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That's Yer Rangers Fecked...


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The SFA and SPL will need to do anything and everything they can to make sure one of their teams isn't effectively given 70,000,000 pounds (although they've already spent it) for nothing. If this is what happens, there's no point in watching their competition. Plenty of other things to do on a Saturday, and plenty of injustice and inequity in the world without opting for more of it.

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Is it three days now since the first double vote-off in the Big Billy Brother hoose? Who will the public vote for next?


I'm a wee bit bit surprised we've not had Wylde & Cellik on breakfast TV talking about their time in the hoose.


Personally, I reckon McCulloch, McGregor, Whittaker and one of the backroom team - possibly even Coisty himself! - could be feeling the voters' wrath any time soon.

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I am also outraged that something that hasn't actually happened but might happen if a conspiracy theory about something that hasn't happened happens.


What right do the football authorities have to not have done what we thing they might do, but haven't actually done and may or may not be considering doing?


If they do the thing that they might do but haven't done yet, I will also have to reconsider my position as to whether to continue supporting a team that has had no involvement in making the decision that hasn't actually been made!


Also, if my aunt were to have a sex-change operation and acquire a pair of testes, I would have to reconsider whether I should continue to refer to her as my aunt or whether a more gender-appropriate moniker should be utilised.

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The truly astomishing thing about this whole episode is that the Rangers glee club are set on focusing attention on the "bravery" of Super Ally and his band of heroes at negotiating pay cuts, whilst at the same time ignoring or at the very least downplaying the uncomfortable realities of the whole situation. Thiat been that the currant buns have been caught cheating their competitors and no amount of hand or indeed sash wringing is going to change that simple fact.. Put simply why should the non-cheating clubs, accept any rules that will be changed if they impinge negatively on Rangers?

Edited by stillresigned
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I am also outraged that something that hasn't actually happened but might happen if a conspiracy theory about something that hasn't happened happens.


What right do the football authorities have to not have done what we thing they might do, but haven't actually done and may or may not be considering doing?


If they do the thing that they might do but haven't done yet, I will also have to reconsider my position as to whether to continue supporting a team that has had no involvement in making the decision that hasn't actually been made!


Also, if my aunt were to have a sex-change operation and acquire a pair of testes, I would have to reconsider whether I should continue to refer to her as my aunt or whether a more gender-appropriate moniker should be utilised.


That last bit's the only bit I understood. :)

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Big leap of faith here but I'm trusting the BBC have got their facts right, especially the first few Q & A.



If rangers do go into liquidation I can imagine the Arab, Well & St J forums overloading. I trust fan power from those three clubs will rule the day but my gut instinct says it won't.


I wasn't aware that the Pars will be down regardless and a win tomorrow and we're still in the promotion race. :o .

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Big leap of faith here but I'm trusting the BBC have got their facts right, especially the first few Q & A.



If rangers do go into liquidation I can imagine the Arab, Well & St J forums overloading. I trust fan power from those three clubs will rule the day but my gut instinct says it won't.


I wasn't aware that the Pars will be down regardless and a win tomorrow and we're still in the promotion race. :o .


Has anyone told Jackie about this ? If we don't get a reaction from the squad from being back in the promotion race then we never will.

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I found this bit interesting:


"More recently, cyclist Alberto Contador was stripped of his 2010 Tour de France title and his 2011 Giro d'Italia title, and is now suspended until August 2012 for failing tests related to banned substances."


No doubt many from the Hunnic masses would be deeply peeved at the retrospective stripping of the Giro d'Ecosse, and would be compelled to devise other, more ingenious ways of funding their lifestyles.

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I found this bit interesting:


"More recently, cyclist Alberto Contador was stripped of his 2010 Tour de France title and his 2011 Giro d'Italia title, and is now suspended until August 2012 for failing tests related to banned substances."


No doubt many from the Hunnic masses would be deeply peeved at the retrospective stripping of the Giro d'Ecosse, and would be compelled to devise other, more ingenious ways of funding their lifestyles.


Contador was an idiot. He got caught by the Gendarmes in a French hotel with pharmacuticles banned in France ..... Soap, deoderant and shampoo.

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