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Leaders' Debate

Blackpool Jags

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what a strange thread of exchanges.



enny hoo ..... if anyone didn't see the ding dong leaders debate on sunday politics scotland yesterday, i'd recommend they all head to the aye-player.



and for a bonus laugh, check out gideon oliver osborne being a bigger avoiding obnoxious twat than normal on the marr show.

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CGMB, I saw your tirade against Cosgrove on the main forum but avoided comment there as I didn't want to reply on a thread that was generally celebrating a great day for the team. No doubt his publicly open support for independence was incidental to your rant against the guy..... Biliko alsoshares your dislike of the man. Come to think of it both yourself and Biliko are one and the same on the UK and It would be a huge surprise if Biliko has any time for Salmond or Sturgeon. So, if it came to the worst and Thistle ceased to exist then there is ready made alternative for you (assuming the survival of ra people's team), not fat to travel as the crow flies or ideologically.

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Yoda, I watched the whole thing on I-player. Brewer was hopeless in trying to control them, descended into a rammy. Interesting that GB kicked off by giving Sturgeon a really hard time over FFA which teed it u nicely for the other 3 to pile in. He could have started by going for Murphy/Davison over the £30bn cuts. I do appreciate that FFA has become a major issue whereby the Westminster parties perceive that the SNP are vulnerable and don't have a strong defence.

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Yoda, I watched the whole thing on I-player. Brewer was hopeless in trying to control them, descended into a rammy. Interesting that GB kicked off by giving Sturgeon a really hard time over FFA which teed it u nicely for the other 3 to pile in. He could have started by going for Murphy/Davison over the £30bn cuts. I do appreciate that FFA has become a major issue whereby the Westminster parties perceive that the SNP are vulnerable and don't have a strong defence.


Brewer was an integral part of a pre-planned attack involving all four of them against Sturgeon; the latter was the only one to come out of that with any trace of dignity, and that will have had a positive impact on any neutral viewers who could bear to watch the whole thing.


ETA: The BBC in Scotland has really sunk to low depths with the offerings of their closed-mind set of political "journalists."

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m ... I called you "a pie" because you moved the goalposts on one point, "a nugget" because you played the man not the issue by suggesting my opinion might not be compatible with Firhill fans and I should consider my suitability. Now in continuing to play political football with our club and top trump what-about-ery by refering to posts from the football section of the site and applying your own editorial bias, you are now displaying a sinister heid the baw atitude.


After over 30 years of my promoting a clear F.T.O.F. atitude, and my recently drawing attention to, "139 years and still competing. How many Third lanark or Rangers fans would bite your hand off for that?" on another thread, it's saddening to me that you must rely on fictitious foreboding scenarios about our football club in order to try and score some kind of ideological blow to the integrity of my sporting allegiances.


I put it to you, and others, that it is precisely this kind of atitude which you are now displaying, "aye... so yer a Jags fan.... but what kind of Jags fan are ye?" that is the most bigoted and quintessential pain in the arse thought process of the fans of Old Firm F.C.


I made it quite clear in my previous post to which you refer, which was on a thread about journalists and broadcasters giving "Nae credit" to our team's performances, that my view was this problem was common place among pundits,


"They've pretty much all been utterly gash at promoting the game. Most of the hacks are old firm fans who think they don't need us, don't want to play us and cling on to the dream of moving to the EPL or a euro-league. The rest are "provincial" club (thier word not mine) fans, tickled pink they get into the game buck shee."


Singling out Mr. Cosgrove was not a crazed bid to force my political agenda covertly into an unrelated debate, as some seem so sadly intent on doing, but rather was inspired by the original poster's opening line,


"I'm not even going to apologise for harping on this. Just listened to the start of the gruesome twosome show on BBC, Tam and Stewart, and the question was "why were the 'well so poor after their brilliant recent performances"? "


Furthermore I made it abundantly clear that I saw a certain hypocrisy with his opinion of Thistle,


"Sorry, cannae bide the Channel 4 controller of arts and entertainment slaggin us for all being west end luvvies"


and that this was my cause for a "tirade against" him specifically, rather than any reference or inference about his political stance.


Billko, not "Biliko", and I may share some opinion. So what? I also share opinion with members of the Green Brigade who started the "Fans against Criminalisation" pressure group who have picketed Holyrood in protest at some of the Laws pushed through by the SNP executive. Despite the fact I can't stand their football team anymore than the other half of the O.F. franchise, if any of their boys or girls were playing for Thistle Weir and they took as much interest in our club and showed as much support for their sons football career as Bilko does, for sure I'd rib them for their mis-spent youth for they know not what they do, but I'd applaud and welcome them to the fold rather than attempt to alienate them for unforgiveable transsgressions.


.... Yur no even bein a nice pie noo. :P

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I wasn't claiming that you aren't as fervent a supporter as any other that goes to Firhill, just that there would be somewhere where you could sing about the defence of the union and the nasty SNP separatists for 90 minutes in a welcoming atmosphere in the event that uncle Vlad broke through the lines and placed his tanks on the Firhill turf. My apologies to brother Sevco er I mean Billko for the spelling. The mean brigade have their agenda however recent findings show that the Catholic vote was in favour of independence and has largely abandoned Labour to support the SNP.

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Thanks for the information, but being born and raised in Glasgow I'm well aware of what goes on elsewhere and it doesn't float my boat. I've already found my alternative, there is no other. I'm a 24/7 Partick Thistle fundamentalist...You'd do well to take heed ... I'm pathological!


However, this is a "general chat" forum, the topic "Leaders' debate" has been thrown up for discussion by someone other than myself. The leaders debate was held because there is a United Kingdom general election pending and the the SNP are standing candidates. I'm quite happy to talk about the defence of the union and the nasty SNP separatists for as long as you or others like. They seem quite relevent to general theme. Is that not how it works?


Perhaps you were wanting to talk more about the Ukraine, where Shaktar Donestsk have had to relocate 600 miles because their stadium was shelled? It's the other side of Europe though, it could never happen here, right?


What about "the Catholic" vote? I mean I know you like to label people, profiling them into nice easily identifiable categories for selection and judgement. However, if it's another attempt to rile, or scare the free thinker that indeed your gang are ra people so you'd better pick a side, I gotta point out, at the last count most of them said "NO". I've already conceded, the SNP are very likely to do well in this election becasue people like you who are not wholly convinced by them are willing to lend them(?) their vote.


Your enemy's enemy is not always your friend. How about you tell us why you are not wholly convinced by the SNP. I've got plenty..... let's play snap and be pals! :)

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Ha ha good try regarding getting me to detail SNP weak points. Anyone else (someone reasonable :)) and I might have expanded on that. Let's accept that we hold different views and neither will convince the other. Another fine performance from the First Minister tonight old chap and Miliband sent to his bed with no supper. One last question, are you David Coburn in disguise? Anyway you can have the last post. My final words for you.......roll on the 7th May and do enjoy a wee dram to toast the separatist land-slide. :partyhat: Saor Alba Gu Brath

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Ha ha good try regarding getting me to detail SNP weak points. Anyone else (someone reasonable :)) and I might have expanded on that. Let's accept that we hold different views and neither will convince the other. Another fine performance from the First Minister tonight old chap and Miliband sent to his bed with no supper. One last question, are you David Coburn in disguise? Anyway you can have the last post. My final words for you.......roll on the 7th May and do enjoy a wee dram to toast the separatist land-slide. :partyhat: Saor Alba Gu Brath


Nah .... I'm not Coburn .... If you can't accept me as an individual, maybe call me "MacColumbo".... Just one more thing .... Do you mean free from England, Westminster, external influence, opposing opinion... Free from what and to do what? A free Scotland does not mean free Scots.


I'm not really trying to convince you. I'm trying to explain myself and understand you. You make your own conclusions. I just don't like the law telling me how much my uisge beatha is worth.


E.T.A. If your tired of defending SNP, how about giving us you criticism of UKIP... seeing as you brought them up?

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ChewingGum, I'm not rising to the bait. I suppose everyone on this kind of political thread is trying to suss others out, where exactly do their allegiances lie and so on. While I respect your opinions I'm glad that we differ on just about everything and no doubt the feeling is mutual. Vive le difference! You can have the last word.

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Macaroon, "wriggling of the hook?"


It's not allegiances but individual thoughts and opinion that is important. Allegiances are often misplaced and abused. How many felt let down by new labour after dancing in the streets to D:ream's "Things can only get better"? How many shocked at the Lib-Dems breaking thier pledge on student fees to negotiate power? I think many may regret voting SNP.


People often say they are voting for "the best of a bad lot". It is a reasonable conclusion. However when the "best of a bad lot" are in with a shout of real power it would be irresponsible not to be clear on what exactly they might use that power to do. This is not a referendum.


It's hard to believe you respect my opinions, your opening gambit was "Your use of the term "separatists" says it all". Respect would suggest some recognition of value or at least an attempt to understand or discuss them, not an attempt to summarise them in one word and dismiss them.


Vive la difference? You're feckin killin me off here!!!


Fortunately, neither you or I have the last word. As Salmond say "The dream shall never die!"

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Gosh SNP now over 50% in the polls....bliss


It would be nice, but I'm skeptical. All the media now spouting that the SNP are in line to win more than 55 seats...... it's sitting up nicely for anything less to be painted as some kind of failure. And the unionist parties (there are no Scottish tory, labour, or libdem parties) still have time for more dirty tricks. Expect to see the release of a report that says Scotland actually has a black hole of 25 billion or even more, or that SNP supporters have vandalised nurseries, or worse. The media won't ask questions, they will simply publish unionist rubbish.

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Ah we're aw Jock Tamson's bairns... :cheers: . Last time the conservatives got over half the vote in Scotland they won half the seats. The following year, despite gaining more votes than labour they won less seats. Of course that was at the time when the people were voting for "The Unionist Party" which suffered after the suez crisis and was subsumed into the Conservative Party with whom they had formed Governments at Westminster. Of course many unionist scots were not endeared to an english takeover and it is believed both labour and SNP (the later of course famously being the product of a merger of two parties one of which was established by unionist imperialists) both benefited from this dissaffection.


Similar happened in '97 when the media claimed the tories were wiped out in Scotland despite over 100,000 more scots voting for them over the Liberals who won 10 seats. Interesting too, that more Scots voted conservative when Thatcher came to power than have ever voted for a Salmond administration. Although, many will claim that only happened because the SNP encouraged a tory vote to get a referendum on devolution. Considering, their haul of MPs went from an all-time high of 11 to 2 and the swing between SNP and tory was almost exactly 300,000 votes, it's hard to dispute the probability.



Aye... it's a funny old game the first past the post.... the "media" just don't get it at all. Nether do political parties. Hence, the nationalist vote unified by a one issue referendum, and a one issue party( how can you go from republican to monarchist, balance nuclear disarmament with Nato, independence with nationalisation?), will no doubt sweep the board. However, as always they are not really what they seem. Just as the Imperialism of the Scottish Party was ignored in the amalgamation which formed the SNP in the 30's, nationalism is again repackaged, redesigned and accepted as regionalism and sold as independence. Now a European Unionist party is destined to prevail.


"One Scotland" ... aye right! Tell that to the clansmen of yore!


Freedom!!! :)

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I would very gladly see a Labour-SNP coalition or, more likely, an electoral pact between the two parties. This would give us a more left wing Labour Party in power and, more urgently, the end of this ConDem abomination.




e.t.a. ... how do i embed video on here?

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<object width="640" height="360"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aJxSarRYXV0?feature=player_embedded"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aJxSarRYXV0?feature=player_embedded"></embed></object>


I'm starting to feel like the SNP trying to do a deal at westminster! :frantic:

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