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About jaggyhusband

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Jags fan

Jags fan (1/1)



  1. And a Happy New year to you all when it comes! This long into supporting the Jags, the reasons for being optimistic have long been dismissed as unclear and not worth the analysis. I like the way some early signings have been made, staking and early claim to a direction for the team. Sad to see another Player of the year departing, but now that the rugby is also going, perhaps we'll see a surface that better suits the style of play which our managerial team favours. I've always admired our new signing from St Mirren, although a few years ago would have been better, and I hope that the young ones who have signed up are going to add value. Lets look forward with some optimism, albeit weathered by experience, and support what has the potential to be a year when we can challenge and not a challenging year
  2. Well, I loved it all, despite the biting cold, the enthusiasm, the fair play, the lack of injuries, the support from families/friends some welcome appearances by the senior members of the team, pateso, willie, archie, craig, sid, maxy and the gaffer. It was like a family getting together for a sports day of old. My son played for the Red Exec and scored 3 goals, well done to him. Even better was that he had brought a few friends along to take part and his pal scored the winning goal in the final, Ross Minnis. We'll all be back next year and my son and his pals want to make up a team to win this tournament, with its growing international reputation, but with me at 60 as their goalie..oh horror! Well done to you all
  3. No, apparently it was one of those sound out of sync moments. If you watched the next bit, the sound of the commentator and the judges was very slightly late. A transmission problem that made it look like Buble mimed
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