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Everything posted by Jaggernaut

  1. Just spotted this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/REAL-FUR-RUSSIAN-SQUIRREL-ERMINE-MINK-COAT-XL-12-14-16-/270706585155?pt=US_CSA_WC_Outerwear&hash=item3f075eae43 I wonder how many people are ashamed to be a Thistle fans because some supporters buy and sell things on an auction site that profits so handsomely from cruelty.
  2. I'm staying out of this one, having had more than my fair share of grief over puns.
  3. There have definitely been some thorny issues raised.
  4. Interesting article on the use of isinglass in brewing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isinglass
  5. Some people are writing bollox.
  6. You and the other poster are making an accusation, so it's up to you to provide evidence. I'm not making accusations, so I need to prove nothing.
  7. Once again, you have not produced a scrap of evidence that Greaves thinks what you are claiming that they think.
  8. In Kyoto there's a bar that shows the Tour every evening. The waitresses wear t-shirts that have DEPART on the chest, with BREST just below. On the back they have ARRIVEE and just below that a picture of the Arc de Triomphe.
  9. Alan Rough also deserves to be in the HoF in his own right.
  10. I detest the whole bullfighting/bullrunning thing, but I think that some people might be over-reacting here. There's no evidence that Greaves, the club, or the sponsor are using what the guy did "to market" any product. The guy asked if he could get the top early, and they obliged.
  11. http://www.google.co.jp/imgres?imgurl=http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/4416069/Teletubbies%2Btupzud.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.lastfm.jp/music/Teletubbies/%2Bimages/4416069%3Fsetlang%3Djp&usg=__gtzgFWtIiGGVi48lf0tjNBGSEFQ=&h=465&w=402&sz=22&hl=ja&start=0&sig2=POSiDFWkcSdzxz6MTJexWA&zoom=1&tbnid=yoa6HXVcP3o7vM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=113&ei=kNEWTvm7E6PRmAWWvYwS&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dteletubbies%26hl%3Dja%26biw%3D1712%26bih%3D856%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=538&vpy=64&dur=471&hovh=241&hovw=209&tx=110&ty=138&page=1&ndsp=44&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0&biw=1712&bih=856
  12. On this Glaswegian video the stripes look black (at least they do on my screen). Black would actually enhance it, in my view. http://www.theglaswegian.co.uk/videos-pictures/sport/partick-thistle-fc/
  13. Altogether now: IT'S A BALL !!!!
  14. Great shorts and socks. The Jaggernaut Jury is still out on the top.
  15. "The wave of quakes" does sound a bit like "The Ace of Spades". Japan definitely gets a bit of a battering from Mother Nature. Yesterday was the quake south of Osaka, today it's absolutely torrential rain and very serious flooding in Kyushu. Chucking it down here too.
  16. Just buy it and draw a Teletubbies face in the Hinomaru.
  17. None of us here in Kyoto felt it.
  18. My advice would be to wear the kilt. At least you won't be bothered by flies buzzing around your face.
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