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Rid Skwerr

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Everything posted by Rid Skwerr

  1. You always hurt the one you love - Spike Jones and his City Slickers
  2. the next batch (tell me if this is getting boring ) 121. The thing that crunches me. 122. The heart of the guts of the matter. 123. Keep it up your hat. 124. If the shoe fits one wears it. 125. Scottish supporters with their Lion Ramparts. 126. The whole shooting bag of tricks. 127. The right arm doesn't know what the left hand's doing. 128. The management are a shower of bamstocks. 129. He'd be down my throat like a ton of bricks. 130. When the mice is away the cat will play. 131. That's me reading between the lines and making five. 132. He was always running the roost. 133. He rules with an iron fist. 134. A wee goat beard 135. Peeling off timescales. 136. You're best going for the horse's mouth. 137. The rose is always redder at the other side of the fence from here 138. I'll believe that with a pinch of salt. 139. I'll make a bee-hive for the course. 140. The ice-cream was going like hot cakes.
  3. You gotta move - Rolling Stones
  4. This'll get you there...
  5. Maybe Clinically Depressed could bring the New Orleans Voodoo Doll out of retirement......
  6. Walking on Broken Glass - Annie Lennox
  7. They've scaled new heights with that one.
  8. I'd rather go blind - The Faces Oops - didn't see the next page let's try - Donkey Rides, A penny, A glass - The Small Faces
  9. next batch..... 101. He was up on his hind horse. 102. Down on his hands and bended knee. 103. If there's one thing that stirs my back. 104. You've just hit it in a nutshell. 105. It's all highly laid out rules. 106. Hanging your washing out in public. 107. The only thing I got to eat was a cup of coffee. 108. How would you like to be brandished as a liar. 109. They don't know what side their card's buttered on. 110. If the crunch comes to the worst. 111. It's on the pipeline. 112. It gives you a fright to death. 113. Banking all your eggs. 114. It gets right up your wick. 115. The eating of the pudding. 116. The machine is always blocked and chalked in the mornings. 117. I was droobling down my chin. 118. Somebody will blow hot and cold and give them a bollocking 119. The computer room staff are running about swap packing. 120. He was doing his duster. No 119 is a nice wee spoonerism he meant to say "pack swapping" (it refers to the changing of hard-disk packs on the mainframe)
  10. :lol: Clever and concise
  11. On the road again - Canned Heat
  12. And tonight's gems from old Tony are - 81. A bit old in the tooth. 82. I went through it with a fine tooth pick. 83. I was right on my fighting horse. 84. I just told him my P's and Q's. 85. That's just pulling the wool over the bloody blindfold. 86. I'm sure you've heard it till the bells come home nowadays. 87. Two programmers have been put on yardsticks. 88. They'd be snapped up with golden arms. 89. For once my big man stuck up for his guns. 90. He should have been down with a ton of bricks. 91. There's no use going over the spilt water. 92. He was left sitting in the lurch. 93. They are always jumping into bed with sex nowadays. 94. There's too much bloody-well bad language on TV 95. They were bought just as a stop go. 96. My car is off the road, so I'm just humphing it today. 97. Must get down to brass roots. 98. At the whip of a hat. 99. It gets your goat worked up. 100. Knocking your guts out. ...only 450 to go......
  13. he Pope comes to Glasgow and asks "Anyone with 'special needs' who wants to be prayed over, please come forward to the front by the altar." With that, wee Brendan got in line, and when it was his turn, the Pope asked, "My son, what do you want me to pray about for you?" Wee Brendan replied, "Your Holy Popeness, I need you to pray for help with my hearing." The Pope put one finger of one hand in Brendan’s ear, placed his other hand on top of his head, and then prayed and prayed and prayed. He prayed a great prayer for Brendan, and the whole congregation joined in with great enthusiasm. After a few minutes, the Pope removed his hands, stood back and asked, "Brendan, how is your hearing now?" Wee Brendan answered, "Ah don't know. It's no' 'til next week....."
  14. Pictures of matchstick men - Status Quo
  15. You must have been pooped thinking that one up.
  16. ...he got some strange looks when he came out with them... Glad you're enjoying them - have some more .... 61. You never know where he is on the intercom. 62. I haven't heard anything in black or white. 63. Secretary picketing. 64. When he gets on his so called morale fibres. 65. That's the problem for it. 66. It's stand-up procedures to do it that way. 67. We don't want to go into this full scale ahead. 68. We don't want it the way we never had it before. 69. I was just the pig in the poke. 70. I don't want to get this right. 71. At least he's not been shouting down our throats. 72. The writing is on the cards. 73. The computer was snowballed under with work. 74. The workload should be tailoring off. 75. The steel men are out on picket. 76. Off the top of your boiler. 77. You've got to live and learn with it. 78. On its own isolation 79. I wish them a Happy New Year every Christmas. 80. We all get tarred with the wild brush. For No. 63 read "secondary" picketing (one only our older trade unionists will remember, I fear)
  17. Seen tonight on a fast-food joint at Blairdardie.... Pizza's Curries Kebab's Burgers Not even flamin' consistency.... and tonight's "Tony-isms" - 41. Now let's get this quite wrong. 42. I'm reading the report from page to cover. 43. Banging your head against a window. 44. Everything else goes by the second fiddle. 45. They'll be having a mickey. 46. Put my foot in it even if I have to put it in writing. 47. Two runs at the cherry. 48. There's no point in killing yourself to death. 49. Mental blockout. 50. Jumped in with two feet where angels fear to tread. 51. He's supposed to be here till the last straw. 52. We've reached the peak of the trough. 53. Just like Jimmy and Jewel. 54. Don't turn down a gift horse in the mouth. 55. If the ball fits you wear it. 56. I'm not going shouting my neck off. 57. Big eejit the ba' 58. Just let him stew in his own goose. 59. He'll be in here arguing and tossing. 60. Greg Beard. (not sure what or who No. 60 refers to)
  18. Thousand Yard Stare - Big Country
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