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Doolan 100 Scarves


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Very good point tc.


As a younger man, I spent many years working in theatres. In fact I moved to Glasgow to work at the Citizens'. Working for the incomparable Philip Prowse, I helped create some amazing coups de theatre.


When I met with Ian Maxwell to discuss the Doolan 100 ceremony, I told him my dream; When the 100th goal hits the net at Firhill, suddenly the crowd is a sea of, previously unseen, Kr1s D00lan scarves.


So hard to achieve but we could try. I will mention it when I hand them out.

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I thought I had reserved one, but I can't see a post on here. Can you keep one for me and I'll sort out payment this evening.


I would more likely than not require postage abroad (Germany) rather than collection. If you can get an estimate for this I would pay (provided it isn't crazy amounts).

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3 scarves left for sale




11 ordered scarves not yet paid for


7 scarves reserved for Doolan 100 members not yet accepted/declined.




I now have an agreement to sell more scarves through the shop. However, I am not going to take up the offer. I would have to sell 51 scarves just to cover my costs before any actual funds accrued for the club. As I have only sold 79 here in 5 weeks, I'm not going to take a chance.


Therefore these 100 scarves will be rare items. Let's get the rest of them sold/paid for.

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Not a section of the forum I've ever looked at (& not on the forum as much as I used to be) but would love to get my hands on one. Could I put my name down if there are some no shows?


No problem 1JL. You're on the bench. I have seven scarves reserved for Doolan 100 members that have not been claimed yet. Once I have got past this weekend I'll be able to release any unsold scarves.

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