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It gives a sense of identity, some sort of link to a cultural history that has been lost but deserves to be recognised.


Also, since 2001 the number of Gaelic speakers under the age of 20 has increased showing that it has a future. Additionally, over 10% of speakers live in Glasgow, more than any other locality, so Glasgow is surely the best place to display this, where most Gaelic speakers and non-speakers will see it.

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Bhitheadh e glè mhath `ur mic a choinneachadh .Chan e sibhse athair Ruairidh Alasdair an e? Ma se, bha mi nam bhreithimh aig co-fharpais Mòid ann am Peairt ann an 2004 san robh esan a gabhail compàirt `s bha e cho math s `s gu bheil cumhn` agam air fhathast! Bi mi ga chluinntinn gu math tric air Spòrs na Seachdain -ach dh`fhaodainn a bhith ceàrr `s dòcha nach e ur mac a th`ann idir!

'S mi gu dearbh, a Dhonnchaidh. 'S e Ruairidh Alastair mo mhac as sine, agus bithidh e a' nochdadh air Spòrs na Seachdain. Chan fhada gus am bi e a' cur crìoch air a chùrsa aig oilthigh, ach tha e a' maoidheadh cumail air gus ceum eile fhaighinn. Tha a bhràthair Cailean na oileanach cuideachd.

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'S mi gu dearbh, a Dhonnchaidh. 'S e Ruairidh Alastair mo mhac as sine, agus bithidh e a' nochdadh air Spòrs na Seachdain. Chan fhada gus am bi e a' cur crìoch air a chùrsa aig oilthigh, ach tha e a' maoidheadh cumail air gus ceum eile fhaighinn. Tha a bhràthair Cailean na oileanach cuideachd.


Bha mi smaoineachadh gum b`e sibhse athair ceart gu leòr. Tha mi toilichte chluinntinn gu bheil e dèanamh cho math san oilthaigh. Saoilidh mi gur dòcha gun robh mi fhèin `s sibh fhèin ann an deasbad beag air an rèidio bho chionn bliadhna neo dha mu bhith teagasg creidimh `s na sgoiltean ach ma se sibhse a bh`ann `s math gu bheil sinn air an aona ràmh a thaobh nan Cluarain co-dhiù! Thòisich mise gan leantainn o chionn leth cheud bliadhna a chionns gur ann as an aona bhaile rium fhèin ann an Leòdhas a bha màthair Dhonaidh MhicFhionghainn. Bha h`uile duin` eile a dh`aithnichinn a`toirt taic dha chàraid Raghnall a bha na shàr-chluicheadair aig buidheann eile à Glaschu nach eil idir ann an diugh! :)

Edited by Duncan
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Personally, I don't speak any Gaelic, but language is an intrinsic part of any culture and we should fight like lions to preserve it wherever it comes under threat. Minority language revival is a strong feature of most progressive countries these days, and rightly so. Within GB alone, Welsh, Cornish and Manx - as well as our own branch of Celtic - have experienced transformations which have resulted in the re-introduction of these tongues to the areas in which they once prevailed.


Hell mend the perpetrators of ethnic cleansing who were so culpable in the marginalisation of such a critical part of Scottish culture and heritage (alluded to tacitly, but poignantly, above).


Not currently resident in our great country, but nonetheless Scottish and fiercely proud of it.

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ano so meny spelin mistakes on heer god sakes its teribill u cany undarstand enythin


In'st it irntiesentg taht only frsit and lsat ltertes of wrdos need to be psenret for a snecente to be udnorosetd? The ohetr lrtetes can be in rdonam oedrr. Mnay protses on tihs fruom do it all the tmie.

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