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Everything posted by hamiltonjag

  1. ......unless yer marital uber-fuhrer is like mine and hands out a messages demand list with some of the most obscure fkn items on it like "honeyroast buffalo facial scrub with lavvy sanitiser" and "frozen pig trotter shower gel".......ok I made those two up but honestly her lists are that obscure. Nae point asking one of the floor "walkers" (accurate description of the Walking Dead "assistants") cos they look at you like YOU'RE the weirdo before saying "I don't think we stock those". So the mobile phone is my best friend. Phone up the screaming skull to get some sort of GPS co-ordinates for the desired shengis.
  2. I don't care what sort of funeral it gets, though I'm hoping its not a cremation. I want someone to bring me its skull
  3. More intelligent than what? A boulder?
  4. The S&G was mobbed before the game yesterday. Rumour going around that it was extra busy cos Munns has closed down. Any truth in this?
  5. Thanks for the heads-up mate. Didn't know they were on to me
  6. Mentioning the words "girlfriend" and "schools" in the same post may get you noticed by a nice female criminal profiler.
  7. **** sake! I was making a joke. Maybe I should have said "Soviet Bloc" or feckin "Warsaw Pact" or "East-of-the-Former-Iron-Curtain-but-West-of-feckin-Mongolia" Possibly, in part, due to the fact that most of them weren't born and therefore have no recollection of being part of the UK. This is becoming silly
  8. If true could Jackie McNamara be tempted to go back to Falkirk?
  9. No offence meant mate but bit of a stupid question.....akin to "will the SNP morph into the SRA post referendum and start bombing boozers in Birmingham?" There is no way back post independence so why would the Irish waste their time calling for reintegration? Well spotted though. Ireland is pretty fcuked at the moment. The same Ireland that The Fat Question Dodger used to point to as a shining example of a small independent nation doing oh-so well. That kinda blew up in his face (pardon the unfortunate imagery). OK I'll give you Malta and ummmmm Cyprus(?). That's 2. Not "many". The vast majority are of the ilk of Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia etc. Hence my tongue-in-cheek remark
  10. Is Ireland a "new European state that (has) gained independence over the last twenty years"?
  11. Ummmm....aye it says that the people prefer independence to Soviet government.
  12. Jaggernaut: I've had a good read at your Swinney article. Seems to answer precious little to be honest. See if the independence seekers get their way, can I put in a request that we at least get rid of that fcukin dirge "Flower of Scotland" as the national anthem. Still voting NO. Not convinced at all.....and not impressed that the only answer so far from the pro-independence side is along the lines of "The answers will come" or "its all in the timing". That doesn't even make it to "lame" to be honest.
  13. Great to have the video. It's superb. Just my own opinion though.....I'd rather hear the Jags fans cheer and sing than have the cheesey music....it's a bit *cringe*.
  14. I personally couldn't care less what he looks like or runs like, but I have to accept I too must be a minger amid the oil paintings of the beautiful people who make up the Thistle support
  15. Away and lie doon mate. 7-0 victory and agreeing with the sanest person in the history of Humankind all in the one weekend cannae be good for the old blood pressure
  16. Glad to see you're still in. The unionist figures in terms of the unionist debate is the status quo and are there in black and white for all to read and debate over. This is simply due to the fact that we currently exist within the UK. Is it incumbent upon the anti-independents to provide figures for Scotland post independence? Hmmm....maybe you could argue that it is, but it would surely be a weak argument given that anything the anti-independence side come up with is/would be seen as "scaremongering" irrespective of the veracity (or otherwise) of said figures. So it leaves us as the Scottish electorate in a stalemate position until the pro-independence squad (and it IS a squad made up not only of SNP activists but also some Labour activists with a smattering of assorted radicals like the SSP) come up with verifiable figures of their own. I don't buy into all the keech about bombing Scottish airports or denying access to the BBC. Its all peurile nonsense imho. But what I really want to know (and again imho its down to the nationalists to provide this) is a detailed post-independence financial/fiscal plan. For example: taxation, health & welfare, infrastructure including capital projects, SROI programmes, housing, social work, police, fire service, vehicle licencing, pre-tax revenue (if any) from sold-off assets like oil, gas and whisky, growth predictions from any government investment in renewable energy, and any effect it would have on the (Scottish) national grid. Imports, exports.... I could go on and bore you to death, but this is what we all need...no...we all DESERVE and should DEMAND of our politicians before we make any historic decision. I would like nothing more than to simply believe the nationalist hype that we are a nation capable of severing ties with Wales, NI and England and, in doing so, we would thrive. I'd REALLY love to believe that. It's such an attractive prospect. BUT in going it alone are we simply just creating the conditions for an economic and social wasteland? This is why I may be boring you with my persistence in demanding the sums. And again I stress that these calculations MUST come from those trying to convince us to vote for independence.
  17. Why leave it there? Ah...wait....I think I understand. It's the usual tactic adopted by the pro independence movement. I'll take your transparent attempt to deflect from the difficult questions and reply: no Salmond has not done anything I find "hurtful". I simply disagree with what he has to say. And I'm pretty sure he can be seen to "wipe the floor" with other politicians. Especially when it comes to question dodging. He is absolutely superb at that. Could it be that if he actually answered the SNP would be exposed for what they really are? A pressure group with (at best) dodgy calculations they don't really want anyone to see? Yes I want to see figures. Don't you? And I'll make my own mind up either way based upon my perceptions of said figures irrespective of their source's "Scottish" credentials (and this means I am still willing to be swayed by the Nats.....but in the absence of any form of considered argument based upon any sort of fiscal/economic calculations provided by the nationalists I have to conclude that the balance of probability is that even their own figures must make for scary reading...if not SHOW US THE F****N SUMS) So instead of just "fiercely contesting" figures produced by pro-union politicians (yah-boo London lackies yadda yadda) come up with some of your own. Might even manage to sway a skeptic like me. Thanks for taking the time to debate this. And thanks for "leaving it there". I'm sure other undecided voters are in awe too.
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