ASAP. The proposals have now been laid out and its nothing short of a complete and utter stitch up to help preserve a vile bigoted ex-club.


    The time is right for all right thinking clubs to stand up and say NO to any newco anywhere else apart from allowing them to apply for SFL3.


    Utterly sick of all the manouvering and backdoor plans from the SPL, SFL and SFA to try and worm their way out of this.

  18. [email protected]


    [email protected]


    Woudl suggest everyone gets emailing them and make them aware of how you feel about this. Dont expect a reply but if their mailbox is filled with angry emails they will get the point that fans as a group are not happy at this "compromise" (read that as the SFL taking one for the team and here is £33k each to soften the blow).


    You can bet that with the number of people we know who will never go back to football if this happens the clubs will lose a damn load more than £33k.


    Is it worthwhile selling the clubs soul for the pieces of silver we would get ? Not a ******* chance in hell IMO

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