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Everything posted by Jaggernaut

  1. I voted Cairney for his consistency in recent games and also in recognition of the vast improvement compared to last season.
  2. Now that you mention it..... Actually, no need to invite them!
  3. You're right. I wonder why they restrict it to the Republic and NI. Sorry, but I don't know anybody in NI who could buy it for you and then send it on.
  4. Most definetly not, why do you think i and thousands of scots every year leave the country, but lose our military bases and see the knock on effect for the wider community, not to mention the like of rolls-royce who's scottish legs wouldnt be able to work on parts or engines that go into engkish airforce planes, thats more jobs that would move down south This is scaremongering nonsense. Engineering contracts are almost always international these days, including British military contracts. You don't seem to be bothered by the fact that RAF planes and navy ships are made up of components that come from several different countries. Yet somehow you single out Scotland never to be able to produce parts for other customers? Almost unbelievable. And the UK is in fact a bankrupt country, with debts that will never be paid off in any of our lifetimes? Your correct, but scotland would be starting of in a horrendous position, who would give them decent credit? it would be like leaving school and going for your 1st car loan with a million quid debt already against you, We'd take on roughly 1/10th of the UK debt. A lot of money, but then we would also be able to come up with our own plans to deal with it, just as every other sovereign nation is doing. Your example reminds me of young folk these days starting out in life with £50K or £60K of debt after their studies, debt that most of them will never pay off in their lifetime, as the jobs aren't there. Great unionist policies again. What is this "no infrastructure" idea? Are roads and railways and airports somehow going to disappear with independence? Same with schools and hospitals? Alot of schools and hospitals have been partly funded by westminster, would we pay it back? The train tracks are owned by network rail (british company), the airports are run by BAA (british company) and governed by the CAA (british company), how do we split this up would we have to pay for some ar all of it? Others have refuted your point on this, but I'd just remind you that any Westminster infrastructure in Scotland is largely paid for by Scottish taxes. You seem to be suggesting that we live entirely on handouts from London, which is what London has tried to make Scots (and other British) believe for decades. It's only recently that the lie has become clearer to most people.
  5. There may be a generation gap thingy here. I'd drop everything and travel across the globe to make it to a 1971 celebration. I'd probably go along to Firhill to celebrate an evening with Dick's Daredevils, but only if I wasn't doing anything else. It might be the other way round for younger supporters.
  6. Fair enough, but don't you give any credence to the numerous people who have posted on here who have said that they had a brilliant day out at Firhill hospitality?
  7. Talk about head and brick wall.......! Again, What is the UK doing (other than driving 99% of its population into a poorer standard of living)?
  8. Has it escaped your notice that job losses are increasing by the thousands every week under our unionist leaders, including in the armed forces? And the UK is in fact a bankrupt country, with debts that will never be paid off in any of our lifetimes? What is this "no infrastructure" idea? Are roads and railways and airports somehow going to disappear with independence? Same with schools and hospitals? A question that unionists don't like, but here we go again: Why is it that no country that has ever gained independence from "union" with a more powerful (and often colonizing) country has ever voted to return to dependence? Surely if the awful financial and social scenarios that some unionists like to dream up would come to pass (and have they in other developed countries?), then people would vote with their vote, and go back to being dependent? It doesn't happen, because people are happier. Why is that?
  9. So, how would you tackle it? The British nationalist parties tried to block everything the SNP proposed to tackle the problem. And please don't give us something wishy washy like "education" (which is exactly what is needed, but then why didn't the unionist parties do anything?!)
  10. And you accused me of being paranoid! Edited: Apologies, it wisnae you who accused me. But now I'm the accuser!
  11. RIP. To my shame, I had no idea that he was Scottish!
  12. It's not paranoid, and it's you who's wrong. For years we were told that Scotland just could not go it alone. I don't have details, but papers released in recent times have shown it to be a lie that the Westminster government used to subdue the Scottish people's growing realisation that they were getting a raw deal. That no longer will wash, so Westminster's strategy has clearly shifted, from claiming that Scots are incapable and cannot afford to become an independent nation, to relying on vague and emotional arguments like "we don't want divorce", or "we are stronger together than apart"." As I said previously, fortunately (in my view), more and more Scots (and people who have chosen to live here from elsewhere) are wakening up to the situation, and have decided that enough is enough.
  13. Good question. Friday evening would have been perfect!
  14. So what you're saying is that all politicians are in it for themselves (or at least end up that way; not a lot to disagree with there, I have to say), but that means we should do nothing and continue to be misgoverned and kept at a lower standard of living than we deserve by an English-interests dominated London government? That's similar to the sense of helplessness that Westminster likes to see in Scots, to make us feel dependent and incapable of changing their cosy position. Fortunately, the tide appears to be turning.
  15. Jesus, look at the Millenium Dome, the fact that the Channel Tunnel was supposed to give Scotland a direct fast-train route to the continent (that's what the London government lied about to get European Funding), the complete and utter balls-up over a spanking new aircraft carrier (we cannae afford it, so will need to share it with France), which won't have any planes for years (cannae afford it, but we can afford billions on new nuclear weapons)..... Or don't you see Westminster government financial disasters? Edited to add: We're now told by London that we might be able to think about getting a high-speed rail link to London.....decades from now, well after much of middle England. We are being deliberately kept in underdeveloped circumstances for the benefit of our neighbours.
  16. What do we have now with unionist parties, and look at the state of our society. What evidence do you have that makes you "honestly believe" that Scotland would be worse off once freed from London rule?
  17. I wonder what the "option" to be examined is. Finally sending a begging letter to yon Euromillions winner?
  18. Rockall is the place to be in the future!
  19. Interesting. Many British nationalists who are against Scotland looking after its own affairs in the world claim that it's only due to the union that we have been able to survive the recent/current global economic crisis, so that's somehow good. Yet many of them also point the finger to the Eurozone and how the united zone is able to bail out Greece, Ireland etc and say that that is somehow bad. Where's the consistency in that? There is none!
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