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Everything posted by GrantB

  1. That's not really saying much though. It amazes me how folk like those 2 can steal a wage out of professional football clubs (and Sevco)
  2. Trialist No 7 was Gary Fraser (ex Accies) according to Thistletweet
  3. Never really bought into the hype about him when he played with us. Thought he was a tidy player but nothing more. I think Paton played Hutton's role in the team to far greater effect last season. Not entirely worried about him not being great at Sevco as we all know they are managed by an absolute trumpet.
  4. Don't say I didn't warn you...
  5. No one knows the consequence of a No vote either given that the Tories are savagely cutting everything they can get their hands on and will be likely to see us a soft target now that the question of independence is out of the question. See the aftermath of 1979 for an example. Also they are committed to a referendum on EU membership if they are returned to office. Labour have also said they wont be reversing Osbourne's newly announced cuts to I would suggest there is every bit as much uncertainty for the country if it rejects the chance of better...
  6. Whilst not a fan of the strips, got to admit the leisurewear is looking good. Think that's where I'll be spending my cash.
  7. Do you seriously think the EU are going to be difficult and stop the largest oil producing country from joining? Didn't see it putting up much of a fight when the likes of Slovakia joined. Don't forget Scotland holds a lot of ace cards when it comes to negotiations.
  8. Most are best avoided. I think we can both agree on that one
  9. Stop being such a scaredy cat. Independence will give Scotland the chance to stand and fall on her own decisions and own decisions alone. None of this 'blame the English' culture anymore which will allow us to have a more mature and grown up relationship with our friends and neighbours. I don't need to see a spreadsheet for every outcome. I have enough faith in the people of this proud and ancient nation to have enough faith in our ability to cope.
  10. Developments at other clubs doesn't stretch to the diddy leagues unless we're going to have updates from Arbroath, Stenny and the like.
  11. Imagine scoring the winner against Utd and running right over to snake eyes and doing a big 'get it up you' gesture? Either that or beating Sevco 7-0 when we get them in a cup.
  12. Nail hit on head. This is a Thistle forum and I come on here to debate with other like minded souls and a few opposition fans who realise that they are conversing with Jags. NOT people who describe the club called Sevco that are kidding people on that their name is really Rangers as 'we'
  13. Dont think there is anything more to be gained from conversing with pondlife. Anyway, developments at other clubs......
  14. I'm not the one making a complete zoomer of myself on a Thistle fans forum though....
  15. Aah, the classic OF defence of 'if you hate us, you must like the other' Listen, I hate them with a passion also, the only Scottish team I support is the mighty Jags. I dislike Sevco because they are a scummy, bigoted, unionist institition who stand for everything in the world that I hate. It was such a shame when they died. I cried tears of laughter for days on end.
  16. I feel unclean. I can tolerate any teams's fans (even Celtic at a push) but Sevco are a step too far for me.
  17. This, this and this again. What do the No people have to say then....
  18. The bit in bold worries me as no Jags fan would ever say such a thing. Personally I wouldn't have them in Division 3. You sure you're on the right forum?
  19. A fully fit Mark Kerr will perform the 'Paton' role in the team better than Paton. He has vast experience of the SPL and my only worry about him is speed and fitness. I'm sure Archie will fully assess him before any contract offer is made.
  20. Aberdeen have made some decent signings and I fancy them to do well this season. As for Sevco, it's really laughable that the likes of Gretna could scoosh the 3rd Division raking up all sorts of points and goalscoring records with SFL standard players and Fat Sally couldn't do anything like the same with about 40x Gretna's budget. I'm willing to wager that Sevco wont get anywhere near QoS's achievements last season in Div 2 either.
  21. There are more than enough of us to justify our own supporters group.
  22. Excluding the not fit for purpose 'trust' should be positively encouraged!
  23. A 35 year old washed up thug who gushes about Sevco at every opportunity would be a great signing? Thanks but no thanks.
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