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Everything posted by Mojo4171

  1. BBC reporting NEWCO to Div 3
  2. If you think Burley wrote that column you are mistaken. Burley can barely write his own name he is that thick. The column in this rag of a newspaper would have been written by one of the ghost writers who constantly compose the normal rubbish put out by the popular press in support of the NEWCO . The answer is don't buy rubbish red tops with the agenda which caters to the real Knuckle Draggers. If the decision is going to be made by the SFL board The old saying "Don't Vote it only encourages them" has never been so appropriate.
  3. I'm totally sick tonight . The season ahead, my sixtieth, which I looked forwad to with great optimism and yes I have bought my season ticket is being torn apart by arguments about the NEWCO, who I have despised in any form all my life. There are arguments anti and pro for the blackmail on offer but we should be clear are we going to accept 30 shillings for the survival of PTFC over the next few years or do we accept that we gamble with the very future of our club by voting no. We have always claimed the higher moral ground over the gruesome bigots on both sides of the divide and for that reason we have to accept the gamble and please Mr Beattie we have to vote no. I cannot see the season where my sons and grandson don't have the Jags to follow in what ever division that we find ourselfs in and fully expect that we do the right thing and say no.
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