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So Who's Up For The Celtic Game?

The Sunnylaw Jag

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I think for some of us, going to this game is a red n yellow rag to a bull, their fans appear everywhere and annoy the fck out of us. If you can ignore the bile that comes from them that's great, personally it brings the worst out in me when any of the OF come to Firhill.


Therefore it's best not to go, and give me JHS season ticket to a mate

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Not looking forward to it, but it's worth going to twenty of these games so you're there for that one time we win.


In this sort of vein, I found this poem among a load of old programmes I was sorting through recently.

It was written by Hughie Healy on 23/10/1991, about 23/10/1971, and may provide a wee bit of inspiration for fans that are swithering at the moment....


It's called "Against the Odds"


Eight tae wan the odds were

that day at quarter to three

eight tae wan against Thistle

ten tae wan against me.


The ten were a' Celtic supporters

who gave me the life o' a dug

ah supported Thistle

to them that made me a mug.


They cracked a' the corny jokes

ah heard when ah wis a wean

they'd love tae make up new yins

but the eejits hivnae the brains.


Dae ye fancy a bet

they asked wi' a sneer

'n they were right tae feel cocky

even to me a life long fan

Thistle's chances looked rocky.


They bragged aboot the "Lisbon Lions"

Dalglish, "wee Jinky" and Danny

even suggested we coudnae put

the ba' past Alan Rough's granny.


They'd everything in their favour

the crowd, the papers, "The Pope"

McParland forgot to tell Alec Rae

we were just a team wi' nae hope



Ah had a bet wi' one o' the "Tims"

when he paid me he felt a right fool

called me a wee orange *******

tho' we'd been to the same catholic school.


Thanks to the team o' seventy wan

but we cannae live in the past

when we're in the European Cup-Final

they'll be the first to be asked



Ach, well...you never know....this Wednesday.....maybe......

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Let's hope the pitch is a leveller, Celtic have their minds on Inter Milan, Archie picks the right team and uses the right tactics and who knows what might happen and just in case all goes wrong have some fog machines standing by.


A few crunching tackles on key players might influence things with the Milan game in mind. We need to do everything right though and put the last two performances out of their heads.

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Not really looking forward to this after the last couple of performances. So that means you never know what might happen.


Using reverse psychology on myself. If we had won the last two games I'd be going along glass half full and setting myself up for a fall. As it is I've no positive expectations whatsoever, apart from we just might not get a tanking. So speaks a season ticket holder. if I had to pre buy a ticket I could well have been giving this one a miss.

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Never understand how fans can fail to get up for games against Rangers (RIP) and Celtic. Bottom line is, however unlikely it may be, we're always only 90 minutes away from one of our greatest days as Thistle fans.

the management and players as paid employees have a responsibility to get up for every game more than the fans.

The fans were right up for the games against st mirren and ICT however the employees for the club the manager, Scott Paterson and the players failed completely to do this.

I'm not an Archie hater and I'm not calling for him to be sacked and neither am I the players though a large number should have had their backside kicked neither am I saying one or the other was to blame but that they were all to blame:

Archie for the tactics and dumb founding decisions such as not starting Taylor till half time

Scott Paterson for coming out with such drivel as how exciting the cup competitions are for the club while then effectively failing to motivate these players or effectively coaching them

The players - are paid to play for the club and not stand about completely not interested and effectively giving the fans who pay their wages a slap in the face.

I will be going tonight but I can't blame any fans who are not motivated to go. Tomorrow nights it's the players and management who must be up for this game and indeed Saturdays game and every other game we have this season

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Football supporters are under no obligation to be up for anything. They have no obligation to turn up, support the team, be positive, believe. There is no obligation to be a football supporter. It's a choice. Completely self motivated.


But if you decide not to support the team, what are you?

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