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Everything posted by MarciaBlaine

  1. I don't think it's just our level - I was saying much the same when the Euros were on. So many teams playing dull pedestrian football, passing it along the back line or into a holding midfielder and back again to a defender. I often people compliment a "well-coached" side, but in my experience a well-coached side is one with no imagination, flair or individual responsibility given to players. Repetitive drills are taught by rote like everything's a mini set piece. It's also a symptom of the influence of TV and the 'basketball-isation' of football. You get one team patiently building up for ages in a boring way, leading (sometimes) to ten seconds of interest, just enough to make the highlights reel later that night.
  2. Not THE new strip but A new strip - and a belter too! https://www.kitandbone.com/product/jags-for-good-away-shirt-2024-25
  3. I could have worded it better re budgets. I meant that every club has limited funds and I don't think we should use some of ours in that position when it could be spent elsewhere in the squad.
  4. I'm in the minority here, but I don't think we should put a lot of effort into getting another striker. We play with one up front, he's the captain and is essentially un-droppable. Therefore any striker good enough to deputise for him would be silly to sign for us because game time is likely to be minimal, barring injury which is a matter of sheer luck. Diack isn't as good as him, of course (yet), but a hungry youngster who'll be content to be a back-up is the best option. Spending scarce additional funds on a player who won't play isn't sensible. I get that people want a different type of striker, but that implies the team being able to quite radically change our overall approach and I think that implies a lot of extra work on the training pitch developing a 'plan b'. And again, it rests upon us getting a good enough player to do that, but one who isn't going to play very much football. As for goalkeeper, my temptation would be to recruit an emergency loan if and when McCready and Mitchell are both unavailable. GK is the one position where you're very likely to get a decent player via this route. Full backs are the urgency imo - first choice RB and cover at LB.
  5. I wasn't at the game last night but the result has reinforced for me that as well as needing a right back and a goalkeeper (I'm personally less fussed about a 3rd striker, though I understand the consensus about wanting one), we badly need cover at left back. The issue with getting a RB who can also cover LB is that we need a first choice RB, so by definition he won't also be able to replace Milne in the event of injury, suspension, etc. So really we need 2 players in the full-back positions.
  6. 5 in the first half, 2 in the second
  7. Maybe you can belt this out while you're there? (Singer is a Jags fan)
  8. The problem with signing a striker as backup to Graham is that every one of them will know he’s exactly that: backup. It’s very hard to convince a quality player to sign on that basis and it’s not a good use of resources. If we continue to only play one striker, then having Diack as primary understudy and Robinson as another option will do fine. The money is better spent on other recruitment.
  9. Would folk like to sign McInroy permanently? It's a definite no from me. He's only useful as a number 10 and Robinson is far better in that role.
  10. Agree with others that Neilson, McInroy and Stanway were poor, the first two especially. And also that Bannigan was excellent when he came on - energy, availability, control, crisp passing. Ngwenya was pretty anonymous. Assuming Aero is out for the second leg, the question is where we play McBeth. I think a CB pairing of O'Reilly and McBeth, with a midfield of Bannigan, Stanway and Alston, then Robinson and Fitzy supporting Graham. Pushing McBeth into midfield requires O'Reilly partnering Neilson in defence, which worries me greatly. But if Aero magically heals up, a midfield of McBeth, Banzo and Stanway/Alston would be my shout.
  11. The Forbes goal from that game is the one that stands out for me. If I recall correctly, we'd just had to sub the keeper and at 3-1 there was a chance we'd wobble. Got an utterly perfect view of it arcing into the top corner from the Lambie. But Fitzy's late winner against DU is probably the Firhill goal that's produced the most pandemonium. I've still got a scar on my leg from the scenes!
  12. An old one but it's always puzzled me. When we beat Dunfermline 5-1 in our championship-winning season (possibly my favourite ever Jags game) the line-up was a confusing one, as Conrad Balatoni was listed as number 8. (This was before we had squad numbers and always played a starting 1-11.) Does anyone know why? Seeing it, I presumed he'd transformed overnight into an attacking midfielder. Unless I've misremembered, I think he actually played where he belonged in central defence. Was it mind games by McNamara? Just a random thing?
  13. Poor fare. I don't know how many times we tried to play a Hollywood pass, 50-60 yards, only for their defence to clear it or our player to mis-control. It clearly wasn't working. On the plus side, Ngwenya looked very decent and Robinson was great again. Neilson and Fitzpatrick were off it.
  14. I did wonder. The Council's twitter have said 6pm to 10pm is only from April but they might have it wrong
  15. Interesting. Council website says the change only starts from April https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=61595&p=0
  16. Kirkland Street for me. The signs (which I went to find in the dark after getting a ticket) said only free after 10pm. Must be a new thing?
  17. Bring a friend? More like alienate an acquaintance.
  18. Worth adding that not all wing play is created equal. At the tail end of last season, the pacy, driven ball across the six yard line was hugely productive for us. Teams hated it. It's very hard to defend, particularly when compared to 'bread and butter' crosses at head-height, where any defensive glance is usually enough to nullify danger. If we can get back to that driven cross with well-timed runs, we'll get the rewards.
  19. Seems like no new injuries so expect the same 11 and happy with that. Agree that a draw feels likely. QP are fairly resurgent and are back to getting a decent return from a reasonably good squad.
  20. I agree. He got a bit more frustrating in a few moments as the game went on, but was fairly even handed and it made for an enjoyable contest.
  21. I'd once again be flabbergasted if Doolan makes any changes other than to cover injury, but for me: Mitchell has to start in goals. McMillan - Muirhead or Williams* - Neilson - Milne McBeth - Stanway Robinson Lawless - Fitzy BBG. *= O'Reilly would be a shoo-in if fit. Neilson is tolerable at left CB and will have to do. I'm tempted to put Williams in because he'd be on his preferred right-side - I think some of his shakier moments may have been trying to play on the left of central defence? But CB is the biggest worry I have for tomorrow. In midfield, McInroy is too often a passenger and Bannigan isn't cutting it at the moment. And for me, Robinson has much more about him than McInroy or Alston by a mile.
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