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Corner Kicks. Taking The American Football Approach?


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Its noted this season just as much as last season the high amount of corners we get when pressing teams that result in such a low return of good chances and goals.


Is it not time this was also really noted by our management. We are so one dimensional and predictable and we should be taking more advantage.


I think our management team need to start thinking about this more in terms of American football and design "Plays" as they call them or set pieces as we call them. Even in Rugby line outs they call a play on how the ball will be thrown in that the opposition don,t know


There must be a thousand ways to position players in awkward, unconventional areas to confuse the opposition defenses rather than just lined up to be man marked at the back of the opposite side of the 18 yard box.


eg. Players running in diagonally to challenge for incoming cross from both sides of 18 yard box

Having a four man wall right on the front post (confuses defenders on were to man mark)

Two men on goal line who run out as two men from outside 18 yard D run in. Crap ideas maybe but just doing something different is surely worth trying.

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I remember some years ago at Firhill Livi scored two brilliant (from their perspective) corners that were clearly well rehearsed and that left our defenders totally bamboozled. I also remember thinking: Why can't we do things like that?


Look at these volleys from corners, mostly from outside the box. If it's on target and goes over or through the ruck of players in the 6-yard box, the keeper has little chance because he's largely unsighted.



Edited by Jaggernaut
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Not a bad idea at all. I'm sure i've seen the Scotland team score a couple of rehearsed belters from corner kicks.


In all honesty i'd just settle for a decent ball in or since we struggle so much to do this playing it short and changing the angle or type of ball into the box.

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Very unlucky not to score from a corner last night. Hopefully when Erskine's back in the team we add a bit more variety. Well obviously we can in terms in-swingers from the right and out-swingers from the left but I was more meaning in imagination. I did notice last night that despite his height Barton stayed out the box but still in scoring range.

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someone sitting on the keeper, a good delivery into the mix on edge of the 6 yard box and someone daft enough to risk future brain damage (as per the resent research from Stirling Uni) should do the trick on more occasions than is the case just now.


However to get a confident delivery into the box the corner areas should not only be flat to provide an unobstructed run-up to the ball but also be well drained & regularly re-turfed across a 3m2 area - all too often the grass pitches in stadiums involve a step up to the corner or an artificial strip merging onto the grass (nightmare).


Corners also appear to be the easy way to get a penalty these days - so Jags players should ensure that they are regularly held/obstructed by defenders and fall over like a pack of cards whilst screaming loudly in view of the ref - the rest of the team should be coached into delivering simultaneous vociferous appeals for a penalty - might not get the first but a stupid ref (is there any other type?) will feel guilty and give one later on.

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