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Everything posted by Harrybriscoe

  1. I couldn't believe that score today. Saw we were down 1-0 as I trooped round Canterbury. Felt a bit dejected and we headed for a pint. One pint of Doom Bar later and I was checking to see if my beer was cloudy as I thought I was hallucinating when I clocked the score at 1-2. Could not believe it! Cue celebratory jig much to the bemusement of the locals. This team never fail to surprise one way or another. Well done lads!
  2. What a moron O'Ware is. Mistakes happen, but to get yourself sent off in the process is just plain dumb. Might as well head home a half time. No forget that, 3-0 so I'm off! What a bunch of losers this group of players are.
  3. Cole's goal on Saturday came from a punt up the park from our defence. Nothing wrong with that when appropriate, but it's hardly silky football and would normally be dealt with by a more experienced defence than Penicuik's . Millers chance v Alloa came from a fortuitous break of the ball. I can't recall how Slater found himself room for a shot on goal, but neither do I recall a passing movement from us creating the opportunity. The point I was trying to make was that I rarely see any play from Thistle that's obviously been worked on in training providing rewards. In the move from Alloa that I admired, the midfield player didn’t have to look up for his team mate, he knew exactly where the guy would be and put the ball on a plate.
  4. I wouldn't say a goalkeeper was my main concern just now, but no doubt Alloa went away with a point last night thanks to a solid performance from their keeper, Jamie McDonald. His save from Reece Cole's free kick was a stunner. Our biggest problems lie elsewhere. I found myself instinctively applauding an attempt on goal by Alloa last night. They picked a loose ball in their half and cut through our midfield and defence with two passes, ending with a strike on goal that just whistled past the post. We never do that! Our play is ponderous and predictable with the ball usually played across the park and out to the wing for a punt into the box if we're lucky. When we do find a bit of space someone will go on a run, usually Penrice, Zanatta or Cardle but the final ball is usually non existent or just abysmal. What was Cardle playing at last night? He's an experienced player, yet often when he gets in a promising position, he hesitates too long or skys the ball out of play. Zanatta has pace but is otherwise clueless about beating a defender and invariably loses any 50/50 tussles once tackled. His tactic then is usually just to fall down. His scream last night as he fell in the box from a knock on the leg was just embarrassing. Seconds later he was running around like a whippet. Not my kind of player at all. We should have won that game last night.
  5. No lack of effort in that half. Two glorious chances missed which could have seen us go in 3-1 up which would have been fair on the balance of play. Why Slater blasted it straight at the keeper from 10yds totally baffles me. On a wet pitch like this a wee shimmy and a toe poke in the corner would have left McDonald helpless. Somehow we have to get this team to believe in themselves and try to show more flair instead of doing the expected ball every time. Still, confident we can win this.
  6. Still feeling totally scunnered after that performance v Ayr and this thread is just adding to the pain. Morton, Alloa, Penifriggincuik and Stenhousemuir should be four wins., no ifs, no buts. How this team has lowered our expectations!
  7. I can't bear to watch any 'highlights' from that game yesterday. Feeling totally down this morning after that horror show. A lasting image from the game that sticks in my head, as I was making for the exit, was James Penrice firing in a decent cross at pace which went nowhere near Mansell, the only player we had in the box. I've seen this so often from Thistle players over the years. I'm convinced they lump it into the box without even looking! In complete contrast to Ayr, who attacked in numbers with options left and right which had our defenders spinning on their heels. Lady luck was on our side yesterday keeping the Ayr goal tally at just four.
  8. Just when you think it cannae get any worse we have a perfect illustration of why we're down 4-0. Banzo loses it doing his wee pointless passes, Ayr rush up field in numbers and it's in the pokey before you know it. They're miles better than us.
  9. And there we have a perfect example of what I mean. We are a shambles of a team.
  10. It's like taking sweets aff a wean beating Thistle these days. Ayr look faster and more up for the game. When they go forward you can see team mates run in to space in a way that suggests it's been discussed pre match. On the other hand we can look lethargic in defence and clueless up front. The target has to be just to survive this season once we punt some of the imposters in January.
  11. Even though we're still bottom of the league. Imagine how good that feeling would be if we could put a run together and get in to that top four. Fingers crossed.
  12. Every Sunday morning should feel like this. What a difference an away win makes. Not just the win, but the way in which it was achieved will linger long in the memory. I would love to have been a fly on the wall in the Jags dressing room at half time. Something occurred or was said that had every player out on the pitch early and champing at the bit to get at Dundee. The last 10 mins should go down in Thistle folklore. We had a little taster served up when Gary Harkins bulleted a header off the outside of the Dundee post and we knew we could do this. Then the party began with a sublime finish from Kenny, firing home a wonderful Williamson cut back that sent us into raptures as we thought we had a salvaged a precious point. He may be a moany face diva at times but the boy can finish. Fearing our old habit of immediately losing a goal in reply, I feared the worst, but a stunning save from Foxy when he somehow got down at his right hand post to save a goal bound header was crucial to the result. If he hadn't made that save the heads may have went down, but instead it boosted the desire within the team to go on and win. Just a few minutes later, Gordon homes in on the Dundee goal from the right wing and directs a shot across and beyond the Dundee keeper into the net. Well, thankfully my screams of delight couldn't be heard above the screams of our young camera lady. The Dee fans to our left were leaving like there was a bad smell in the stand... a wonderful sight. When Mansell broke away in the 91st minute and somehow coerced the ball to cross the line, in what felt like slow motion, I though I was just gonna burst. Well, that was my day out. As I said earlier it's what keeps you going week in week out. Well done to all the team and the management ... and the fans.
  13. ....and that's why we feel compelled to follow the Jags week in week out. Hope we can reproduce that second half attitude for the rest of the season.
  14. Enjoyed the highlights, but I was more fascinated by the English translation from Youtube when I switched on subtitles!
  15. Looking forward to this. Could this be the day we turn the corner? Good squad to pick from so if the players can just get Caldwell's style of play out their system I'm hoping for a least a point. Crucial we don't lose an early goal or the heads might go down. A wee bit of drizzle has put a bit of zip in the pitch, so let's get at 'em Jags!
  16. If I was a Thistle player I think I would just curl up tonight and die of shame. Not a backbone among them.
  17. Couldn't make it to the game today but it appears there was a wee breeze today given the number of fans getting some dust in their eyes. I would have been up the back of the JHS bawling' my eyes out! Looking forward to the return of Dools and proper football some day. All the best Kris!
  18. I was brought up as a Catholic and as a boy went to see the Bankies. See,..although no longer a practicing Catholic I've still got to get the odd confession out. At approx 14yo my oldest brother took me to an Old Frm game at Parkhead and it didn't work out the way I think it was intended. On the night, for reasons now faded, I took a liking to Rangers and for the next 4 years, much to the bemusment of family and friends went to see Rangers which I thoroughly enjoyed. I went off to London to work at my career and returned in 1990 a wiser head and fell in love with the Jags. To this day though, the expression FYP/FYQ makes me cringe, as it did way back in those days at Ibrox. Not because I'm a devout Catholic but because it must be offensive to a good number of our own support and has no place at Firhill. I agree wholeheartedly with Allyo that the sentiment of the song is lost on most of the Old Firm support. There's some very bright people on this forum, so surely we can come up with an alternative ending to the song.
  19. Agreed. Sometimes we see games from a different perspective, but I didn't imagine those near misses. Be interesting to see the highlights on Ayr TV which are usually pretty good. One came as a result from a lovely header lay off from Kris Doolan and I just stopped myself in time from applauding!
  20. Sorry Firhillista, I just can't agree with you on Ayr being rank rotten. From where I was sitting in the North Stand, Ayr must have missed a good 4-5 chances that just whistled past the post. We had a lot of luck in that first half.
  21. You save me a bit of typing there Paukea, couldn't agree more. Couldn't believe how bad Williamson was today, his mind looked elsewhere at the disallowed Ayr goal in the first half. As for Stuart Brannigan. I'm heartily sick of this guy. I can recall him either giving or nearly giving goals away at Falkirk, Hamilton, East Fife, & Alloa to name a few and he just shrugs it off and all is forgiven just because he can make a few simple passes, usually under no pressure whatsover. Put him under pressure and he liable to lose the plot like today and go for a rash tackle. No great loss in my opinion if he goes elsewhere at the turn of the year. We need leadership on the park and that's not going to come from him. I don't know if Gary Caldwell can be blamed for the defeat, he can only do so much, and you need the men on the park to show some intelligence and be a bit more savvy. You can't ignore that Groundhog Day feeling and that we're going to see a repeat of last season.
  22. Cringeworthy stuff from Thistle. Fox is a liability and confidence just drained from the team after his howler. Is it compulsory to have your backbone removed when you sign for Thistle? We're rapidly become an absolute roaster of a club!
  23. I've been a bit unsure about Kenny Miller but yesterday helped win me over. I hate the way he always blames a team mate when a move breaks down even when he was blatantly at fault. On the other hand he's still got that nose for goal so will hopefully get a good number this season. As an ex keeper I was impressed when he shook hands and congratulated the County keeper when he pulled off a world class save.
  24. Thanks Barney.. enjoyed that wee trip down memory lane.
  25. Really disappointed with that show today. Mansell and Penrice looked as thought they were leaden footed for me and were second best most of the time to part time footballers. Parry did have some excellent saves to earn Alloa a point, but equally we were fortunate that some poor finishing from Alloa when they had a clear sight of goal kept us in it.
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