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Stopping Smoking


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Well done on quitting. In answer to your question - No, but I had really intense nightmares for the first few nights. After that, my metabolism completely changed - I put on a stone in weight every month for three months. Are you eating more since you quit to compensate? I wouldn't worry too much, the first few days are going to have your body struggling to adapt plus your anxiety levels will probably be spiking too. The good news is that after 5 days, your body will have broken it's dependency on nicotine and things should start to calm down - after that it's purely a case of breaking the mental dependency (just don't scratch that itch, it will go away). However, that gets easier the longer you go as you'll remember these days and not want to repeat them again just for the sake of one fag.


If your still getting unpleasant side effects after a while then it's probably better to speak to someone more qualified than me.

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Well done mate - it's not easy. I quit over 2 years ago and I still get the odd craving from time to time. Going to the boozer for the first time was a real challenge, but hey, if you do have a puff, don't beat yourself up about it.


I used the patches (don't know if you are or if you are going cold turkey) and like BCG, I too ate a lot more snacky things instead of having a fag (Pringles was my snack of choice). Maybe you have done the same, hence the heartburn and indigestion.


Try eating fruit instead when you get a craving,or breadsticks or go for a walk round the block or play the computer - anything that will take your mind off it.


Another tip that I found really helpful was taking a wee sniff of someone elses smoke. In the early days, it settles any cravings you may have and the longer you stay off them, the smell will actually repulse you and remind you why you have stopped.


And my final tip is to put the money you would have spent on fags in a big jar in your living room. Each time you would have bought fags, put the money into the jar and after a week, take the money out and treat yourself to something. At the end of the first month I quit, I bought a new telly for my bedroom.


Good luck mate. I know how hard it is but one day at a time. And as i say, if you do have a puff, don't beat yourself up - just try again.

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Gettin the mad dreams too, but decided just to go cold turkey, not found myself eating anymore but had to stop coffee as it was pressin the button for a fag, so when ever i want a smoke or a coffee its a pint of water, so pissin like a racehorse.

Thanks for the advice stayin out the pub tonight to keep me out of temptations way

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Gettin the mad dreams too, but decided just to go cold turkey, not found myself eating anymore but had to stop coffee as it was pressin the button for a fag, so when ever i want a smoke or a coffee its a pint of water, so pissin like a racehorse.

Thanks for the advice stayin out the pub tonight to keep me out of temptations way

well done and hope u get thru it. i smoked 20 a day for 20 yrs and i cold turkeyed it. best way. u're best not using those patches, they're usesless in my eyes, just putting nicotine in your body when you want it out. best just manning it out and cold turkeying it thru sheer willpower. i know u've got will power coz u keep goin to firhill! The pub was what always got me, still does a bit, particularly when i am overly 'refreshed'. i some times think about goin into a shop buying a ten deck, but i just tell myself smoking is for losers, my boy put it to me perfectly. he said 'dad, i can understand people smoking crack and heroin more than i can understand you smokin fags. at least they get high so they at least have pros and cons. all you get from smoking is cancer and emphysema. u don't get high and are just wasting money on something pointless.' i always think of this when i think of smoking. best of luck, may the force be with you :thumbsup2:

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Congratulations for getting this far. You've done the hard part. :thumbsup2:


I quit 10 years ago with the patches. If you go down that route, dont EVER keep them on while you are sleeping unless you like having the most vivid, horrible nightmares.


In my experience, I never missed having a smoke when I was drinking (booze or coffee). I missed a smoke at strange times, like when I was driving for instance. My advice would be to stick to your previous routine and not make any changes based on the fact that you normally had a cigarette at that time.


Best of luck.

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Totally agree with Grant. I've tried to quit a few times. Got to look out for the "triggers" however bizarre they may be. Mine was sparking-up at a particular set of traffic lights in Hamilton on my way to work. Ended-up driving about 3 miles in the other direction just to avoid these lights. May sound a bit stupid and obsessive to non-smokers, but I think you'll get what I mean Norge. Keep it up mate. You're a hero. :thumbsup2:


Edited to add.... meant to say maybe if I'd just brazened it out and stuck to my driving route I'd have stayed off the smokes longer......... Getting there again now though...

Edited by hamiltonjag
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