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Posts posted by briogadh

  1. I'm on holiday from the 7th to 21st July - won't be checking any Thistle news - and I'm hoping by the time I'm back there's a couple of signings in! :cheers:

    I'm pretty sure there will be. My main concern is in the striking department. Hope to be proved wrong, but I don't see McGuigan or Ellott as adequatbeing likely to trouble SPL defences. Confident that Doolan will surprise many at that level but he will require support. I don't see where the required striker is going to come from in Scotland unless a loan arrangement - and SPL outfits are reluctant to boost the chances of rivals! Maybe there's another Eddie Prudham (ask your dad) on the horizon from down south ?
  2. I don't think we would ignore the recommendations but we could mitigate the risk of Celtic fans being housed in the Main Stand by searching fans on entry to the stadium. I've seen mums and dads with kids have their bags searched by police outside the JHS so why not apply similar, more stringent measures to Celtic fans?


    Are we the only club with wooden stands? If not, are fans segregated in those stands or mixed? Why were the police and council happy with housing Celtic or Rangers fans in the Main stand at the Glasgow cup?


    The issue here seems to be the Police and or council almost condoning the use of flares as long as its in a concrete stand!

    Or maybe they are afraid to tackle the fans of one of the OF twins... , or regard them as a "special case" ( copyright A McCoist.)
  3. Very sad to hear.


    Virtually my first memory of a Jags game was a home game against that great Dundee side (the year they went on to win the league). We hammered them 3-0 and Neil scored two. Instant hero!



    A great game - Bill Hainey and Neil took Ian Ure and company to the cleaners. Neil Duffy was the best inside left (remember?) in my time and that includes Willie Sharp. For a small man his heading ability was quite remarkable. I was convinced he would get a Scotland cap, but sadly it never happened. There was a guy called Denis Law who was even better!
  4. As Jagsfan says, there is probably a confidentiality clause in the agreement.

    Quite. Time to move on. None of us really knew the facts about this whole affair. None of us have seen the disputed contract, or any of the supposed lawyers' letters , or the content of any discussion between the clubs, so all the speculation and vituperation which the matter has caused on this forum has perhaps been ill-informed and ill-advised ?
  5. I haven't read through this, so apologies if I repeat anything. Was it not the intention to house away fans in the old Main Stand for the duration of next season, however the antics of the OF fans at the recent Glasgow Cup Final and the poorer safety quality of the Main Stand mean that Police require Celtic fans to be housed elsewhere?

    Is it essential that the club goes along with police advice?. Can the latter enforce what they want by, perhaps, increasing the cost of policing or even threatening to withdraw police presence altogether? Things have come to a pretty pass If after nearly 80 years of use by fans of of all persuasions our venerable stand has to be declared out of bounds to followers of one (or two?) clubs. who have used it for generations without incident.. This seems to me a gross overreaction to the events at the recent match between young boys "representing" the Old Firm , where the police were obviously caught unawares. .Surely it is not too late for a serious re-think of the situation ?
  6. Not sure what you base that thinking on....are Scoland not rated about 74th and Croatia 4th!!

    And according to what I read this morning rated below Equatorial Guinea, Haiti and Libya. . How are the once mighty (supposedly) fallen !

    Come on Strachan, the only way is up - but playing with just one player up front , the poverty of Scotland's talent is only too obvious to everyone we play.

    • Like 1
  7. I can corroborate this.


    I was not allowed to go to said game because it was Christmas day. Even although my family lived in Wilton Street. Dad was overruled.


    Having said that, I did get 'Who's Next' in my Christmas pile that day......................

    ANCIENT?: In our prime Id have you know!

    You forum guys are all ancient! I reckon I was at a 2-0 defeat to Aberdeen at Firhill in about 1980 ish? And not long after that, a 2-1 defeat to st Mirren at Fihill where Alan Rough saved a penalty. But this is vague memories and may be well off. Set me up for life though. My daughter's seen Jags winning four out of four and I'm worried that this is poor preparation.

    You forum guys are all ancient! I reckon I was at a 2-0 defeat to Aberdeen at Firhill in about 1980 ish? And not long after that, a 2-1 defeat to st Mirren at Fihill where Alan Rough saved a penalty. But this is vague memories and may be well off. Set me up for life though. My daughter's seen Jags winning four out of four and I'm worried that this is poor preparation.

    Good to hear as i have not seen him for a few years but couldn't imagine him not being a Jags fan.

    He was a coach at the amateur team i played with and when our game was postponed we all went to Firhill and then on a belter of a pub crawl. :)

    ANCIENT?: In our prime Id have you know!

    I must now be in my second or even third 'prime' I think. First game v Hearts August 1939, aged 5 and more interested in the Frys Chocolate Crème being sold by a guy with a tray round his neck in the stand. than in the game, of which I remember nothing. Next match, which I do remember, was Christmas Day 1948. Thistle 1 Morton 0. Jimmy Cowan in goal for Morton, who boasted two other internationals - Tommy Orr and Billy Campbell. ( The latter's o.g. won the match) A hard low cross from John A Mackenzie sliced into his own net by Campbell at the Ruchill end Other Jags players that day were Legerwood,, Forsyth, Sharp ,O'Donnell Walker., Husband, McGown. Were they better than the current crop? Difficult to say but I remember these players more vividly than most of the hundreds I've seen in red and yellow since.
    • Like 4
  8. He's working his way round the media keeping his counsel right enough... who's that now, the record, the sun, jim spence at the bbc and now stv.


    Interesting that he's not denied anything that Beattie said...

    I really am struggling to understand all this. On the face of it the Thistle case seems incontrovertible, yet DU and McNamara appear absurdly confident that they have right on THEIR side. I have unpleasant memories of previous forays by the Jags into the courts - I don't think they have ever been successful (indeed on at least one occasion they were made to look very foolish!) I hope our legal advice is copper bottomed this time.
  9. Anyone interested in a large collection of Thistle Programmes for the years 2000 -2009.?

    There are 267 in total : 216 Home and 41 Away. Collection of late Eddie Middleton a life-long fan. His widow Anne will accept any reasonable offer as she is moving house and on my advice is not throwing them out!

  10. It must do his nut in that everyone calls him Elliot when his name's Elliott (check his Twitter), and I include our official website in that. Or maybe it's just me...very amateur-ish.


    Anyway, onto the player himself, if I was in Archie's shoes I wouldn't have offered him a new deal. However, he won't be a regular starter, he's a squad player and he's often proven to be dangerous coming off the bench when there are tired legs out there. He needs to work on his positioning first and foremost, for me, but hopefully if - as suggested - he has a loan spell to begin with and returns, he'll make some sort of impact.

    But Jags have done this before! Jimmy McGown was throughout his career listed everywhere as "McGowan". He finally stopped complaining!
    • Like 1
  11. Piece of totally useless information tho' it has the outside possibility of coming up in some obscure pub quiz.


    Hibs played in the first European Cup. They weren't the current league champions but were invited to take part. That in itself is well enough known. What's almost certainly unique is the fact that in the first round 2nd leg, against Rott Weiss Essen, they played a guy, Willie Adams, who played his one and only senior club match that night.


    Willie was the stand in goalie that evening for Tommy Younger the Scottish internationalist, who was excused travel from Germany where he was doing his national service. Hibs held a healthy 4-0 nil lead from the away game hence why they took the risk of fielding an absolute rookie in goal. They drew 1-1.


    Another bit of useless info, albeit more relevant to this forum, was in the next round Hibs, due to weather conditions, played their away tie against Djurgaardens of Sweden at Firhill.

    I was at the Hibs v Djurgarden match at Firhill, but was always under the impression that it was played there because Djurgarden gave up their home advantage due either to winter weather conditions in Sweden or their lack of floodlights. Djurgarden, from Stockholm, means " Zoo Park" in English - it would have been an appropriate name for the ground of at least one club in Glasgow!

    Let's hope it is not destined to be the first and last Euoropean Cup tie at Firhill _ w can only dream!

  12. Looks like I'm in a very small minority who thought that there was a player in Naismith somewhere; quite athletic, carried the ball well, relatively skilful if a little selfish at times. His work rate was perhaps questionable and I recall him bottling a 60/40 with Rab Douglas when through on goal but I really don't think he was anywhere near as bad as some would like to make out.


    Once he realises that he has to work and things aren't served on a plate like he may be used to at Ibrox, I reckon he could turn into a decent player. He is also good mates with a few of our current players so would fit into the team easily. All that said however, I'm not sure he's an SPL calibre signing at the moment. Happy to back Archie's judgement though.

    I thought that there was promise there too - but would rather hope we had someone better lined up!
  13. I am not keeping score so some if not all of these have been mentioned.


    Joe Sweeney

    John Arrol

    George Mackie

    Johnny Gibson

    Alf Stamp(did anyone actually see him play even?)

    Well I certainly saw Alf play on many occasions. At that time the reserves played at Firhill when the first eleven was away, and they attracted good crowds. Alf was the star attraction - very tall, very slim ,with a deceptively languid style. Very clever ball player. He emigrated to south Africa I think. He may have been an amateur with us - certainly had a QP connection. Happy memories!
  14. name three previous Partick Thistle players who have scored for Scotland at full international level and also played for Scotland in the World Cup finals

    I was going to say Jimmy Davidson but then noticed 'previous'. Don't think he played for anyone else. Arthur Duncan ?
  15. Cheers. It's started to ring a bell now. If (and a big if) he went from Hibs straight to Hearts, it was a big thing at the time: the Embra equivalent of going from Celtic to Oldco.

    No, Peter Marinello went from Hibs to Arsenal, where he was hailed as " the new George Best". I kid you not ! In terms of enjoying night life in the capital he allegedly tried to rival Best, which may explain why his star faded so fast.
  16. I'm thinkin this is getn like a TV soap where the main character is slagged off until the truth is known. People making assumptions and they may or may not be true. I have nothing but contempt for Dundee Hibernian's chairmen etc but I'm gonna wait until Thistle and McNamara's sides of the story come out before I judge.


    I have to be honest and say JM came over as a decent guy when he was with us...although I don't know him personally. I also have to balance that up by saying I don't think Thistle would have acted in an underhand way. It's not our style.


    Bottom line..I want Thistle to retain their dignity throughout all this....and for us to annihilate those fkrs on the park next season.

    Hear hear! None of us are privy to what is under discussion. We have not seen the contract. We have not seen the 'lawyer's letters'. We are unhappy that McNamara jumped ship as managers have done before - that is all. And it was his right if a better offer came in. Beyond that we really know nothing at present and have to trust that the Board has handled things properly.
  17. Brilliant result!! What a triumph for the smallest club in the Premiership. For years denied entry to the English League - to the extent that in the early 70s they actually applied for entry to the Scottish League. A team full of Scottish players with a manager who played for Motherwell. All smaller clubs - Thistle included - should take great courage from such a result.

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  18. My memories are tinged with nostalgia, but my favourite players were John Archie MacKenzie,, Willie Sharp and Andy Kerr. Could they 'cut it' in today's game? Who knows, but it is interesting that all three were, I think, part-timers, so with full time training maybe they would have been even better than I remember ?

  19. Agree that he could be ungracious, but you cant deny his achievements in the game, on both sides of the border.

    Absolutely. There will probably never be another to match him. The problem was that he was around so long that he had almost convinced himself that he was above all criticism. But that's a tendency a of all men of a 'certain age'. ( I speak from personal experience!) His achievement at Aberdeen was quite extraordinary - what a team! My only problem was that he is such a mumbler -even worse than Lambert - that at times I really struggled to make sense of what he was saying. I hope he has a happy retirement with his race g horses and his grand piano.
  20. My view of Erskine, albeit on hindsight, is that sometime mid season 11/12 he lost that lack of confidence. Previously his head would go down if he was having one of his games where nothing was going right. We were then forced into a substitution we probably didn't want to make. The subsequent lack of confidence perhaps showed in midweek training and he'd find himself on the bench.

    Chris laterally, for the last season and a half at least, has rarely shown any confidence issues. He developed a self belief that even when nothing was coming off for him early in a game it would before ninety minutes were up. We benefited doubly as we had a much more rounded player, often good for much of the 90 minutes, and we could make more tactical substitutions.

    When I say a season and a half ago I'm not that sure of just when we first got the Chris Erskine Mark II but it just shows that if the raw talent matched with character is there it's worth persevering with.

    I confess to have being one of those who had doubts as to his ability two years back. He seemed to be a "luxury" player - hit and miss, some brief moments of brilliance, others when you'd think he'd never seen a football before. But the season just past changed all that. The most exciting player in red/yellow for years !
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