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Where Do We Go From Here?


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Sometimes when I read this board it's like an edition of "Question Time" on BBC 1 with drama and pontification. There are a few points I'd like to point out.


Economic Climate - people now use this as a blanket reason or blame for many things going on in the country. The bubble of cheap debt has popped but people are still working and still bringing in money. They can spend their money on items such as i-pads, large phone contracts, cable tv, fags, booze and £100 jeans. Look at the spending habits of people around you. Look at the shops, pubs and restaurants - still busy. There is still money and people can still afford to go to games.


The status of the club - we have never been a big club. Never will. My realistic ambition is to hit the level of St Mirren and Motherwell. We will never have a billionaire or even a millionaire to bankroll us. We need to be run intelligently, which I think the current board does, and we need to be funded by the fans and player sales. I support the board and I also say "thanks" for being involved. It's a thankless task and every hour these successful but not hugely wealthy businessmen spend on Thistle is taking them away from their real business and potential profit.


Product on the park - We play good football the right way getting it on the deck. Players like Doolan, Cairney, Sinclair and Erskine are entertaining. Someone mentioned QOS Cup game. That was a shocker but every club has games like that. I watch Premiership, Champions League, SPL and there are so many rank games but people get sucked into the hype and the constant brainwashing of media coverage.


Firhill - it's a decent stadium. It's a safe environment. It's home. "One Thistle" are looking at changing things. They are making things happen. The guys who run "The Firhill Cup" are getting off their backsides and injecting a great deal of money into the club - I'd give them hospitality at the very least as a thankyou. The club are trying to recruit more fans. Each fan can do their bit. If everyone of us brought one more along then the crowds double. The most simple cost effective way of increasing attendance and bringing in more funds for the club.


I will be at the last home game of the season. I am looking forward to next season, I support Jackie, Maxi, Beattie et al and I wish the club to progress. I'm a football fan. I'm a Jag. I support the club.


Agree entirely, great post imo :thumbsup2:

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ah lenny just regarding your sitting in the sidelines

nothing remark anyone that know,s me will know that i personally ensure that 3-4 jags minimum go to jags games each week even my absense the club still benefit from my love of the jags i dont want a medal for this just thought it was worthwhile replying and to make u aware


Chico, my fault as not worded properly and it was not meant as a direct dig at you (tried to make that clear during my post). Just meant as a general comment. I've no doubt you do look out for the jags and that of our fellow supporters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Loyal fans are being chased away by the actions of the present board. Factor that one into your daydreams.


What daydreams are you referring to????


The current board situation concerns me but if I had the choice of Hughes and Cowan or Beattie and Allan.....well its a no brainer for me!!!

Edited by Lindau
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What daydreams are you referring to????


The current board situation concerns me but if I had the choice of Hughes and Cowan or Beattie and Allan.....well its a no brainer for me!!!


David Beattie has been on the board for years. I don't understand why people always refer to him as if he only joined the board when he was appointed chairman.

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David Beattie has been on the board for years. I don't understand why people always refer to him as if he only joined the board when he was appointed chairman.


Yeah I think we all know that. but was it not him that got Billy Allan and Europa on board....I might be wrong but I think it was and my response was to McKennan as he appears to be very fearful of the increasing Europa influence at the club

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What daydreams are you referring to????


The current board situation concerns me but if I had the choice of Hughes and Cowan or Beattie and Allan.....well its a no brainer for me!!!


That happy little Animal Farm, compartmentalised world that we Jags fans (I have been guilty of it) like to live in. "Four legs good, two legs bad" reads "Beattie, Allan and the Europa place men good, everything else bad".


We are quickly moving away from the days of Mr Cowan and Mr Hughes but there's no sign of this panacea that seems to be a no brainer for you.

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Yeah I think we all know that. but was it not him that got Billy Allan and Europa on board....I might be wrong but I think it was and my response was to McKennan as he appears to be very fearful of the increasing Europa influence at the club


No Lindau, it was Jim Alexander who invited Billy Allan to Firhill. You're right - I am fearful of what might happen to the club. It's being dismantled from the inside and, as far as I'm concerned, it stinks to high heavens.

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No Lindau, it was Jim Alexander who invited Billy Allan to Firhill. You're right - I am fearful of what might happen to the club. It's being dismantled from the inside and, as far as I'm concerned, it stinks to high heavens.


I dont disagree with you, I think there are more than a few worrying signs emerging from the boardroom. Its a pretty bizarre situation to say the least

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At the risk of dragging up negativity...


McKennan, what would you like to see the current board do that they aren't currently doing? Because your continued comments make me feel you have an agenda here, albeit I've never though that about your posts previously.


Personally, ignoring personalities, the old board (Cowan, Hughes, Prentice) had us running at a loss with stupid budgets and needless expense (moving hospitality FFS...) and the club structure focussed on journeyman players and no future planning.


The new board are controlling costs where possible and we're running at a small profit with a sensible budget and a focus on developing young players.


I genuinely see no comparison - we're a million miles better now than we were five years ago. Is it perfect? No, but they've done enough to win my trust for the time being.

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Tell me what my agenda is. I'd love to know. :D


The people who run the club will run it as they see fit, that's up to them. The right and wrong will come when we see the fruits or otherwise of their labours.


I'm concerned that we (fans) are being led by the nose into something deeply unpleasant, marching to the tune of 'at least the club is turning a profit'. I'm also concerned that the people who are running our club know the price of everything and the value of nothing.


I'm concerned that there is no move to restore the club to its health as a business independent of the companies run by its directors. If such a plan exists, then all well and good. Let's hear it. If not, how about an explanation as to why we cannot be looking two, three years down the line to where the club is employing people other than footballers again.

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Tell me what my agenda is. I'd love to know. :D


The people who run the club will run it as they see fit, that's up to them. The right and wrong will come when we see the fruits or otherwise of their labours.


I'm concerned that we (fans) are being led by the nose into something deeply unpleasant, marching to the tune of 'at least the club is turning a profit'. I'm also concerned that the people who are running our club know the price of everything and the value of nothing.


I'm concerned that there is no move to restore the club to its health as a business independent of the companies run by its directors. If such a plan exists, then all well and good. Let's hear it. If not, how about an explanation as to why we cannot be looking two, three years down the line to where the club is employing people other than footballers again.


Tommy Stewart?

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Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves here. :shok: Tommy Stewart is a prima facie example, in my 'umble opinion, of a footballer's wage that should be paid to someone to promote the club.


Think the club is being promoted a bit better than it did 3 or 4 years ago. Admittedly it could be better, but I think One Thistle will be an asset in achieving that. I think the place is being managed better in terms of finances and are no longer budgeting for a loss...the most stupid thing ever, no?


Personally, I'm glad Cowan and Hughes are no longer in our Board room. While I accept there was a time when they done this club a lot of good, their final few years were shambolic. Do I trust Beattie and Allan 100%? Not a chance. While 'propco' and the issues surround the conflict of interest remain there's no way I could trust them 100%, but I trust them much more than I did 12 months ago. If the rumours I'm hearing are true and we are about to get Roddie McDonald on board (another error from the previous board rectified) then my trust will rise even more.


I personally think you do have an agenda, to back Cowan and Hughes whenever you can. Fair enough if that's how you feel, but do you think the club is being managed better now or were you happier with 'the old guard'?

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I personally think you do have an agenda, to back Cowan and Hughes whenever you can. Fair enough if that's how you feel, but do you think the club is being managed better now or were you happier with 'the old guard'?


That's hilarious. Go on Sherlock, ascribe a motive while you're at it. Why would I back two people who cannot make any difference to the club? Why would I 'back' someone who has an interest in the property development company that causes me - and yourself if I read you - such concern?


Define 'old guard' please. The one that was in charge when the club reached the SPL or the one that took the club down again? Same people.


The 'new guard' could flog off everything that's not nailed down at Firhill - something started by the 'old guard'. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


You read me wrong. The technique you're using is known as distraction. Eye on the ball instead, Steven. Follow the money.

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That's hilarious. Go on Sherlock, ascribe a motive while you're at it. Why would I back two people who cannot make any difference to the club? Why would I 'back' someone who has an interest in the property development company that causes me - and yourself if I read you - such concern?


Define 'old guard' please. The one that was in charge when the club reached the SPL or the one that took the club down again? Same people.


The 'new guard' could flog off everything that's not nailed down at Firhill - something started by the 'old guard'. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


You read me wrong. The technique you're using is known as distraction. Eye on the ball instead, Steven. Follow the money.


:lol: Sherlock? Just passing an opinion based on your comments regarding this subject. As for the other questions in your first paragraph, dunno if we have similar concerns or not, but my concerns lie with the lack of an 'objective' voice in the Boardroom regarding Propco...not really about who has invested in it. Hence the Roddie McDonald point I mention...he has no interest in propco right? Well him, or someone like him, on board bringing fresh investment would help ease some of my concerns.


Yes that old guard, like I said they done good for the club, but then the done equally as bad...imo of course...in the last few years (not to mention the balls up re moving hospitality and the building of the North Stand).


The 'new guard'? I never mentioned the new guard. What I have said about the current board members has been consistent since the changes started to be made, my level of trust in them however as slowly grown. I, like others, might end up feeling badly let down if the most severe of concerns come to fruition but what happens over the coming weeks regarding boardroom changes will tell us a lot (as will no changes at all actually, but from the other perspective).


The technique I'm using is taking a holistic approach to the situation, you know, looking at it from all angles (well all angles based on the information (limited?) we are privy to). While the shadow of the porpco conflict of interest remains there will continue to be that level of suspicion in mind, but not at the expense of trying to see the bigger picture.


You didn't answer my question :P

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Maybe, will depend on the answer to my question.


:D Big time!!!


Ok I'm right in assuming you both know who McK is then, so obviously know his views in more detail than is shown on here? Just a 'playing devils advocate' sorta forum-ego? See when you know the person, you view their posts from a different perspective. For eg, I know DP, he's a good guy but I now take much of his posts (or rather the tone of them) with a pinch of salt.


To be fair though Steven, I don't think you or McK are that far apart in views. Just totally polar ways of airing your views!!! :D


I'd probably agree with that but I reckon being clear and to the point is the best approach. I don't think McK is when discussing this subject...so there are times when he leaves those of us who don't know him making assumptions (unfairly in this case by the looks of things).


Och, there's me on my soap box again :hypocrite:

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If the rumours I'm hearing are true and we are about to get Roddie McDonald on board (another error from the previous board rectified) then my trust will rise even more.


Are these rumours regarding Ronnie McDonald from a reputable source or from pie and bovil type folk who are putting two and two together and making 5? Think McDonald getting involved would be a positive move but no idea if he is even keen to get involved in football again.

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Are these rumours regarding Ronnie McDonald from a reputable source or from pie and bovil type folk who are putting two and two together and making 5? Think McDonald getting involved would be a positive move but no idea if he is even keen to get involved in football again.


Not from Pieand Bovril, or P&B type folk...but wouldn't say it was reputable either.

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