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Everything posted by Jaggernaut

  1. Not sure why, but that made me laugh.
  2. Agreed. A phenomenal memory, and some great insights and stories. Still listening to it now!
  3. Excellent. An all-ticket-match at Firhill vs. Queen of the South! Still, if Firhill's capacity gets reduced further then it's not totally unimaginable in the future, I suppose.
  4. I hate all the jersey pulling that goes on in the game, as it really does spoil good football and goal-scoring opportunities. I've seriously suggested two solutions for cutting this odious form of cheating out of the game: either all outfield players wear mittens, or else they should be bare-scudded, with their colours painted on. That would separate the men from the boys. Like here: http://t4w.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/06/19/football.gif
  5. Jaggernaut

    J League

    Just out of interest, does Vissel Kobe have many fans like this??: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3602/3432354764_868412a380.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/34882635%40N08/3432354764/&usg=__kCD3LlOb4KzMHE7D3d1Dyob2iOw=&h=500&w=333&sz=72&hl=en&start=2&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=lSv82xlA8k-D_M:&tbnh=130&tbnw=87&prev=/images%3Fq%3DVissel%2BKobe%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=oL9zTbH6KIK4hAf57-w1
  6. Enjoyed listening to that, thanks.
  7. Did you know he was going out with uberteeb's mate's girlfriend's sister?
  8. Great photies. Grehan's dink to Doolan was super, but what a diddy effort by the latter! The QP photos are nicely atmospheric.
  9. It's a great offer. Typical though, as I'll be out of the country on that day!
  10. Just noticed that the Binos were up 3-0 with 15 minutes left. They lost 3-4!
  11. I've been questioning why we're playing a young loanee at this stage rather than playing our own youngsters. But in fact I thought McGowan was really useful yesterday, with great attitude. Actually, everybody that I've been slagging off played well yesterday. That goes to show, err... something or other.
  12. Got a couple of decent Jags bargains in Greaves in Sauchiehall St. yesterday. Nice t-shirt for the summer and the camouflage disaster, both reduced to half-price.
  13. Yes, one win in the last five matches isn't too good at all. Even Ross County managed to win yesterday! Got to beat QoS on Tuesday!
  14. Add grotesquely over-hit passes to that.
  15. Agree with most of that, but not the "Dundee were pish" statement. I thought they knocked the ball around pretty slickly, and Scott Fox had to pull off a couple of smart saves or we were sunk. Having said that, we were just about at good, and finished the stronger. I actually though it was a pretty good match, end to end and both teams trying to play football on what is no better than a tattie field. I'll even praise the oldies after saying we need youngsters recently: Archie, Robertson, and especially Rowson were excellent. Doolan and especially Grehan worked hard and won more than their fair share of headers, but unfortunately those won headers simply went forward towards nobody except a Dundee defender; there seemed to be no anticipation to get forward onto the end of one of them (and with only those two up front, it seemed like a useless tactic). Doolan actually looked a bit lightweight, whereas I thought Grehan came on to a really good game. One of those games where you say that "with a bit of luck" we might have scored a couple, but that "lack of luck" has been a problem for so long now that it's more that a question of luck. We need a striker!
  16. Maybe one of Strathclyde's "finest" lost a mobile phone earlier.
  17. Old photo of your good self walking up Garscube Road: http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/39900000/jpg/_39900232_flares203.jpg
  18. What about Shetland???
  19. Would flares be allowed inside Firhill? Personally, I think they'd liven things up in terms of atmosphere. There was never any problem when I wore them last time, around the time of the League Cup win.
  20. Don't forget the exhibition of cutting-edge gents fashion.
  21. Except that innocent wives, weans, and others also suffer.
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