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Everything posted by Jaggernaut

  1. "Agent" to me immediately conjures us "estate agent." Biggest con-artists allowed to legally steal money from people for doing nothing (along with "factors")!
  2. I was wondering this afternoon: do managers generally have agents, or do they usually just scout around for potential jobs and fire off applications by themselves?
  3. That's right. Something else I'd like to know is how the table would look if it took into account (although maybe it already does) the change from 2 points to 3 points for a win. Nonetheless, it's interesting to see that several of the managers in the top ten got sacked, and they are all relatively recent. That suggests much greater demands getting placed on managers these days. "We want success, and we want it now!"
  4. With this "sports director" thing, if results are poor, who gets sacked? The SD because of poor recruitment decisions and inadequate management of the manager and coaches? Or the manager, for failing to benefit from the SD's (presumed) wisdom and thereby failing to get good performances and results from players the SD strongly recommended? If it looks messy before it starts, it's likely to be messy when it actually does start. If anything, rather than a sports director, I think an assistant manager is appropriate, with scouting and recruitment specified as part of his (or her) overall remit.
  5. Question No 4: Tell me about what you perceive as your potential weaknesses.
  6. Sacked while still in second-ever best manager position in terms of points per game, despite a terrible recent run of results. Whoever takes on the job next needs to be prepared to get the boot sooner rather than later.
  7. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if a number of fans feel strongly that as long as we were in a play-off position Doolan should not have been sacked, and they might express their displeasure by deciding not to attend matches.
  8. I'm saddened by Doolan's dismissal, but understand it. However, if Graham gets this bunch of players to win "a few games in the short term" then why not give him the chance to continue and let go those he doesn't see as a good fit for how he sees us playing, and bringing in some who he thinks would do better.
  9. Could be that. And heroically he decided that the team might perform better if he gets suspended/dropped, so the best thing to do is.....
  10. And then there's the often-seen follow-up when he runs right over to receive the ball back from the player he just passed it to, from 2 yards.
  11. Good question. Not easy to put oneself into another person's mind, but maybe anger at the prior confrontation with the opponent? General frustration at his own and/or the team's performance, perhaps growing worse over the past few weeks? Either of these or both, and possibly also other things going on on or off the pitch, combining to lead to him just deciding that he'd had enough of this? Who knows?; in times of crisis and anger many of us "lash out" irrationally, while at the same knowing deep down (maybe even only subconsciously at the time) what the consequences might be.
  12. Without dwelling on his remarkable lack of movement in any of the action I watched on the RR highlights (take a look at how half-hearted his "efforts" appear), I hope Bannigan will be severely reprimanded by the manager for what actually looked almost like a deliberate decision to get himself sent off. Totally unacceptable behaviour from an experienced player, and further evidence that he no longer has the ability or staying power at this level. Having said that, lack of heart seemed to be rife among the defenders at the first two goals on Saturday.
  13. For any professional football team not to register a single shot at goal against a team in a lower position in the same league is simply unacceptable.
  14. RIP. Condolences to Mr Dinnie's family and friends. PTFC was fortunate to have him as a scout.
  15. There are at least five 1st-team squad players approaching or older than their mid-thirties whom I would be quite happy not to see with us next season. Our team lacks pace; it ain't "middle-aged" players who are going to speed us up.
  16. He at least must recognize that people pay to get into football matches to get entertained. Entertainment means good, skillful defending (we don't do that, clearly), footballers showing some grit and flair (increasingly absent in our displays) and forwards actually attacking the opposition's goal and scoring goals (we don't do that anymore, clearly). If the team you support fails to do those things every week, and therefore has almost no chance of actually winning matches, more and more people will give up paying for non-entertainment. In fact it's not just that they are not getting entertained, it's that they are being charged money to sit through an unpleasant and depressing spectacle. Watching Thistle just now is like volunteering to get a filling without any anesthetic.
  17. Those match stats tell all we need to know: 51% of possession, but 0 shots at goal. They summarize our approach succinctly. Players standing still with the ball, passing it a few yards sideways for absolutely no fathomable reason other than that's what they've learned to do to keep getting picked to play. Make these primary school-level passes repeatedly while you're in your own half, then your starting place is assured. If you're a forward, don't bother even trying to run into space either for yourself or to drag a defender or two and open it up for somebody else, because nobody else is running, and by standing still you're allowing our defenders and midfielders to keep possession and their passing routines; it's a brilliant tactic. They can continue to pass the ball around, sideways or-- when they really want to show their talent-- backwards. It's really starting to be soul-destroying to watch.
  18. Raith TV has been the only live stream facility on which, for reasons unknown, I wasn't able to watch a match. No matter what browser or computer I used, it just didn't work. I eventually gave up, got reimbursed, but I won't bother trying again. Instead, I'll wake up on Sunday morning to the happy news of a Jags win ...
  19. Hmmmmm.... That's bad luck for him,....... (and maybe us).
  20. Well, I'll simply continue detesting the two erse-cheeks, and you can continue feeling whatever emotion they evoke in you. I'm guessing that at least we agree on how nice it would be to actually manage to win a match or three against them one of these decades.
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