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G13 jag

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Posts posted by G13 jag

  1. I watched Miller give the ball to opposition players at least 7 times in the last game against Hamilton. He defended well, but is not the best footballer.

    We have enough strength to win our group in the cup, but also have the rest of the summer to bring in the players required to improve the squad and make the team better than last season's version. Our defensive record was good last season, but I think this was due to defensive midfielders and centre backs. We still have the midfielders and one of the centre backs. I have yet to see Devine, but hope he at least measures up to Dan and Fred. Our full backs are always better attacking than defending. It sounds like the keeper situation is the main concern for the management team. I'm sure they will come up with an answer.

  2. I am not a fan of this format. 36 games to eliminate 8 out of 24 teams is excessive. It also puts the emphasis on defence as it is far more important not to lose than it is to win. 3 0-0 draws would have been enough to progress. It also gives more chance of the arranged draw to help both sides (Switzerland v France). If they want to continue with the 24 team format,why not make it top 6 progress with best 2 second placed sides straight to quarter-finals. It makes winning far more important.

    Or give Scotland a chance, increase the numbers to 32, then top 2 from the 8 groups progress.

  3. Of the players who have left, only Stuart Brannigan was a certain starter, and the only one of those players who improved during their stay with us.

    I think if you look at the players we try to keep, they generally have developed whilst at the club.

    I lost count of the times Miller gave the ball away in the last game of the season with forward passes, he was an experienced defender, but a poor footballer. But he did well as a squad player.

    It appears the club have been selective with the players they wanted to stay. I'm not a football professional and am happy for these decisions to be made by people who have a good record with recruitment and team building. I don't think we have ever been in a stronger position pre season.



    I see the investment in two parts. There's a community aspect that cannot by its nature fund itself. Then there's the academy with its structured youth development, which in time should be self funding.


    Every time one of our own lads forces his way into the first team its one less player we've to source from elsewhere. Thus no signing on fee and/or transfer money involved. And of course more importantly the possibility of the occasional selling on.


    We've no guarantee that we'll produce enough quality to self fund but everything I see and hear convinces me that we're certainly doing all the right things and that has to increase the percentages.

    Falkirk were one of the first clubs to set up a community arm to the club. This involved kids from 3 playing football, being part of the club and paying their way. The very talented players would be promoted to their youth academy. Again the talented would be promoted to the first team. But this was more than a youth development project. It was community based, it helped find new talent, but this was profitable for the club. I think we will see something similar with Weir Thistle in future.


  5. I'll try and keep this simple


    1/Doncaster went on media to welcome back Rangers to the top tier. Putting aside the difference between welcoming back and welcoming to, did he go on media to welcome back Partick Thistle, Dundee, Accies or Hearts with anything like equal enthusiasm?

    2/Did Doncaster's job not become untenable after his Armageddon (ha!) prophecy

    3/Since this so called Armageddon, what has Doncaster actually done? If memory serves me well he certainly didn't appear to be one of the major mover and shakers of either establishing the SPFL or initiating the play offs to and fro the top tier. Competition sponsorships were also long delayed.

    4/What has he actually achieved that couldn't have been achieved by an elected "amateur" (eg an elected chairman/top executive of a member club)?

    5/Doncaster now seems to be adopting an "I was right about Armageddon all along" stance. coupled with a "now Rangers/sevco have returned to the fold everything is going to be so much better" attitude. I see neither little substance to this nor common agreement amongst other clubs and, more importantly, their fanbases.


    It's my gut feeling that if you approached the rank and file support of just about every club thru the four leagues the consensus would not favour continuing the employment of Doncaster. At the same time I see or hear of little official intention to try and rid ourselves of this wage stealer.


    So how do we get shot of this clown?

    We could start a petition asking for his resignation. We could post the reasons for his resignation with all fan forums throughout the country, as well as P and B. A grassroots move to let the powers that control football realise there is more to Scottish football than the media's obsession with the team south of the river.

    • Like 1
  6. I'll try and keep this simple


    1/Doncaster went on media to welcome back Rangers to the top tier. Putting aside the difference between welcoming back and welcoming to, did he go on media to welcome back Partick Thistle, Dundee, Accies or Hearts with anything like equal enthusiasm?

    2/Did Doncaster's job not become untenable after his Armageddon (ha!) prophecy

    3/Since this so called Armageddon, what has Doncaster actually done? If memory serves me well he certainly didn't appear to be one of the major mover and shakers of either establishing the SPFL or initiating the play offs to and fro the top tier. Competition sponsorships were also long delayed.

    4/What has he actually achieved that couldn't have been achieved by an elected "amateur" (eg an elected chairman/top executive of a member club)?

    5/Doncaster now seems to be adopting an "I was right about Armageddon all along" stance. coupled with a "now Rangers/sevco have returned to the fold everything is going to be so much better" attitude. I see neither little substance to this nor common agreement amongst other clubs and, more importantly, their fanbases.


    It's my gut feeling that if you approached the rank and file support of just about every club thru the four leagues the consensus would not favour continuing the employment of Doncaster. At the same time I see or hear of little official intention to try and rid ourselves of this wage stealer.


    So how do we get shot of this clown?

  7. The BBC highlights are an absolute disgrace. How is it possible in this day and age for a commentator not to be able to distinguish between three players because they're all black? If this had happened with highlights of a Celtic or Rangers game, all hell would have broken loose. As it is, it's just Thistle so nobody cares.


    And away from that, the commentary follows what seems to be the agreed script for Tuesday's game, Thistle won only because United failed to take their chances. Our keeper made some fantastic saves in the first half - that's the Thistle keeper, the one we recruited and pay a wage to for his ability to make saves - and United put us under a fair bit of pressure with long balls over our defence, taking advantage of the fact we had to re-arrange the team after losing a midfielder to an early injury, but at no time did they 'dominate' that first half and Thistle always looked like they had more quality than they did. And by the end of the game Thistle had won despite having to compete with a team who's players are fighting for their careers and are, apparently, on a reviving run of form. Credit to Thistle, yes? Apparently not. We only won because United had (another) off day.


    The quality of reporting in the Scottish media is appalling. It's not a case of reporting what happens, it's all about deciding what the story is going to be and then telling that story even if the facts inconveniently don't quite fit. (And if some of the players are black, doesn't really matter what their names are. They're only Thistle players, right?)

    I think the 7 points we have collected in the last 3 games against the bottom 3 is not receiving the recognition this deserves. Pushing for a top 6 place is great, but the effort from those trying to stay in this league will be greater than the mid table fight. We may still suffer an inferiority complex against the top three, but we are getting our act together and 7 points is proof of that.

  8. "Embarrassing, unprofessional, incompetent and some may say racist commentary. In a very short report David Amoo is twice referred to as Abdul Osman and Mustapha Dumbuya is referred to as David Amoo. All of these players are black. There is no way I'm saying the commentator is a racist but it's sloppy reporting and doesn't look good- to say the least. I've watched hundreds of football reports and have never heard the players names got wrong so badly-certainly not where the errors all concern black players. It's not as if this was a live commentary but was added later and should be error free. If this had happened in a high profile game the BBC would really have egg on their face."


    I sent this complaint to the BBC.

    This may be an opportunity to make out presence felt. If as many of us as possible complain, someone may listen



    I get the frustration with the lack of media coverage. However, maybe we could do more to make ourselves noticeable in "the mainstream". Bombard the likes of "off-the-ball", "super scoreboard" and Talksport with e-mails, texts and calls.


    Forgive them, for they know not what they are missing. .... There's a quiet revolution happening, we are on the front line along with the likes of the glamorous cup winners like County, ICT, St.Johnstone... , the reporters think the establishment have it all under control, and are only reporting on the major battles.


    "Great Glasgow Alternative"...? :thinking:


    "North Glasgow's Underground Resistance!!!" :ph34r:

    I agree we must make more noise with the media. Be it the way we were not discussed as possible top 6 until last night, or the lack of coverage.

    The fans from the team south of the river do this in a vile and threatening manner, getting journalists sacked and stories pulled.

    We only want a fair share of publicity. My worty is we have missed the opportunity now the media have their darlings back for next season.

    But we will only see change through our own efforts.

    • Like 1
  10. STV sports news was at Govan spoke about them and the other mob.Not even a mention our game was on. :frantic:

    BBC TV sports was the same last night, although we were getting more coverage on the radio. I find it really galling that BBC continue to provide in depth coverage when they have a dispute with the team from south of the river.

  11. Already too many folk focusing on the Ross game before the 2 home games are out of the way. (I mean on FB too, not just here!) I think Clark has been unlucky not to get them a result so far and their time will come. They gave Celtic more problems than we gave them. It'd be foolish to disregard Killie.

    I agree. They were also unlucky against Aberdeen. I think the next 2 games will be as tough as any games do far this season. Playing against teams fighting relegation at this time of year is very difficult. And Clark will get a win at some point. But I think Archie will have the team very well prepared. The break will also have helped to refresh the team after a very hectic spell. Thistle win.

  12. There are many teams trying different things to encourage people back to football. There are others doing the opposite. Below is a response to my querie ragardong a booking fee to watch Scotland Denmark from [email protected]

    A booking fee is applied to all ticket sales with the exception of Scotland Supporters Club members.


    Ticket sales are available from 10am on match day from two portable units behind the west stand.


    I am sure a booking fee can be justified (I can't think of a reason though) but a fee when you either want to collect the ticket or pay at the gate smells like a money fleecing scheme.

  13. I dont get peoples points about not wanting to go because of the thousands of Celtic fans unless you have just started to support the Jags through the 90,s and beyond then thousands of the Old firm turning up at Firhill and taking over the stadium was the norm. In fact you were lucky if you got a pocket of supporters under the shed at times. The way its done now is a lot better than it use to be especially if you had the audacity to beat them all those years ago...no chance of leaving the ground without some ugly sister either spitting on you or wanting to punch your head off.


    The way its doen now is miles better and benefits the club greatly both ways


    I agree with this and other posts. I was in the main stand when Celtic won the league and again on Saturday. This week was a lot better that previously as very few Celtic fans in the main stand. I would be comfortable taking my children to old firm games if the arrangement regained the same. I would also endorse keeping away fans in The stadium a little longer to ensure fans are not mixing directly after the game. I did see a skirmish after the game, but this is not unusual.

    It would be great if we could get to the stage of Thistle fans happy to come to games against the old firm. Safety is always a big worry, but happy with the main and north stands. I just feel it very sad that we can't sell out allocation. And sadder still that there are empty seats when the away fans may have taken more tickets.

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