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Everything posted by Jaggernaut

  1. There were some rumours that Ryan McBeth was for the offski, but it seems he's still at Firhill. Hope so; looks like a crackin' prospect.
  2. Good photie. I wonder what it'd take to lure them back to Firhill.
  3. Because we're a team of journeymen?
  4. Seconded. Let's hope he's not abandoning PTFC totally.
  5. I always find it amusing when environmental protesters fly in to protest against runway expansions and the like.
  6. The more I hear people telling me that I SHOULD support Engerlund, the more I hope they get absolutely embarrassed in every match they play. ABE OK!
  7. If he goes to Burton Albion than means we'll get Next to Nothing for him.
  8. Both memories are too painful.... Each hurt in a quite different way, but equally.
  9. Poor Japan; they didn't deserve that. But at least I think they did the rest of the world a service by showing how ordinary the current England team is.
  10. Tough luck for the Japanese goalie; playing an absolute blinder, including a penalty save, only to get beaten by a diving bullet header....by his own defender!
  11. Sitting in my Kyoto flat, it's 9 pm, and just about to watch the match. I'd just like to say..... Monra Japan!
  12. His cowardice has cost us millions.
  13. An excellent, thoughtful review.
  14. This move could fin-ish him. Aw naw, here we go......
  15. They could definitely paint a couple of big signs on the roof of the main stand and the JH stand, which could be seen from planes flying overhead. No need to change the name of the stadium, but the signs could bring in a modest amount of new income. Somebody ought to at least look into it, and not down on it (that will come later!)
  16. Just off the top of my head, I don't think he was ever a player, but the Chairman and/or President, with a long history of association with and working for the club. Might be wrong, though.... More knowledgeable people will surely be along soon.
  17. Thought I'd added this yesterday, but maybe not. Jaggernaut is in Kyoto for the next four months, so a Nomad and proud.
  18. Stop all your f*cking moaning! This is Thistle. Partick Thistle! The only club for the likes of you and me. A lot of the time, we're crap. Sometimes, we're good. Going to see Thistle play at Firhill, or anywhere else, is one of the great things about living in this country. SUPPPORT YOUR TEAM!!
  19. Well, if they can occasionally bring down a minibus load of Jags fans from Inverness....
  20. That's got me grinning this morning!
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