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Everything posted by eighthoursbehind

  1. Loose Ends by Don Easton. a former undercover RCMP cop. Undercover cop in his story is Jack Taggart.
  2. I don't think he can show those photos in public.
  3. A salesman goes up to a house and knocks on the front door. It is opened by a little ten year-old boy who has a lighted cigar in one hand, a glass of whiskey in the other and a Penthouse magazine tucked under his arm. Salesman: "Hello son. Is your mom or dad home ?" Little boy: "What do you think?"
  4. A tourist approached a local person in a village he was visiting in Newfoundland and asked "What's the quickest way to Deer Lake?" The local scratched his head, "Are you walking or driving?" he asked the stranger. "I'm driving" said the stranger. The villager said "That's the quickest way!"
  5. I won't ask how you know that.
  6. I think the rules state the length must exceed the width.
  7. Mirosoft Security Essentials Malwarebytes Spybot search and destroy.
  8. He was getting old and paunchy And his hair was falling fast, And he sat around the Legion, Telling stories of the past. Of a war that he once fought in And the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his buddies; They were heroes, every one. And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors His tales became a joke, All his buddies listened quietly For they knew where of he spoke. But we'll hear his tales no longer, For ol' Bob has passed away, And the world's a little poorer For a Soldier died today. He won't be mourned by many, Just his children and his wife. For he lived an ordinary, Very quiet sort of life. He held a job and raised a family, Going quietly on his way; And the world won't note his passing, 'Tho a Soldier died today. When politicians leave this earth, Their bodies lie in state, While thousands note their passing, And proclaim that they were great. Papers tell of their life stories From the time that they were young But the passing of a Soldier Goes unnoticed, and unsung. Is the greatest contribution To the welfare of our land, Some jerk who breaks his promise And cons his fellow man? Or the ordinary fellow Who in times of war and strife, Goes off to serve his country And offers up his life? The politician's stipend And the style in which he lives, Are often disproportionate, To the service that he gives. While the ordinary Soldier, Who offered up his all, Is paid off with a medal And perhaps a pension, small. It is not the politicians With their compromise and ploys, Who won for us the freedom That our country now enjoys. Should you find yourself in danger, With your enemies at hand, Would you really want some cop-out, With his ever waffling stand? Or would you want a Soldier-- His home, his country, his kin, Just a common Soldier, Who would fight until the end. He was just a common Soldier, And his ranks are growing thin, But his presence should remind us We may need his like again. For when countries are in conflict, We find the Soldier's part Is to clean up all the troubles That the politicians start. If we cannot do him honor While he's here to hear the praise, Then at least let's give him homage At the ending of his days. Perhaps just a simply headline In the paper that might say: "OUR COUNTRY IS IN MOURNING, A SOLDIER DIED TODAY."
  9. Three dead bodies turn up at the mortuary all with very big smiles on their faces. The coroner calls the police to tell them what has happened. 'First body: Pierre Dubois, Frenchman, 60, died of heart failure while making love to his 20-year old mistress. Hence the enormous smile, Inspector', says the Coroner. 'Second body: Hamish Campbell, Scotsman, 25, won £50,000 on the lottery, spent it all on whisky. Died of alcohol poisoning, hence the smile.' The Inspector asked, 'What about the third body?' 'Ah,' says the coroner, 'this is the most unusual one. Paddy Murphy, Irish, 30, struck by lightning.' 'Why is he smiling then?' inquires the Inspector. 'He thought he was having his picture taken'.
  10. I read something last week about less police and more stewars to be used at football matches. Can't remember where I read it.
  11. It's a helluva life said the Queen of Spain Two minutes pleasure and nine months pain You're no sooner better till your away again It's a helluva life said the Queen of Spain
  12. She is American so Mom's the word.
  13. At Chelsea's wedding on July 31st, Hillary wanted to play the perfect mom. She asked Chelsea... "Have you had sex with Marc yet?" Chelsea very wittily replied .... "Not according to dad!"
  14. Thank you, merci. Have a nice 4th.
  15. Don't mess with mammy deer.
  16. Just saw 2 guys in the crowd dressed RAF uniforms with St.George flags as capes, no comment made. What would have been said had it been Germans dressed as SS?
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