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Everything posted by MWM

  1. Erskine made the run and initial pass for the first goal so his contribution was there. Forbes has came onto a game lately too. Muirhead showed clearly hes not a right back, got a bit of a roasting at times. Archie I thought was brilliant, but Weatherson isn't the player he used to be. The substitutions were absolutely awful more like playing with 8 men as both were off the pace.. Also felt at the second goal Smith made a bit of a meal of it with a half arsed palm. Either catch it or punch it as hard as possible away, you can't be in two minds. Referee was an absolute ********, his inconsistency was shocking, booked a couple of our players minutes before Sinclair was sandwiched by two of theirs and he doesn't give a card. Expecting us to go there on Saturday and put up a cricket score. They are absolutely gash and we won't take the game as lightly as we would have had we won.
  2. Should be a good crowd. Wouldn't be too surprised if it isn't better than the Dunfermline game though with the lack of public transport and hangovers.....
  3. The S&G and the Woodside are ample for what they are, pre and post match football pubs. I like both.
  4. If we don't go up I fear we never will. The league is as weak as it ever will be this year and we'd have far too big a rebuilding job replacing a lot of good players. Go up though, keep most of that lot, add in 3 or 4 and I genuinely think we will hold our own. Whats good for us is that a lot of our better players are still to enter their prime. They are stll young or are still progessively moving up in standard say from SFL3 or the juniors to SFL1 and hopefully the SPL. Dunfermline's best players for instance when they went up were journeymen like Hardie, Andy Kirk and the like, and they were well out of their depth.
  5. Doubt Dunfermline would be happy with that. Am I right in thinking the amount of season ticket holders we have alone exceeds the away allocation there!?
  6. It keeps playing on my mind that if the league goes to the last game of the season and I canny get a ticket then I'll miss us winning the league because of the garden shed capacity. I doubt I'm alone in this.
  7. The guy could have a blinder on the day, but hes past his best and would simply be another needless sizeable wage in a team where he theres a huge chance he wouldn't be a regular pick. I think the last game will be fresh in the mind and we'll beat them. We actually played well after Murray got sent off and they suckered us with a goal on the counter. Take Murray out of the team, add in the engine of Bannigan to the middle and I think we'll beat them. With or without Welsh.
  8. Still not impressed by McGuigan. Hes living off his celebration. Elliot is a headless chicken too. Brian Graham looks a different player from the donkey at Morton, hes out of contract too, hes a player I'd definitely like to see us sign.
  9. Won't argue with that.
  10. A cup game against a team in the same league. Considering the cup is a mere inconvenience this year, no one is interested in the cup beyond the hardcore.
  11. Inverness are a joke club. Second in the SPL and they can't even fill the stand on their first visit to their local rival's redeveloped ground. Thats why it ***** me off so much to see us grubbing in the lower leagues when diddy mobs like them can barely attract 3000 fans despite being second in the country and pumping the old firm twice.
  12. Just watched the highlights there, that really is a shocking header to give away for the goal. Should be bread and butter for the centre half. Murray was actually even worse than I remembered. Skinned easily leading to a good chance and also lost possession easily which lead to the same thing!
  13. Thought Sinclair had a terrific game as good a game as he has had in a long time. Rest of the squad didn't do anything to impress at all. Hugh Murray again was a liability and twice lost the ball deep in his own half, once where Dargo should have scored. Needs to be dropped again far too slow and plodding. Played better with 10 men, Dunfermline were nothing but sneaky cloggers. A shame theres so many gash teams in the league for them to bully.
  14. Set pieces, very good. General play, don't think hes been up to much. His best game was easily against Dunfermline withstanding the goal, the other games I've seen I don't think hes contributed much in the open.
  15. I'm not his biggest fan as a player, but he'll more than do for the depth of the squad.
  16. I felt this last week, despite the big win, Dunfermline would never fall too far behind because maybe save for Morton all the other teams are rotten and they'll win most of their games against the others. Its putting more pressure on us in our home games anyway. They'll hump Dumbarton who are showing again to be well out of their depth.
  17. Agreed on Doolan, I thought he had possibly his worst game for us. Hes allowed one bad game though since hes been largely terrific.
  18. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt tonight since hes not played in donkeys, but my initial impression of Graeme Smith is that he put in a great bid for his part as this year's David Klein. Flapping at just about everything. If he keeps that up he'll be nowhere near a full-time gig again, it'll be the public parks of the juniors and the seaside leagues. Hamilton sum up the pishyness of Scottish football. Ultra negative tactics, and a ******* laughable number of fans led by the pathetic wee lot in the corner with their drum and their fat ringleader who got torn a new hole. Their best player by a country mile too was May who isn't even their own. I'd take him in a heartbeat in January.
  19. I listened to a bit of it there. Gordon Dalziel was incredibly complimentary of us. I always had him down as a Chic Young bitter type.
  20. Judging by the sections allocated, I think it is a 50/50 split. Not sure how they'll sell 4500 tickets or whatever it is. Maybe if it was at Killie they would have, don't see it at Livingston, they've been in the final of this a few times too so its not a novelty.
  21. Considering there was 4200 there yesterday and there will be a load of people planning in advance to come to the cup final that are exiled or work shifts, we are going to sell these no bother. Think one or two might be disappointed, hopefully the farmers from Dumfries struggle to shift their lot.
  22. Mega props to those who stood in torrential rain to help make sure everything went as smoothly as possible. I know I wouldn't do it and I take my hat off to the people who volunteer their services to do so.
  23. That is the best game I've seen at Firhill in god knows how long. It pleased me particularly how we played as well as we have in years when so many lapsed fans were there. All too often in recent years we've laid an egg when theres been a decent turn out - Dundee a couple of years ago, the replay against the h*ns, even the game Tuffey ****** up the backpass against Clyde. I reckon many of them will be back on a regular basis. I noticed one boy I know from where I stay who has barely been going in recent years and I clocked him there with his old man. As has been said, word has obviously been spreading on how good we are and a lot of people who previously hadn't seen the team will have seen so for themselves now. The task is now to keep these people, many of whom I'd imagine were disenchanted by the pish served up by the likes of the Bunnet and the previously disasterous BoD. I think its particularly key we avoid losing the next few league games for the meantime. I think there will be a massive support at the Accies game, and if we were to go there and lose 1-0 in a stinker of a game, which knowing how Billy Reid likes to play and the potential comedown from this game, its possible. I think we absolutely have to avoid that now more so than any other time in the season as just like that these fans could disappear again. Forbes was a totally different player to the one I seen in his first couple of games. Best goal I've probably seen at Firhill since Roberts was here. I could go on and on. McGuigan looks much leaner than he did the last time I seen him. Never seen the Star and Garter so consistently busy for ages after the game, usually it dies a death about 6 o'clock, but it was still going strong long after then.
  24. I find football in general quite dull, particularly at the top level. Its mind numbingly predictable. I don't watch Premiership games or La Liga unless one happens to be on in a pub I'm in, I neevr watch it in my own house despite having access to Sky Sports and ESPN. I watched 10 minutes of the Celtic game the other night, got bored and went to play poker online instead. I couldn't tell you the teams who were even playing in the Europa League matches last night. I can watch the odd English Lower League game as the matches are much more unpredictable, rather than watching Barca, Man U, Bayern or even one of the Old Firm and knowing they are going to win without much hassle. I'd love to go to grounds across England watching us. I'm not saying playing in the same league as Torquay United, it could work if regionalised. A day in York for instance or travelling to Livingston for the 900th time? If we lost our National Team too as a result I could not care less.
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