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Posts posted by briogadh

  1. Did my eyes deceive me.? Watching part of the Rangers game on TV yesterday I thought that the "stars" which up to now have framed the jersey badge have disappeared. As I understand it they represented the titles won by Old Rangers, but continued to adorn the jerseys of the new club. Did the SFA or SPL have a word with those now in charge at Ibrox ?

  2. Wish folk would drop this one . Big Stephen is a Celtic man through and through so stop this Thistle supporter shite.

    Who cares who he supported as a boy ! He's a man now, a professional footballer who has to give his best for whoever employs him. In my opinion he would be a first class signing, but I doubt that I will see it !
  3. ' The loutish behaviour and sectarian undercurrent hasn't gone away in the last year. But in a domestic campaign which has failed to get out of second gear, this was a sharp reminder of why the Old Firm have to be the driving force behind our game. '


    Forget any other derby in British football. In fact, scrub any other city rivalry in Europe. No other Clubs could produce the kind of atmosphere witnessed in Maryhill last night. And it reminded everyone in Scottish football just what we have been missing '





    The above quotes are taken from the Daily Record's Scott McDermott.

    As I said in an earlier post( on the Herald report ), " What hope is there for Scottish football " None, if it has to be based on Irish bigotry and hatred ! The fact that no other clubs could produce this atmosphere is a cause for shame, not self-congratulation.
  4. Did you notice that one photograph had a German anti-fascist symbol? Oh, the irony.

    From Herald report of the match: " The atmosphere was a great learning curve for our players". ( Tommy McIntyre, the Celtic coach.) " It was like the Milan Derby and to be honest we expected it from both sets of fans as they have not been at each other for a while." ( Billy Kirkwood, Rangers coach.) So everything is fine then all round? What hope is there for Scottish football ?
  5. I have written to the Glasgow FA to complain.


    [email protected]


    They run this competition its not the SFL/SPL of course.



    So presumably they get the gate receipts and allocate appropriate sums to the competing clubs, to the host club and to their own account. Hope there's sufficient left to pay for the damage, because going on past experience neither of the OF will feel responsible for the actions of their 'small minority'!
  6. But please, not these guys:



    The Germans are obsessed with gnomes. remember once travelling by road (at night) between Berlin and Poznan. Once across the border into Poland there seemed to be a lit-up yard selling gnomes every kilometer. I was told that there was a huge weekend traffic from Germany with the intention of buying these monstrosities.

    On the way back (by daylight) there were a couple of prostitutes by the roadside every kilometer (literally). !.

  7. I know there's a Champions vs. The Pars thread but that seems to be more of a minute-by-minute update, so here's the traditional thread.


    That was an odd match to say the least. We absolutely coasted through the first half, to the extent that it looked like a training match at times. Having said that we didn't create that many clear cut chances. In the second half we were again in control but the defence went AWOL. I couldn't believe that we were 3-1 down given the percentage of possession we were enjoying. But this isn't a team to lie down and it was typical of us to equalise in the last minute. Fantastic.


    Regular visitors to this forum will know that I'm not Forbes's biggest fan, but I thought he was quite impressive in a more withdrawn role where pace wasn't required and he had the game in front of him. Bannigan was again excellent, and McMillan put in an assured performance in his first full debut. It must have been tough on the Pars fans to see him not only score but clear one off the line.


    I though Elliot struggled to make an impact - I remain unconvinced - and I have my reservations over whether McGuigan is mobile enough considering out style of play.


    But hey, we're champions. Champions!!!

    I thought that in first half our boys were given so much space that they started "showboating" a la Barcelona. Looks good, but no end product. Jeffries being a wily old cove, sussed this out by half-time , changed his formation and told his team to have a real go. They did and really shook us up. Only when Thistle got down to serious business ( at 3-1 down!) did the penny drop. Dunfy were not here to make up the numbers, they really wanted TO WIN THE GAME - and arguably deserved to do so..

    Not convinced that either Elliot or McGuigan could cut the mustard in the SPL.. And on another point, I can't recall ever seeing a full back get so much ball in an attacking position and do so little with it as is the case with Sinclair. Where is the incisive attacking play he showed a year ago?

    But tonight is not a night for carping!

  8. Congrats to all concerned ....worth the wait .... takes me back to the Willie Sharp and the Detroit flyer

    Jimmy Walker, days the way they played the game....cant wait for the new season....whatever form it takes!

    Yes, having followed the Jags from 1948 ( !!!) and seen five previous title winning teams ( 2nd and 1st Div) can honestly say that none have given me more delight. I know we are losing players but the way Scottish football is structured that was inevitable., What I do remember is that every time we have been promoted we have confounded the pundits and competed remarkably well in he higher division. Besides which, I feel we have few scores to settle with those who were so keen to exclude us (second vote and changing rules midstream and all that disgraceful business). Onwards and upwards!
    • Like 2
  9. So people have conveniently forgotten the trouble that Beattie caused with his radio interview on Tuesday night?

    Well, he only confirmed what everyone already knew. The fault lies with the whole PCA system which, together with Bosman rules, the grotesque imbalance in allocation of cash to SPL as against Division 1, and unscrupulous operators like DU make it nearly impossible for smaller clubs ever to compete effectively.. We have a good level headed man at the helm at present who tells it like it is.
  10. Ironically, the very first season when the old two division set-up was abandoned ( 1975-76) Jags won the new "First Division" of 14 clubs for the first time Playing each home and away meant.only 26 matches played, which left an embarrassing gap - to be filled by the Spring Cup of unlamented memory. So from the start things were badly thought out. The new Top Ten thought they had reached the Promised Financial Land.and really couldn't have cared less about the rest. The argument seemed to be that it would result in Scotland becoming far more competitive in European competition, quite ignoring the fact that we were already punching far above our weight in the old system. ( 3 European finals and several semis even involving the likes of Dunfermline and Kilmarnock! ) Bertie Auld's team of mainly part-timers went on to survive relatively comfortably in the Premier division .for six seasons. By the time we got back, the system was on the verge of being changed yet again "for the good of the game". No wonder we are cynical as fans.

    FIVE Euro Finals actually and forgot Dundee( Euro Cup semi) !
  11. It's a long term solution the whole of Scottish football needs Stu. If this had gone through, no doubt in 3 or 4 years time we'd be looking to change it again. Ever since the game in Scotland changed from two leagues, which it was for donkey's, and then other than the first 4 or 5 seasons of the top 10, we've had calls for the league setup to be changed. That must be between 20 and 30 years now and it's only getting worse.

    Part time football is slowly starting to creep it's way up from the bottom divisions with some of this season's 1st division sides having part-timers in their squad (Even us apparently!). The Club's in the SPL are shelling out too much cash trying to maintain their position at the top table. If the SPL was a little bigger, some of these Clubs may have a little breathing space and wont be so inclined to pay top dollar for mediocre players, cutting costs, which in turn would allow them to make match pricing more attractive to the paying public and hopefully start to attract the punters back to the game and with a more relaxed style of play, better football.


    The 70's top division had 18 teams in it and the majority were part-timers. I don't see why we shouldn't have at least 16 teams in the top league.

    Ironically, the very first season when the old two division set-up was abandoned ( 1975-76) Jags won the new "First Division" of 14 clubs for the first time Playing each home and away meant.only 26 matches played, which left an embarrassing gap - to be filled by the Spring Cup of unlamented memory. So from the start things were badly thought out. The new Top Ten thought they had reached the Promised Financial Land.and really couldn't have cared less about the rest. The argument seemed to be that it would result in Scotland becoming far more competitive in European competition, quite ignoring the fact that we were already punching far above our weight in the old system. ( 3 European finals and several semis even involving the likes of Dunfermline and Kilmarnock! ) Bertie Auld's team of mainly part-timers went on to survive relatively comfortably in the Premier division .for six seasons. By the time we got back, the system was on the verge of being changed yet again "for the good of the game". No wonder we are cynical as fans.
  12. Tommy Bryce


    i just thought - "oh god we really are a diddy second divsion side" at that point.

    My thoughts also. Tommy was a nice chap, but as a manager totally out of his depth. He was hired presumably because he was cheap - and the then Board thought that as player-manager they were getting two for the price of one. That was the sort of blinkered, unambitious , short-term thinking that almost sent the club into oblivion.
  13. Good news. Could have been a more severe punishment.

    Exactly : three red cards in under one season - I feared the worst. Probably the provocation and his relative youth saved him. Onwards and upwards next year. But, seriously the club's disciplinary record has been shocking. I make it at least 10 reds (and almost certainly a substantial fine.) In nearly 60 years of following the Jags cannot remember a single season where we got even half that total. Work to be done by Archie over the close season?
  14. I honestly can't believe someone's started a negative thread right now. For what it's worth I think he's a little fatigued. He's played a lot of football recently at a high tempo

    It's been a real test of stamina over the last 3/4 weeks - the earlier postponements could have hit us hard and we had extra time/ penalties in a high profile match just 3 days ago. All the players have had to call on all their reserves of strength. This is particularly the case with Chris Erskine who, being a creative flair player is given special " attention" by every team we come up against ( QOS a good example). For me, he has had an unbelievable season, and for people to suggest he hasn't been trying because of some (unsubstantiated) interest from DU is unworthy. I certainly have not given up hope of seeing him perform in a red/yellow shirt in the SPL next year.
  15. Not a great game but who the hell cares. Not one failure tonight though Stephen was a wee bit ropey in the first half he came on to a great game in the second and Aaron did some great work up the flank. Thought Ross Forbes was excellent again and Andy Dowie looked as if he had been playing there all season but MOTM for me by a country mile was Conrad Balatoni....feckin immense!!


    It was like old times tonight with Firhill rawking and fair play to Morton...they brought a great crowd through! Time for bed I am tagged out....that lanyard will be round ma neck tomorrow at work!!!

    Agree totally on Balatoni. A tense 90 minutes . At times in the second half, with our boys almost out on their feet, I thought it might just have been a bridge too far but sheer grit and determination saw them home. Morton gave it their best shot,, and must surely now feel that the ;league is beyond them, though of course they will soldier on.
  16. Wednesday's match is the biggest game in the country: arguably the biggest game in Scotland all season. Both sides deserve credit for keeping the title race exciting and both deserve a big support for this one too. The cup final went perfect from our perspective but I can't see it having a huge affect on the end result. We'll have Hardie and O'Ware back while Thistle seem to be missing quite a few players, but I'd still class your lot as favourite.


    Enjoy your night lads and may the best team win. Mon the Ton!

    Reading Archie's preview this morning it appears that the injury situation is not as bad as we had feared. Bannigan seems OK,... and he has not lost hope on Paton. McMillan is described as 'still unwell' however.

  17. This may be total rubbish but was told that there is some connection with Thistle and Spurs regarding a very early floodlit game in the 50's ?

    Yes - I was there- and as I recall we won 2 - 0 ! This was an Anglo-Scottish Floodlight League which was never completed. Remember seeing Newcastle United at Firhill too .Can't remember the other Scottish club - possibly Hibs? I don't think either of the OF had lights at the time.

  18. I've edited your line up to what I would think about playing. I'd happily put Murray in for Paton should he not be fit enough. At the weekend we struggled to control the midfield and having Paton/Murray beside Bannigan would really help break Morton's attacks up. We need Forbes in for his deliveries and look for Doolan to get on the end, and Balatoni too at set pieces. Best thing about the goal on Sunday was that Forbes didn't have to look up, he just knew he had to put the ball into a dangerous area and Doolan knew he had to be there.


    Strangely, if I didn't go with Murray I'm not sure I'd put him on the bench, as Welsh and Craigen offer different things that might be useful during the game if anything needs changed. I agree about Elliot, in fact it was him, Doolan and Forbes together that made us a threat on Sunday which we hadn't been at all while none of them were on the park. I just don't know if I'd rather have him in than Craigen.

    Sorry, but I think putting Murray in against Morton after two red cards would be suicidal. Morton would do everything in their power, backed vociferously by fans to psyche him out. We can't risk another red card in a game like this.

  19. Never expected such a bad performance, only Muirhead (until his moment of madness) and Balatoni played well, Fox should have done better at the goal, fullbacks were awful, midfield non existent until Forbes came on, Craig did nothing, Lawless and Erskine worst performances of the season. Wednesday cannot come soon enough, players should be angry with themselves. Dowie and McMillan must start as well as Forbes, we need his quality on the ball.

    Agree with all of that. Conditions were not perfect but same for both teams. Some abysmal performances- where was Erskine? Craig never got a kick. O'Donnell had a shocker. Our penalty was a joke! And as for Muirhead's madness..... well !! (Third red card of the season- some players never reach that total in their whole career.) A massive effort now required on Wednesday.

  20. You could possibly order 1-2 metres of Thistle tartan from any reputable tartan dealer and get in within a couple of weeks.


    Alternatively, you could sport a Brodie tartan scarf. That's certainly what I've taken to this season, and I've seen a few other folk at games wearing them too. Available in virtually any tartan/Scottish woolens shop.



    Macqueen tartan is also very " Jags" if you can find it

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