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Everything posted by JAGZ1876

  1. No doubt he'll need time to CHEWITs over.
  2. He had a chance to put forward in his last major speech as a unionist party leader, his vision of how he would like to see labours new leader making a brighter, better Britain. Instead it was the usual SNP bashing that they've done for the last two Holyrood elections, and look where that's got them. Will these clowns never learn a lesson. Don't slam the door on the way out Ian.
  3. A lot of those Turkish clubs have cash flow problems, he might end up being paid in BUTTONS.
  4. Aaaaahhhh... the old Backscuttle, a man after my own heart
  5. Good post Guy, i'm very surprised at the Scotsman publishing that, maybe it's slowly dawning on them that their plummeting sale's figures might have something to do with their political and anti Scottish Government stance (take note Hearld). Some of the people who posted comments under it were so right wing, they make oor JB sound like Tony Benn.
  6. Naw not the Sturge, i'm thinking maybe after 15 pint's.........Naw no the Sturge. Wid ye?
  7. That has to be the best argument for independence that i've ever heard, even Jaggybunnet would vote for it. Now how do we get rid of the other mob
  8. Sweet Home Alabama- Lynyrd Skynyrd
  9. Yeah, you need a Breakaway from your work.
  10. Agreed, stereotypical English eccentric, who went above and beyond the call of duty in helping others. He'll be sadly missed.
  11. Does that mean we're going to have to practice clicking our heel's together saying "Heil Eck" whilst sticking our right arm's in the air (we're going to have to get Rangers fans to show us how to do that bit properly)
  12. Street Fighting Man- Rolling Stones PS, i see the clocks have already gone back an hour on here.
  13. Oor Wullie would definitely vote for independence, after all he is pal's with Wee Eck
  14. It shows how out of touch this choob is, he didn't even know there are, so called small nations out there as part of the Allied force's. But then again this is no more than we can expect from a man who called for the post of Secretary of State for Scotland to be abolished, before accepting the post of (wait for it, yes that's right) Secretary of State for Scotland.
  15. It was twee, patronising, didn't the wee diddy team do well guff. I expect them to do the same for Celtic in 2017, NOT.
  16. After we're independent, i shall sleep soundly in my bed, safe in the knowledge that you are patrolling our borders. As you were JB.
  17. Don't tell me you make union flags JB?
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