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O'donnell Signs...

Steven H

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Would you hand him longer on this season's showing?


A fair point. One that can go both ways as he could do a Paddy Boyle and have a brilliant season and then lose him on a free or, conversely, do a Liam Buchannan and be rubbish and the club will be stuck with him for a year more than we need be.

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Would you hand him longer on this season's showing?

Might be tempted to do. He'd no doubt have benefited from a spell on the bench but he'd be kinda difficult to drop and still keep the same sort of formation. A thing I like about him recently (may not have been the case earlier in the season) is regardless of how he's playing he's always looking for the ball, never hiding.

Think O'Donnell could also do a decent job middle of a back three regularly breaking forward.

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Personally I would have ditched him for touching the turf and blessing himself before running onto the pitch. I would also terminate the contracts of any player guilty of the following after scoring:


pointing both forefingers skywards while looking up to the heavens in a pseudo- religious pose.


Exposing a homemade T- shirt with some brainless motto on it written with crayon.


Sticking their thumbs in their mouths (would also cut off their thumbs).


Putting forefinger to lips in a shhhhhhhh fashion.


Pretending to rock a baby.


Not jumping into the crowd behind the goal.


Also, players who refer to the manager as "the gaffer" should be sent to work on a building site where they belong.


There. Glad I got that off my chest. You may carry on with the topic now. :innocent2:

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