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Rangers - What Should Happen Now? Your Views



132 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think should happen now?

    • Re-Admitted to the SPL
    • Relegated to the 1st Division
    • Relegated to the 3rd Division
    • Banned for a year and then reapply for Division 3

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The quote from Malcolm Murray in the last paragraph is laughable.


“We’ve had giant punishments already – a European ban, a 10-point deduction, the emotional trauma everyone has suffered. I think, for the good of Scottish football, it’s much better Rangers in the SPL.”


The only real punishment there is the European ban, hardly giant!




I know! Since they usually get pumped out of Europe at either the first or second hurdle, I cannot see what difference missing out altogether would make.

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So after 4 days, a strawpoll of the Jags support stands at 95.61% for the blue arse cheek to be punted to SFL3 ..... and over 51% of the Jags support believe this should only happen after the govan cheats have been banned for a year.


Completely conclusive result, and entirely reflective of the views of other clubs supporters polls.


These polls send a clear message to every SPL and SFL chairmen, and those who hold positions within the SFA, SPL and SFL governing bodies.


Forget the "discretionary" reference in the SPL rules (i will elaborate more on this point later).

Look at the SFA, SFL rulebooks, and it is clear and simple - RFC are dead, TRFC have no registration.

  • furthermore RFC have not handed in their accounts (as ALL clubs are required to do by 15th June) .....
  • thus, according to the rules, their membership/ licence must be revoked .....
  • therefore they don’t have anymore voting rights on any SPL/SFA/SFL/footballing issues .....
  • Either as an Oldco, Newco or Sevco.

In addition to this:

  • The peddled lies of MSM and others over the loss of Sky/tv deals has been exposed as a sham
  • Parachuting any form of RFC into SPL will kill the league financially (as huge percentages of other teams support walk away from the game in disgust) and in terms of sporting integrity
  • "If you look after the sport the money will follow you, if you look after the money you'll kill the sport"
  • The sins of the now dead RFC must be punished (dual contracts and appellate ruling also to come), which must see a year ban transferred to any newco/sevco
  • Rules also actually state any team gaining entry to SFL, must have 3 years audited accounts ..... so, in reality, it should be a minimum 4 years before TRFC are in position where they can even make an application to play with the big boys and step up into SFL3

..... but even i know they will not be excluded until 2016/17 ..... but a satisfactory compromise for me personally, would be to ban them for a year (firstly as a sporting punishment, secondly to let the court battles over ownership and creditors be settled), then allow them to be in SFL3, but with a 3 year suspensed sentence on their SFA (and thus also SFL) registration, whereby they MUST submit full accounts (scrutinised by independent auditors throughour the season), within 30 days of season end, to ensure they are not spending beyond their income, they are paying all their bills (and on time) and that there is no illegalities against SFA and SFL rules and that sporting integrity is maintained .... step out of line in these 3 years, and TRFC are banned for 3 years.



With regards to my earlier comment of 'Forget the "discretionary" reference in the SPL rules' ..... Scottish Football and its rulers have to do the right thing and ensure the longterm future (financial and integrity of the sport) of Scottish Football ..... that does NOT involve looking after the interests of one club who have cheated every single club in Scotland and who have carried out an illegal tax avoidance scheme (which could equate to £75M) and have not paid NI, PAYE, Tax etc for over 12 months to the tune of £15M, and who have other creditors (Ticketus, numerous football clubs, charities, small businesses, government services and bodies) to the tune of £50M+


If they don't listen to the supporters of its other 41 member clubs then there will be a hell of a lot more than 50,000 people lost to the game forever .... and either clubs will go to the wall and not come back, or some will follow the RFC lead and lquidate and come back next day as a newco expecting no punishment, for if the blue arse cheek get away with it, every club will expect to get away with it.


Judgement day is coming for us all. Lets hope our leaders do not go to the dark side.

Edited by yoda-jag
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I cant vote in this poll as there is no option for them to be wiped off the face of the earth.


The MINIMUM punishment, these cheating sons of bigotry should get is demoted to Div 3 along with a 50 point deduction for the next 3 seasons ensuring they have to stay in the dustbin for at least 4 years. Maybe, just maybe, they will have learned a little humility by then.


As a side note, we as fans should boycott any SPL club's ground if they vote for NewCo to be admitted to the SPL.

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Not sure which of the threads concerning the rangers fiasco I should post this in but I've come round to he thinking that punishing one of the ugly sisters just wont be enough.

So what I propose is that there are two leagues set up in Scotland.

One, we can call it the SBL (Scottish Bigot's League) contains two teams. They play each other as many times as they like and as often as they can get a TV deal to pay for it. If that's not enough then they can have a cup just for them too.

The rest of Scottish football gets together and does what's best for the game, including divisions, promotion and relegation, TV deals, sponsorship and the rules we need to keep the game fair and honest.

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what I propose is that there are two leagues set up in Scotland.

One, we can call it the SBL (Scottish Bigot's League) contains two teams. They play each other as many times as they like and as often as they can get a TV deal to pay for it. If that's not enough then they can have a cup just for them too.

The rest of Scottish football gets together and does what's best for the game, including divisions, promotion and relegation, TV deals, sponsorship and the rules we need to keep the game fair and honest.


live with that quite happily, i could




Edited to add, further to Beatties comments in the daily r*ng*r, he should be looking at the poll here, and hear the message what 96% of the Thistle support who have answered this poll are sending him - they must be made to start from scratch, as a new club, with no history, in the 3rd Division. And half again, want to see them banned from the scottish game for a year (minimum).


No to R*ng*rs (or any form of them) in the SPL

No to R*ng*rs (or any form of them) in SFL1

No to R*ng*rs (or any form of them) in SPL2 if it happens.


Anything less, is a complete betrayal and ignoring of the Thistle support Mr Beattie.

Edited by yoda-jag
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Very interesting document, Guy Incognito. Perhaps required reading for all SPL Chairmen before the 4th of July vote?


Definitely. They really have to ask themselves which matters more to them: their fans, the lifeblood of their club who have supported it through good times and bad; or Murdoch's money. The cynic in me thinks it might be the latter; but then, the wee clubs in the SPL get a shite deal as far as the distribution of TV revenue is concerned anyway. I don't know the facts and figures but I reckon for the St Johnstones and St Mirrens of this world season ticket sales and bums on seats are as important to them as they are to clubs in our division, so to alienate fans would really be putting their own finances in jeopardy.


I would bet that SPL Chairmen are taking the view, that when push comes to shove, the boycott will just fizzle out and not actually amount to very much...


I think a lot of the folk who have said they won't be back if Newco are admitted to the SPL will still go anyway, but I am certain that many more will hold firm. Let's face it, our game has been on a downward spiral for years; the only debatable part is determining when that spiral began. We have a steadily decreasing standard of product on the pitch, coupled with steadily increasing prices at the turnstiles, combined with a far greater - and far cheaper - range of alternative methods of entertainment. Feelings are running high over this issue and I think, for many, that a capitulation to Newco could be the final straw.

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Where's the incineration option?


I agree with this option. In fact, why don't we just barbecue them? Bring the weans along and have them eat a H*n.

There's nothing wrong with cannibalism as long as it's done in moderation.

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Paging David Beattie.



  1. Re-Admitted to the SPL (2 votes [1.72%])
  2. Relegated to the 1st Division (2 votes [1.72%])
  3. Relegated to the 3rd Division (54 votes [46.55%])
  4. Banned for a year and then reapply for Division 3 (58 votes [50.00%])


(there should also have been an option of 4 years in junior leagues, 3 years audited accounts, before they can even apply for a vacant slot in the SFL leagues)

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Apparently Green registered a new company RFC 2012 last week he's the sole shareholder of that one, will be pissing myself if they go into administration again, If that happens i doubt the SFL will let them in. considering Spartans can actually field a team, have a history and a fan base

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Chairman of Third Division Peterhead, Rodger Morrison, said it would be a “dangerous precedent” for a newco to join the SFL in the First Division. “It has to be the third division for Rangers if they are coming into the SFL. The First Division would be a cop-out in my view. It would set a dangerous precedent where separate rules exist for a club because it has a bigger supporter base or commercial importance. Even the Rangers supporters I’ve spoken to want the chance to start again and work their way back up.

“If the board of the SFL want to meet that’s fine, but I cannot see any scenario where the SFL clubs will vote in favour of admitting Rangers into the First Division.”

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I agree, thistle sitting on the fence and letting everyone else KO the newco does not wash with me. I want my club to come out and say no to newco


Maybe its a Glasgow thing....didnt see their great bigotted rivals come out and say no, they left that to the other clubs. In a small way I can probably understand it...lets face it, these knuckledraggers are capable of anything and as we live in the same city as them, Firhill could become a serious target!

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Maybe its a Glasgow thing....didnt see their great bigotted rivals come out and say no, they left that to the other clubs. In a small way I can probably understand it...lets face it, these knuckledraggers are capable of anything and as we live in the same city as them, Firhill could become a serious target!

A celtic supporting acquaintance has said that his board intend to abstain in the vote on 4th July. Don't know if this is true or not but wouldn't surprise me if they chickened out.

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A celtic supporting acquaintance has said that his board intend to abstain in the vote on 4th July. Don't know if this is true or not but wouldn't surprise me if they chickened out.


Yeah wouldnt surprise me in the least. Is the abstain vote available in the SFL vote as I feel that where Mr Beattie might head!

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A celtic supporting acquaintance has said that his board intend to abstain in the vote on 4th July. Don't know if this is true or not but wouldn't surprise me if they chickened out.

Celtic are the one club that will lose big time without the other arse cheek. They'll be losing their control over the TV money when the SPL lower the voting threshold.

btw Is not an abstention no use to newco anyway?

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I agree with some of the posters on here that Thistle will abstain.Can see the point, that we are in Glasgow.But if any club should make it difficult for them it is us. The years of being in the front line of BOTH of their vile hatred is enough excuse to see them crash and burn.


I firmly believe that in the long run Scottish society will be better for their demise.

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